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Old 18th June 2001, 09:28 AM
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 11
Post Aaron's Adventures in Russia - Update 11

Hey Folks -

The updates are beginning to wind down. Just two more to go after today's. Never fear though, I'm already thinking ahead to my next video project. These things are fun!

A lot of you have sent me nice messages to pass along to Vidkid Timo, my friend, fellow video producer, and cameraman. You can reach him by e-mailing him at Or you can visit his website at

As always, if the pictures aren't in the update below you can find them here --->

And as always, you can preorder the five videos I made in Russia by visiting this page --->


Day 11 - Winding Down

Hotel Katerina
June 11

I woke up after a fairly good night's sleep, something of a rarity for me here. Timo was up before me as usual, and so I got dressed and we immediately went down to breakfast. I came back up, showered, shaved, blah blah blah. Nothing there you haven't read in these updates before.

Marks arrived promptly at 11am to shoot his cumshot. He looks like a party boy from Chelsea on the outside, but is oddly shy and reserved. I suspect the camera makes Russians more nervous than it does Americans. Perhaps because they are not as used to being filmed? Or perhaps the issue is why they are in the movie. Americans usually do my amateur videos for fun and excitement, while the Russians were doing it for money. Most of the Russian boys that I asked said they had never seen a gay porn film, for example. So while they were more willing to do the videos, they were less prepared for the psychological impact of the camera once they arrived. Then again it may have simply been a communication issue. Or a combination of all of these things.

Anyway, Maks was again somewhat slow to respond on camera, so even the make-up cumshot took a while. In the end he shot a glorious load, and so the scene was complete. Of the 15 scenes I had filmed so far, 14 of the boys had been able to cum (the other one took two loads on him to help make up for that), and we had gotten them all on camera. I think - there was one time when a boy suddenly announced he was cumming as he actually came, and so Timo didn't have much time to get the camera rolling on cue. I won't know what happened to that one until I review the footage.

Maks departed soon after completing his scene. I thought he looked absolutely gorgeous and wanted to spend some time with him, but there wasn't any good reason for him to stay. He had accomplished everything our business agreement had set out to do, and he had an opportunity to get to know me a little (and vice-versa). As I said in a previous update, I had been very curious to meet him. As the ex-lover of an ol' escort friend of mine from my first escort days on the 'net, I had heard a lot about him. It was interesting to see just who had stolen Yannosh's heart for so long.

So Maks went and eventually Maxim and Misha showed up. Nikita was not with Maxim, as he had gone out with one of Maxim's friends for the afternoon. (I later learned they saw Pearl Harbor together. "Very good!" exclaimed Nikita in his adorable accent). Misha (short for Mikhail, the name I called him yesterday in the update) was short, cute, bubbly, and friendly. In other words, exactly what I was looking for in my films. I don't mind tall people at all, but at 5'5" the pairings can be a bit of awkward when I bang a tall guy. : )

Since the past several models I filmed liked taking a shower together, I invited Misha to douche (Russian for shower, so don't get any sick ideas here) with me. He accepted, and wouldn't you know it, this time it wasn't necessary. Instead of needing to relax and get to know me, he managed to get hard the instant we were alone together. So did I for that matter, but then again I had the sight of Maks during the morning to rev me up.

We stayed in the shower anyway for a while talking, cuddling, kissing, and generally enjoying each other physcally. You can envision most of the sexual stuff, so I won't dwell on it. It was actually the talking that really intrigued me. Misha's English was passable (perhaps as good as the 11 year-old girl's English back in St. Petersburg), and so he was able to explain fairly complex ideas to me. One that I vividly remember was in explaining the financial situation of Russia. According to Misha, 87% of the country's wealth is in the Moscow metropolitan area, with another 12% at St. Petersburg. That leaves only 1% of the wealth for the rest of the nation, which contains (as near as my limited math can tell) the majority of the country's population.

Helps you understand why there were so many youth in Moscow, eh? They leave their small towns in search of fame, fortune, and a better life for themselves. The places they grow up have little future for them.

Anyway, Misha and I hopped on the bed and began our scene together. It went... well, exquisitely! We had great chemistry and I was very turned on by him. It was a great scene, and I look forward to getting everyone's comments on the video. I think it was one of the stronger scenes that I filmed.

While taking care of the business side of things after the scene, we learned that Misha forgot his passport with is proof of age. We arranged to meet him at the hotel at 7pm that evening. He'd bring the passport and would sign the model release then, in exchange for which I'd pay him the money he was due. Otherwise the final scene on my four videos was complete. Hurrah! No late night filming sessions like in Amsterdam, either.

And so Misha departed and Timo, Maxim, and I went out to do some touristy stuff. We took a metro up to somewhere in the center of town and walked over to a McDonalds for lunch. Not just any McD's, mind you, but the first one to open in Russia and the largest one in the world. Let me tell you folks, this place was huge! And it had some interesting food, too. Such as black current pies and black current shakes. I tried both - rather tart but very good. I shoot some video footage of McD's (including the menu in Russian) and will show it to you on one of the tapes.

Afterwards we walked down to Red Square again. There were a lot of clouds in the sky so we were able to shoot some nice footage of the Kremlin and the great cathedral. After that we walked back down to the hotel. 7pm was rolling around, and we had to meet Misha. Maxim wanted to go out and meet Nikita later on, and Timo wanted to spend a quiet evening in. I thought about going to bed early or going out to a bar, but decided not to do either. Instead I asked Misha if he wanted to go out on the town. Fortunately for me he agreed.

I actually had a slightly sneaky purpose in this. I wanted to get Misha to take me up to Red Square with my video camera, so I could get a shot of us kissing there. I though it would be a nice touch on video. Misha was very nervous about kissing in public though, even when I tried to kiss him on an empty street not far from our hotel. He puled back saying, "the walls have ears and eyes." That made me think he was worried about KGB, but I wasn't going to press the issue. It was his country and not mine, and so I had no right to press him to do what he felt uncomfortable doing. I'd be leaving in two days, after all, and he was stuck there for life.

The fear of kissing in public didn't stop him from holding hands though. He grabbed mine and unashamedly held my hand as we walked around the city. I asked him how that differed from kissing in public, to which he explained everyone would think we were friends. Knowing what two men holding hands look like in the United States, I was unconvinced. Especially when people started looking at us strangely. Misha never seemed to notice though, and so we held hands most of the evening. I don't think he ever picked up on all the looks we got. Oh, and I never got that kiss in Red Square either. Next time!

One interesting thing Misha and I did was drop by Kitai Gorod, Moscow's big outdoor cruising area. It is a small park in the middle of town. There were perhaps 50 people hanging out, including several young guys that were presumably hustling. Misha explained to me that they weren't necessarily hustlers (although some were), but they were just waiting around for an offer that appealed to them. If it was an offer for money for sex, some would do it. If it was an offer to fuck around with a cute guy, they might do that too. Some would even trade sex for a place to sleep as the night rolled on, as some of them were de facto homeless youth. Very interesting.

One of the big differences between cruising in Russia and the USA is that alcohol is allowed in public places there. As a result a lot of people were sitting around drinking, and there were a lot of broken bottles scattered around. The garbage saddened me, although I remembered Maxim's statement from a few days before that the city had an active public works department that would have the park spotless by morning. I would be curious to know if he is correct. I certainly hope so!

Anyway, one young guy came up to Misha and I and started talking at about 5000 mph. Mostly in Russian, but in some English as well. I almost laughed at how hyper he was. I finally pointed out to Misha during a pause in the conversation that he was on drugs. Misha didn't think so, so I pointed at my eyes. When the kid turned around to talk to us again Misha noticed that the kid's eyes were fully dilated. A sign that he was on something, although I'm not certain what.

As the evening wore on Misha began flirting with all sorts of guys. At one point he had his arm around me, was fondling the shoulder of the guy next to me, and had his other hand on another boy's leg. Talk about multi-tasking! I wasn't much impressed but I was so amused that I let him continue. I wasn't sure where it would lead. I wondered if he was trying to set up some sort of foursome (which I wasn't interested in - I was getting sleepy and knew I have a big day tomorrow). Luckily he didn't try to, and eventually we left the park.

We arrived back at the hotel and Misha dropped me off for the night. We had a quick goodbye kiss, but nothing terribly passionate. We were attracted to each other, but in truth I think Misha had already moved on a bit. He was excited about being a part of the orgy the next day. I had showed him pictures of several of the boys and he rather liked them. I will be curious to see how it all turns out.

Score: 16 of 16 scenes done! One orgy video to go with 7 boys invited. We'll see how it turns out!

- Film the orgy!
- Relax!

PS, Don't forget you can order the videos here --->
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