Y'all need to come visit us in Lincoln once this is over. Ours never closed. We have 2 stores, one is retail only. The other has 5 theaters but no private booths though. The stores are doing fine in retail sales for physical merchandise. Theater attendance is way down during the pandemic, but luckily the retail sales floor is carrying the business though this mess just fine.
Never been in the theaters does much go on in there? |
jonn3--> yes and no. Like any place, it's hit or miss. Depends on the time of day or night, and day/night of the week. Like most businesses, some days of the week are just naturally slower, like Monday/Tuesday (on average).
But theaters present a different set of challenges than private booths do. The crowd attitude really affects things in a theater setting. Some guys are hoping it's slow so that even though is a theater, they can be one on one with someone instead of having an audience--so they won't do anything unless it's just the 2 of you which can be a challenge. Other guys are the opposite, the more the merrier. Occasionally you'll get a guy that is pushy and just ends up being a cock-block because he's just too overzealous and won't leave anyone alone. You also have the issue of guys wanting couples only, and the manners or lack thereof that go along with a couple that does show up. Are they looking for another guy or another girl, and what type or they looking for? You also have to accept that there are CDs, trannys, leathermen, and others that aren't the average man on the street that show up looking to play. If you're into that, great. If not, it becomes something that could possibly put you off for the moment. And from time to time--yes, someone actually falls asleep either propped up or actually laying down. It's a different atmosphere that an arcade with private booths. "No expectation of privacy" is the unwritten rule. When it's hot, it's hot as fuck! But when it's not, you can leave with the thought that the place was just really weird, moreso than the thought that it was just "dead" today or "nothing there for me today". I don't know if that makes any sense. I wasn't trying to over-analyze things, just explain them. |
That does make sense - and is kind of the way I envisioned it.
Everywhere can be spotty - but with the theater setting there is no guarantee that everyone is there for action - some may be going just for the thrill. One concern I have had is does the ABS have a hidden security camera in there to keep an eye on things? Thanks for the info - lately I have been have a lot of "life is short" feelings and when things relax after this pandemic (if they ever do!) I need to get out there and have some fun - it has been WAY to long! |
Pretty much me. Not just with cruising. But life in general at this point. |
jonn3: good point about cameras. Our theaters do not have them. There are signs in the hallway and entryway that say "all areas except bathrooms are monitored by video surveillance and Romantix security". For one thing, there's no security. There's usually a single employee on duty at any given time, sometimes 2 during the day at most, and that might include the janitor. There's no security position. There's also no cameras in the theaters. There's cameras in the hallways, like a lot of bookstores, but none in the theaters. I know this for a fact.
With that said, there's stores that do have cameras in theaters. Some use it as a vandalism deterrent only and don't care if people are having sex. Others use them to stop sexual activity. I've never known of hidden cameras though. I'm sure they exist but they're not the norm. Most cameras are visible if you stop and look for them. Most places even tell you video surveillance is in use, it's just not clear exactly where, so look around. Like any bookstore, and especially ones you're new to, don't just jump in with reckless abandon with sexual activity. Look around, watch others, get the feel of the place and the lay of the land. Personally I've been to some stores where I've not had the best feeling either because of the way one or more people were acting, (or not acting) only to return later to find a totally different vibe. Others where I'm familiar with and know the attitude of the staff, I'll jump right in if I see something I'm interested in. Once you know the attitude of the store towards sexual activity, you can be a lot more comfortable. Just take the time to figure out what that attitude is. Personally I've wandered halls with a hard-on in front of the cameras, or played in theaters with cameras--once I was sure that it as A-OK. Other times...not at all. This isn't the easiest thing to gauge, I'll admit. Sometimes even at our own theaters, this can vary depending on who's working. I've seen some clerks kick people out for fucking, and others just walk on by and pretend they didn't see a thing. Some will stop and watch for a bit, then go on about their duties. Every place is different with regards to cameras, sexual activity, and the attitude of each staff member. Oddly, I've seen a lot of straight male clerks that had less problems with guys getting it on back in the booths or theaters than their female or gay male clerk counterparts so it's impossible to generalize. |
Lonewoof -
Your profile says you are in Nebraska - is the Romantix chain out there as well? I did not realize it was nationwide! The idea of cameras are a tough call - I can understand why the stores want them to protect from vandalism - but can also see where the stores would NOT want them because they do not want to know what is going on in the theater so if they get busted they can honestly say they did not know. Very true how some stores are open and supportive of playing - others don't want it - but yet why would you have video booths if you did not expect guys to use them to get off? |
jonn3: Yes, I'm in Lincoln Nebraska, and Romantix is a nationwide chain. We have two here in Lincoln. One is retail only and one has 5 theaters. They're not in every state but they have 56 stores across the country I was told. Back in March and April, during the initial covid lockdown, they told me that ours was one of 8 stores actually open. I asked if it was 8 total or 8 locations (since we have 2), but they weren't sure. Others I've visited: Council Bluffs IA (one retail only, one with 2 theaters and arcade) , Sioux City IA (arcade and one theater), Fort Dodge IA (arcade no theater), Des Moines IA (two, both with arcade and no theaters), Ames IA (arcade, no theater), Waterloo IA (arcade no theater), Iowa City IA (arcade no theater), Sioux Falls SD (arcade and 2 theaters), Fargo ND (arcade no theater), Paducah KY (2 locations, neither with arcade, one with 1 theater, another with 2 theaters), Memphis TN (but they were closed so I didn't actually go inside). If you go to the website I think they list all locations. Headquarters is Denver.
I never understood the cameras either. Courts have ruled that if the clerks/attendants on duty can't see the activity in the arcade, they (clerks personally, but more importantly the company) can't be held liable for sexual activity. Perhaps the camera's deterrent to law enforcement raids outweighs that? Even more importantly, if the arcade or theater is behind locked doors that you have to pay and then be buzzed into, courts have rules that the area doesn't qualify as "public". These aren't national rulings, it's local jurisdiction and was ruled upon years ago (by lenient judges is my guess), which is why even within the same chain, some stores are strict about sexual activity and others in that chain in a different locale aren't. My guess is that most stores aren't too concerned about dudes jacking off and dumping a load by themselves. Having 2 (or more) guys getting it on, and sometimes loudly, can put them into a whole different arena in the eyes of a few customers and especially law enforcement. There's no law that says it's ok for a guy to jack off but not ok to have sex with others. It's all indecent exposure at the minimum, but you know what I mean. Some things are more easily brushed aside than others even in 2020. |
A quick addendum: Remember there's a difference if the cameras are recording or just feeding to a live monitor for real-time viewing and nothing more. Some record, some don't. Retail and register floor cameras generally do. Arcade cameras? I can't get a straight answer, and I've asked that outright at a couple different Romantix locations where I've befriended the clerks. None are sure and stories are conflicting at best. One clerk (a straight guy on less) told me he wasn't sure if the arcade cameras recorded or not but he thought they didn't, just fed to the monitor for the clerks viewing and patrol of vandalism. His remark was "I don't think corporate WANTS to know what goes on back there". This was in an arcade that had a lot of glory holes too, back years ago. I don't think any of the Romantix stores have them anymore after the Iowa City clerk made news about them with her conflicting sex-positive but health-wise story of quitting in protest over them, and then filing for unemployment and suing for benefits.
It does make sense that they would not want to record what is going on - they know the truth but have to turn a blind eye and say the booths and theaters are just for "previewing movies" - because if they officially know what is happening they are obligated to stop it.
Not that I think anyone would want to watch me - but with facial recognition software and the like it is a danger these days to those of us who prefer to stay on the DL. |
Yeah, even in our theaters there are (or have been) clerks that will not go back into them unless there's a tech issue, some will go back and do a check and they will kick you out of you're engaging in sex. I've seen several str8 couples kicked out so it's not just targeting man-on-man action either. Other clerks will go back, and ignore it or pause and watch a bit. I was told the rule was to do a walk-thru every 3 hours. I don't know the reason 3 hours was chosen. But some clerks just refuse to do it, they don't wanna see it. And...it is a little difficult when you're the only one working and you have to leave the retail area and go back behind closed doors.
They only ban you if people complain, and then it takes several complaints (just to ensure someone isn't just being mean to someone else is my guess). And it usually has to be aggressive unwanted behavior, not that you're back there sucking some guy off. I heard at one time last year the Sioux City store was watching the cameras in the hallways kicking people out if they saw 2 in a booth together, sex or not, and not even str8 married couples were allowed in one booth. I heard it was a corporate mandate, but it's the only store I heard of enforcing it, and I heard that they're relaxing that a bit depending on who was working. Anything still goes in the theater there though. I haven't been to that one in years so this isn't first-hand experience, just from a trusted source is all. |
Many of the stores here in Southern California that have reopened the arcades and theaters are still closed - only the retail is open.
I hope they are not going to use this as an excuse to do away with the arcades. |
I wouldn't be too hopeful. Its been going that way for a long time. You gotta be creative to find some decent dick now. |
Good Point
I have weird thoughts about cruising, despite... you know... being on a website called CruisingForSex. I guess I mean I'm not really willing to risk getting caught doing stuff in the open (like on a hike trial or park, car in a empty lot) or going to somewhere super sketchy. However, I will say 1 thing; Really learn how to use the internet wisely! Everyone is on it now, so there are still more opportunities than you think to get some action. |
I went out with a friend to two adult book stores located in Bullhead City and Mohave Valley (northwestern) Arizona. Things are almost back to normal. Booths with holes are open, theaters are open, and even on a Monday night we had some company. Our other stores are also open. That is progress
That is great to hear Mojavebottom!
Here in LA it is hit or miss - some have the arcades open - some open limited hours - many have opened the retail part of the business but the theaters / arcades are still closed. Hopefully things will start to open up and get back to normal soon! |
Ironically, after lasting a year staying open through the whole covid pandemic, corporate close the theaters almost 2 weeks ago after the police showed up and issued citations to the manager and another clerk for "maintaining a disorderly house". Romantix has their lawyers involved for both clerks as well as the store. The police did not go into the arcade nor did they ticket any patrons. I was there (in the arcade) when this happened. It's the weirdest thing. And ironic. The cops stated that there were 60-90 eople a day "back there" and there was sex going on "all the time". If only, right? It wouldn't surprise me if they keep them closed. The theater sales were only 5% of the overall monetary intake, maybe 10% on a slow day. It was just "gravy" for them as far as income.
I've heard of at least one other store in the chain removing the arcade so they had more retail sales area. This is a real need at some of their smaller locations where the arcade took literally 1/3 to 1/2 of the store area. If it's not a money-maker, just like any retail business, it's time for a re-design or re-invent of sorts. Why have an arcade that's only bringing in a hundred a day when you can stock it with literally thousands of dollars of retail merchandise? This wasn't the case 25 years ago, but that was a whole generation ago and things change. Unfortunately sometimes. |
Such a shame. Now the cruising will be forced out in to the dark corners of town and the parks, etc. Boys will be boys. Might as well except the fact and give them a safe, clean and supervised place to get their knobs polished.
Whenever I have gone in the majority of the people are in the arcade - very few are shopping for toys, etc. |
Each location is different. In ours, there's no arcade just theaters. If there's a dozen guys in there, that's roughly $108 in income. I've seen retail sales approach that number for just a single purchase. I've seen a lot of folks drop 2 or 3 times that in merchandise. Multiply that a few times and it adds up to 4 figures on a shift quickly. Ours sells a lot of sex toys, lube, cleaners (both toy and "VHS" cleaners), rhino pills and such, and even batteries. Those things aren't cheap and it takes a lot of arcade $9 entry fees to match those, and it doesn't happen here in Lincoln. Our other location has been there for years, and has been successful with retail only and no arcade/theater. But that's Lincoln Nebraska. I've seen other shops where the expenditures are vastly different, so it just depends on where in the country you are and how sleazy/active the store permits guys to be, and how many guys are in that area willing to play in the store.
That is very interesting lonewolf.
I can see where the theater income would be limited - one admission and you can stay as long as you want. There is a porn theater in Hollywood where many of the reviews say it is filled with drug addicts looking for air conditioning who never leave! But the arcades I would think would be a gold mine. $1 only buys a couple of minutes - keep feeding the machine or get out - use the same videos over and over - so you main expense would be cleaning. I can imagine the toy sales would be a nice profit - I would much rather go and pay cash and know what I am getting rather than order through the mail. I always think of the cartoon of the box sitting on the doorstep covered in "Dildos R Us" shipping stickers with the caption "they said discrete shipping!" :D Luckily out here stores are slowly reopening - some hare reopened their arcades - the theater is still closed. But at least it looks like they will survive. A number of the bath houses have permanently closed. |
I just heard that one of our local ABS that has "theaters" has reopened the theater -
But instead of $12 for the day and you could leave and come back now it is $12 for 3 hours (with an hour in between sessions for "cleaning") but the worst is that they periodically open the door to the theater to "make sure everyone is wearing masks". If those polices remain I expect to see the theater permanently closed soon. |
That's a stiff price for 3 hours, jonn3, I hear ya! I'm hearing of other places that are using the re-opening as a way to modify pricing--some good, some bad, some indifferent. A couple of the places I frequented in Wichita did that. One kept the daily admission the way it was but added weekly, monthly, and 3/6/12 month pricing structures (if you want to lay out $900 up front for an unlimited use year-long pass). Another instituted a $5/month membership fee in addition to it's entry fee which means the first visit after every 30 days (roughly) means an additional $5 that one time, which is an additional $60 out of pocket a year for those going every month or more. For me, the occasional visitor, it means that I have to basically pay $13 instead of $8 when I go since I'm rarely in town more than once a month. I'm hearing of another theater that went from $10/day with all-day return privileges to $15 a day with no returns allowed.
I have to wonder if this isn't a last-ditch effort for some places to make money before doing away with it all together. Our Romantix has closed the theaters as I wrote above, but I'm hearing that there are at least 2 in Iowa that closed the arcades just from lack of use and the need for a larger retail sales area. The current generation is way less keen on hookup places like this than my generation, who needed them back in the 70s and 80s when things weren't as open as they are now, and online...well that wasn't even a word yet. I hope yours does get to stay open, but I feel your pain on that pricing. |
2 of the bath houses in Los Angeles will be reopening soon (Midtowne Spa & North Hollywood Spa).
Flex Spa reopened a few weeks ago with a capacity limit & lines to get in. They are temporarily closed for 10 days as Netflix is filming a movie there. Studs Theater (the old Tom Kat--Pussy Cat) in West Hollywood has reopened & is showing regular non-porn movies. No word yet on when Slammer the sex club will reopen. Club San Diego has reopened. CCBC in the Palm Springs area is opened with limited day passes available. |
Unfortunately I think you are right about it being another step towards extinction. I hear one of our Romantix has closed the arcade - not to expand the retail - just now a smaller store. But I am sure part of that is the rising rents as the area it is in becomes more trendy. I know the new generation do everything on their phone - but somehow I don't like the idea of downloading some of the apps and telling Apple "I suck cock" :o (like they or my credit card would care - but in my paranoia they would be sitting in the back room snickering about it) I guess maybe if I change the apps name and icon - but I am from the same generation where I don't feel comfortable being open and out... |
Studs has reopened with "regular" movies? I wonder how that is going for them! :D Probably because of concern of an inspection for following social distancing rules and with luck that will end June 15 when most of the COVID rules end. |
Things here have been opening up slowly - although we now may be going backwards.
A number of the ABS have opened their arcades and theaters - but limited days and hours. One place used to have a gay and straight theater and you could go back and forth all day for $12. Now it is $12 for 2 hours and you have to pick which theater you go to - no changing once you are there. Hopefully things will keep getting better not worse. |
Oh man. That sucks big time. But unfortunately it's true. Our theaters closed (police not covid), and the ones an hour away are on limited hours (like 9 or 10 hours a day instead of 24/7). I've heard of other places that have implemented either reduced number of patrons, increased prices, or both, or neither. It's all over the board and depends on the locale and management and respect for covid. Some locations haven't survived, like some non-porn retail places. It's a bizarre post-covid world that's still emerging. Keep us posted jonn3, ok?
One ABS in North Hollywood I understand has closed the arcade permanently.
It is not a big deal - I have not been there in years - but a long time ago I was working in an office about 2 blocks away from there - and I would often walk down on my lunch hour. Had a lot of fun there - sorry to hear it is gone. |
That's too bad jonn3, even if you hadn't been recently. It removes a choice and possibility for you down the road, so I get it. Seems to be the trend with sex shops, depending on their arcade and retail sales figures. Doesn't appear to be reversing back to normal or pre-covid either. I have to say that ours is doing quite well regardless. MY good friend works there and she tells me some of her shift totals. I think the lack of guys walking in and out of the arcade makes straight couples more comfortable going in and shopping as if it was like a Target or something. You know damn well that they know what's going on "back there" and for some it creeps them out.
We got nothing here anymore, it takes a good 75 minute drive for me to get to an arcade. And it's the only one around, not like it's in an area with other choices as well. I've done the drive maybe 4 or 5 times since our theater closed. It's been worth it maybe 50% of the time. That might not mean anything more than I'm picky or careful. But it does mean a good chance of a chunk of the day being wasted as opposed to 30 minutes when you have a local spot. |
I know what you mean - and I agree with you - but there is something funny about a couple going into a store to buy vibrators and flavored lube getting "creeped out" by people going into the arcade for some fun. But you are right - I have seen the looks. But I also wonder how many of the husbands / boyfriends have been in that back room when their lady was not around? Or maybe that is the thought that is what creeps the girls out! :D |
It wouldn't be so bad if the guys coming out of the arcade would be eyes-down and discrete, instead of staring people down and leering at then, male and female, who are in the store just shopping for product and obviously not sex. And I hear you on what the women are afraid of! Sometimes with good reason as we all know. Even some guys that bring their lady with them into the theater or arcade will be back for more later, unencumbered by her tastes and able to play with abandon.
I remember a couple decades ago at a bookstore (long since defunct and torn down) there were several of us hanging (ok, waiting for cock) in the arcade which had gloryholes. Two college guys were in the store, one walked back to the arcade to investigate (there was no admission). He was like all in awe at the booths and gloryholes, like excited. He went back and told his buddy "Dude, you wouldn't believe it back there, you gotta see this!" He brought him back. His buddy had a much different opinion saying "Man, seriously? This is FUCKED!" and turned around and walked out of the store, his friend behind him proverbially wagging his tail. We all started laughing saying "you know the guy who thought it was cool is gonna back in a day or two alone and he's gonna experiment!" Someone wondered if it would be the other guy, using disgust as a disguise. We all pretty much said no, his reaction was too genuine just like the other one that was intrigued. I know that's off topic but it was funny at the time. |
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