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Old 13th June 2001, 09:38 AM
Join Date: May 2001
Posts: 11
Post Aaron's Adventures in Russia - Day Three

Hey folks! Another update from here in St. Petersburg. I have six new pictures posted of today's fun stuff. You can find them here:

And don't forget, you can preorder these videos by going here:


Day 3 - Hot Russian Butt

June 3, 2001
Hotel Pulvoskaya, St. Petersburg

Today I finally enjoyed why we're here: Hot Russian Butt. Lots of it, too!

Before I get there, let me start at the beginning. I completed last night's update around 9:15am local time. (People have been disagreeing whether I am 7, 8, or 9 hours ahead of New York City. Does anyone know for sure?) I went to sleep for about 45 minutes before Maxim woke Timo and I up to get breakfast. The buffet is free for hotel guests until 10:30, you see, and I do like cutting costs where I can. The food is good too, so we went back down. More curds for me for breakfast, but otherwise nothing new to report.

From there we went back up to the room to go back to sleep. Our first model was supposed to arrive at 3pm. To my surprise Maxim didn't wake Timo and I up until 5:40. He thought we needed the sleep, so he woke up to greet the our 19 year-old and pictureless model. He didn't show though, so our nap continued uninterrupted Eventually it came time for our 26 year-old pictureless model. So we cleaned up for the day and prepared for his arrival.

Have I mentioned yet that St. Petersburg water is not safe to drink? Even Maxim from Moscow (where the water is better, but still iffy) won't drink it. Taking a shower is an experience here. The water smells like stale pond water, and when you get out of the shower you smell like it too. Luckily it wears off within an hour or two. I'm still not going to risk brushing my teeth with anything but bottled water though.

Anyway, around 6:20 we got a call from our pictureless (and nameless, Maxim realized. He didn't know what his name was!) model. He was at the local metro station five minutes away and walking over to the hotel. We looked out the window and about five minutes later saw a really unattractive guy in his mid-twenties enter the hotel. Horrified, Timo and I debated how to handle the issue. We thought giving him some money for his time and effort would be polite, but Maxim said he might be insulted by it. Fortunately we never did have to resolve the debate. No one ever knocked on the door. False alarm.

About fifteen minutes later there was a knock on the door. It was Vasili, our 6pm model, and he was quite good looking! He had taken a wrong turn and couldn't find the hotel. We were just happy that he wasn't the other guy, and were more than willing to forgive his error. : )

So Vasili came in and I began explaining my videos to him. Maxim translator for us, as he knew only a handful of words in English, perhaps a few dozen at the most. We learned he worked in advertising here in St. Petersburg. He told us he has a boyfriend that didn't know he was filming this. This turned out to be the beginning of a trend, as I later learned. Our money here is worth quite a bit, and so people accept opportunities they might otherwise pass by.

Anyway, Vasili and I jumped in bed and put on a good show for the camera. To my surprised he was an aggressive bottom. I mean aggressive! He was slamming his ass back so hard into my crotch that I wondered if he would bruise me. I fucked him as good as I could, but wished I had a dick that was about 3x as thick. It's not often that I feel inadequate, but today I did. What an amusing feeling! Either way, we had a lot of fun and blew some nice loads at the end. I'm sure you'll enjoy seeing him on film.

Just before Vasili left there was a knock at the door. It was Dima, a prospective model that had been interested in being on video. He had sent Maxim three clothed pictures before I left for Russia, and I was very unsure about them. He just didn't look right for the film - perhaps 35 years old trying to (unsuccessfully) pass for 22. I would have turned him down except he send two nude pics. They looked much better, but didn't have his head in them. So I had agreed to meet him in when I was here and make up my mind then.

Fortunately for me, he was cute! He looked far better than in his original pictures, with black hair, dark eyes, and a very piercing look. I later learned that his hair was naturally brunette, but I couldn't tell. He had an exotic look from one of the mid-region areas of Russia, not the western Russians with the round faces. The hair fit perfectly into his look. Anyway, Vasili left and Dima stayed.

I recharged for a few minutes while we all talked about my videos. Once it was time, I hopped on Vasili and began making out, sucking, and generally having a great time with him. He responded quite nicely, and stuck his ass out in the air. Timo started whimpering at the sight of it, so I invited him to climb in and try him out. True to form he accepted. Maxim grabbed the camera and Timo dove in for some serious asseating.

I almost laughed when he did so, as the effect on Dima was amazing. He instantly gasped and a huge pulse shot through his dick. He became hard as a rock and really got into it. This is the exact response that Timo loves, so he doubled his efforts to reach Dima's tonsels through his ass.

Eventually Timo grabbed the camera back and I began to fuck Dima. He was extremely open and willing, yet tight around my dick. The feeling was great. I fucked him on his hands and knees, but he wanted to stand up and get fucked while bending over. So we did that for a while then I laid him on his back on the bed. I stood by the end of the bed and fucked him really hard. He went crazy! It was amazing. The bed was low enough that eventually I was able to kneel and slide Dima's body halfway off the bed onto my dick. I really gave it to him then in a way that Vasili would have loved.

Eventually it came time for Dima to cum. Maxim joined in the scene at that point, but unfortunately not on camera. Rather oddly, Maxim requested not to be filmed. This baffled Timo and I since he had expressed a great deal of interest in being on the tape beforehand, but we complied. To be honest, it didn't really surprise us. Maxim had been very vague since we arrived about what he might want to do on tape, and when. I realized that for some reason, he didn't want to be filmed.

Anyway, I fucked Dima while Dima sucked Maxim. I would have loved to get this on tape, but I can't do so without Maxim's permission. (I know, folks. This is killing you as bad as it is me.) So when Dima was close about ready to cum, Maxim stood back out of the shot and Timo filmed Dima cumming all over. A rather nice cumshot, I might add.

We all cleaned up from the scene and decided we wanted to get dinner. It was about 11pm and we were hungry. (In the name of accuracy, I must point out I was incorrect last night. It does get dark enough so that you can't read, but only for about 4 hours starting at midnight. By 5am there is enough light out so that you can read without straining your eyes.) So in the slowly fading light we took a cab out to Lenia's (something like that), a local restaurante/cafe we have been patronizing. Good food, if on the fast food side. And there's enough there to keep a vegetarian happy, so both Timo and I are content.

Getting from Lenia's to the Jungle was funny. One taxi didn't want to take us because it thought the distance was too short (only a couple of miles) and not worth enough to bother. So Maxim stuck out his hand and a few moments later someone pulled over in their car. Seems that money is tight enough in Russia that lots of people stop to give people rides for small amounts of money. Maxim agreed on 50 roubles ($1.66) and told Timo and I not to speak during the ride. Foreigners are expected to pay more, after all.

Without incident we arrived at the Jungle, the third of the three bars we wanted to check out. It was definitely youth oriented as I was told it was. It turns out that Dima used to work there, so he was able to get us in for free. We did have to go pass a bouncer (there were a LOT of them) with a hand-held metal detector first though. Realizing I have a pocket knife on my keychain that might not please him, I held my keys in my hand while he screened me. Satisfied I was not a threat, he let me go through. Made me realize just how easy it is to fool security.

The Jungle had been described to me as not being particularly clean. That was a bit of an understatement in places. The bathroom was... well, shall we say essentially unusable if you needed to sit down. And the sexual dark room smelled pretty rank. (For the record, the four of us wandered in together. I was not cruising it! LOL). The rest of the place was presentable though, if a bit simplistic.

The clientele was definitely on the young side, with a number of teenagers and early 20-somethings dancing. I had somehow expected something trendier, but I'm not sure why since I had also heard the place was pretty basic. Either way, there was a dance floor that slowly filled up as the evening went along, and plenty of tables with cute waiters that happily served drinks.

Sitting at one of the tables, I noticed a nearby waiter (not ours) who was soooooooo cute. I mean totally hot - very young looking and very thin. I like that look on occasion. Anyway, I told Dima that I wanted to get him in my films. Dima said that he was actually in his mid-20's, even though he only looked 16. He was very relationship-oriented but might consider an offer if he was hard up for cash. Maxim saw what I liked in him, but said he moved too much like a girl for his taste. True, he did move somewhat gracefully, but I didn't see it as at all feminine. I just saw him as HOT.

Dima went off to tell him that we wanted to have a chat with him. A few minutes later our waiter returned to see what I wanted. I explained to Dima that I meant the other waiter, to which he started to laugh hysterically. It turns out the other waiter is straight and is underage. Oops!

So we all went back to picking out our next guy to talk to. Before we picked out someone, we noticed Vasili on the dance floor with another guy, presumably his boyfriend. Again we all rolled with laughter, as the boyfriend had no idea just what naughtiness Vasili had been up to that day. I joked that I should go over there and ask, "do you mind if I cut in?" Again we all had a good laugh.

Comparing notes on the guys on the dance floor, Maxim pointed out an attractive guy in a plaid vest with a sleeveless t-shirt underneath. Both Timo and I thought he was good looking, as did Dima. We watched him for a while as an older patron (there were a small handful of guys over 40, presumably looking for youthful company for a while) hitting on him. He wanted to see how the dancer would treat him. They left the room for a while to talk, but and two minutes later they returned. The guy gave him a kiss on the cheek and walked away. Presumably they had some negotiations that didn't pan out, but I was glad to see they left on good terms. Score one point for the dancer.

So Maxim went over and invited him to our table. He accepted the offer of a drink (most people do in Russia, I've noticed) and joined us. We introduced ourselves and learned that his name was Alexi. Alexi turned out to be a linguistics student from Novgorod, a small city about 180km away. He and two friends had come out for the evening to dance, and planned to take a train back in the morning.

Maxim broached the subject of the video with him. He was interested, but cautious. The Jungle didn't necessarily have only respectable clientele, so he was concerned that we may be up to something. He eventually pointed out the two friends he was there with. They were both attractive, so Timo jumped at the opportunity and offered to film them in a scene together. That solved Alexi's safety concern, so he jumped up to discuss the offer with them. Sadly, the other guys were not interested. After talking for a while more though, Alexi decided to accept our offer. And so all except Dima started to walk down to a taxi below.

The next part confused me quite a bit at the time, and I'm not sure I understand it now. Out from nowhere came one of Alexi's friends. He suddenly joined us at the taxi and said he was going with us. We all climbed in the taxi (a very tight fit, I might add. The friend had to sit on Timo's lap), but suddenly Maxim and the friend started to argue. Trying to follow what was going on, I suddenly thought the other friend was coming along but something had gone wrong.

Eventually the situation sorted itself out. The friend up and got out of the taxi, cursing Maxim as he left. Apparently he had decided that he would come along to the scene, but didn't necessarily know if he wanted to do anything or not. He wasn't nice about his concern though, and had been giving Maxim attitude in Russian. Timo had joined in the conversation (somehow he had picked up on what was going on even though he didn't speak the language) and said he didn't want to film just one of the two friends, and especially not if he had a bad attitude. Anyway, as I said the situation resolved itself. The friend left and we drove off in the taxi with a very concerned looking Alexi.

I did our best to reassure him that we were legit (as legit as American porn producers in Russia can be, that is), but the evening was going to have to play itself out. So at about 3:30am we all arrived back at the hotel. We went up and talked for a while about what was going to happen.

I realized pretty quickly that the dynamics were a bit... well, unusual. When I produce my videos, I like the two models to bond with each other. It usually happens, or failing that the models are good enough sports or actors to put on a good show together. In this case Alexi was obviously attracted to Maxim, who returned his feelings but didn't want to get in front of the camera. So eventually Alexi and I did a scene together while Timo filmed and Maxim took pictures and translated. Translation wasn't necessary much during the scene, as Alexi suddenly clammed up and didn't want to talk on camera.

Like both Vasili and Dima, Alexi was very friendly and affectionate. He kissed and sucked well, and was a lot of fun on film. I learned halfway through the scene that he was a top. Fine with me, as I love being fucked. So he had me sit down on his dick and ride it. Felt good. Great, really. Matter of fact, so great that eventually he jacked my dick and pumped my ass so much that I started to cum. I shot all over the place. Fun! It is one of the first times I have ever cum on film without having to jack myself off. You'll all enjoy watching that.

We took a break after I came, and then it was time to help Alexi cum. His attraction to Maxim came across, and he said he wanted to play with him and then jump back in the scene with me right before he came. I was a bit disappointed that we wouldn't be able to film their playing, but such are the breaks of the game. The two made out and sucked each other for a while until Maxim politely reminded Alexi that the purpose was to make him cum, not for them to have sex. I thought that was pretty classy of him. A lot of guys would have interposed their agenda over mine then regardless of how it may have affected my plans for the video.

Anyway, after Maxim spoke up Alexi suggested I suck him while he sucked Maxim. Timo muttered "it figures," making clear his irritation with the situation. It's no fun being left out of these trists. After a few minutes I realized my sucking just wasn't quite doing it for Alexi. So I asked Timo if he wanted to suck him, expecting a slightly annoyed rejection. To my surprise he accepted. Wonderful! I backed up and took the camera while Timo went down on Alexi. I began filming them (careful not to get Maxim on film), and a few minutes later Alexi blew his load all over. Timo was so proud of his work. He really is a great cocksucker. : )

And so the evening came to a close at 5am. Alexi departed and Timo and Maxim prepared for bed. I sat down to check my e-mail and write this update. Today was a fantastic day for filming videos. I managed to get three scenes done, all of which I am very pleased with. Tensions rose slightly between Timo, Maxim, and I, but I am confident that we'll be able to work through it. We agreed that after my scheduled 1pm scene tomorrow with the Eugeney (from Sinners last night) we will make Timo's first scene a top priority. We're hoping that we can pair up Eugeney with Vasili. Eugeney said he's a top, Vasili is an aggressive bottom. A match made in heaven? We'll have to see.

So tomorrow...
- Eugeney is coming over at 1pm to film a scene with me.
- Vasili is supposed to call between 1 and 1:30 to talk about possibly doing a scene with Eugeney later that day.
- I have to call Sergey, one of my models I recruited from back in the states. He finally e-mailed me back with his local phone number.
- We want to check out Kat'Kin park, the local outdoors cruise area. Since the evenings are so light I am hopeful we'll find prospective models there. Maybe we'll strike gold and even find local sailors that are hustling. : )
- We'll hopefully meet the 19yo that stood us up today. (He had called to say he got stuck in the suburbs, and could we meet him tomorrow?)
- We'll hopefully meet the hot military cadet who failed to meet us at Club 69 on Friday night because of some sort of exams today. Hope this works out, as I've seen his picture and he's cute. He has a really hot looking friend who may want to do a video, too.

Lots of possibilities, and we've got three scenes done with nine more to go for me and two for Timo. We have eleven more full days here in Russia to do it, putting us ahead of schedule. At this rate I may even get a fourth video done. I'd LOVE to film a giant orgy on my last day in Moscow. Will it happen? Stay tuned and we'll see!

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