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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Australia, New Zealand, South Pacific Islands > Australia   Brissie J/O Session

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Old 5th June 2002, 02:59 PM
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 9
Question Brissie J/O Session

Having tried last year will a couple of full on fuck orgies, thought I'd try (thanks to some urging by some other dudes) a wank/jack-off/tugg/pull-a-thon!
If you are a bit shy of full on sex, but the idea of being in a room with a group of other blokes/guys/dudes with hard-ons which they are all wanking (and cumming...) turns you on, then reply to this message. The date suggested in Saturday morning 15th June. Location - in Brisbane, not finalized yet.
It'll be great fun - the two orgies were, and this should be the same. (Maybe later when I feel like going through the hassle, I'll get onto organizing an orgy thing again...)
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Old 7th June 2002, 07:42 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 2

Let me know may be in Brizzie that Weekend email me
Basil the Slave
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Old 8th June 2002, 09:53 PM
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 9

Can't e-mail ya! Says something about being blocked.
Here's the deal (and for anyone else interested....)
So far, Saturday is "on", but the actual location is still to be decided - could be one of three spots (either city or very near). Times would most likely to be 9am to 1pm. A definite decision will be made by Wednesday night on when/where/how.

What goes on? Well, I have had a couple of one on one sessions with a str8 guy from the AWC yahoogroup and the limits are set by the people participating. Most likely activity, apart from naked, solo masturbation is mutual masturbation (wanking another bloke's cock). Some will want to do more, like - cock to cock wanking (one of my fav things to do!!) and perhaps oral. This last one I think is the absolute limit of contact (apart from some fondling of tits, pecs etc). If any of the participants want more - well, they can arrange that in private!

But ulitmately - a NO means a "No thanks, but thanks anyway" and everyone should feel comfortable enough to say it as well. No pressure, just good, horny funtimes! I would welcome your feedback on this idea and I am happy to structure the "rules" to suit everyone - as best as that can be done.

My stats: 39 yrs, 6'4" tall, good looks, (told I look younger), cleanshaven, shortish redbrown hair, hazelgreen eyes, hairy-ish chest, solid/strong (footballer type) build, 7.5" long by 5" in circumference cut cock. Gay, but str8 acting n looking, into most things, esp wanking (surprise!), porn (all types, gay str8 and bi) and get together with other guys for horny fun filled times with lots of hard cock and big spurting creamy loads!

Hope to hear from you
Perkin (real name will be provided when the event gets the final goahead)

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Old 11th June 2002, 04:13 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 1


I am interested, pm me the details if you wish.

My stats:

21, not too ugly , brown hair, blue eyes, 180cm tall, 60kg, no body hair to speak of (I am less hairy than most 18yo guys... dunno why!), and my dick, which is the part that everyone is interested in, is 6.5" uncut and it's clean and lovingly looked after. Only one owner. Etc.

No diseases, so I'm sorry to all disease collector hobbyists out there.

I am really inexperienced as to all of this, and considering I was shown the ropes by someone much younger than me, please excuse any confusion that I may display because I am a beginner.

I love wanking and getting jerked off though. That's a definite.

PM me, please. Ta ta the ta.
I'm a lonely liddle fella. Awww, violins.
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Old 12th June 2002, 07:13 AM
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 9
Red face

Oh well - I tried!!!!!!! Unfortunately, the venue I was hoping would be available this Saturday morning for the session hasn't been confirmed PLUS I've now been handed another committment for Saturday which I must take up. So, with no venue confirmed and the instigator (ie me) being a no-show, I don't think it's fair for me to load this onto someone else at such short notice.
Hey, but don't despair
I'm not giving up with this idea. Let me suggest another few dates and see what reaction that has:
Sunday June 30th 11am - 3pm (suggested times only)
Sunday July 14th same times as above

Sorry about Saturday - but if anyone else wants to go ahead and do something - go right ahead and have FUN!

PS: I will be replying to all those who have contacted me privately, just as soon as Hotmail gets it's head out of it's arse.
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Old 18th June 2002, 07:56 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 1

Hey there,
I am really really new to this site but i saw your post and went oh my god i soo have to be in that...I am 21 no body hair a 7 inch uncut cock..and love the idea of being in a group situation even if it is only wanking...please keep me informed
And thats all
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Old 23rd June 2002, 02:31 AM
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 1
Talking Very keen!!!!


I'm really keen on your idea and am looking very forward to getting involved! Next Saturday sounds great!

I'm 20years old, 5'11, average build and 6inches uncut!

Keep me posted on idea!

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Old 25th June 2002, 03:20 PM
Join Date: Dec 2000
Posts: 9
Wink Thanks

Heya Rye:
At the moment there are no plans for another session. I am still keen to organize one for a weekend (daytime) but personally haven't got the time right now. If anyone else out there wants to give it a go - go for it!
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