roadstroker |
29th May 2006 09:52 AM |
Yeah Muscle, that must have been frustrating. Leaving you there naked and probably with a boner that would quit. And speaking of being frustrated, I was up there yesterday, Sunday. When I pulled up there were a couple of cars, and a motorcycle parked. So while still sitting in my car, here pulls in two SUV's, and out pops about 10 people. Grandpa and some people in there 30's and 40's, women and men,and lots of kids. Great I thought. Well, least they all walked down to the Alder Creek bridge. So a few minutes later, here pulls up another car, and out gets a guy about 60, with a man and woman in their 30's. So they come over to me, glad I wasnt sitting there naked like I do sometimes. And they ask.."why are all the cars here" and I play dumb and say I dont know. and they say, "yeah, but why are all the cars here" and I say " Never been here so I dont know" and they say, "is there a creek or swimming hole down there" so I say again to the dumb shits. "never been here" and they say, "yeah, but there are lots of cars here" so finally in a tone that they would understand to leave me alone I said "well, maybe they are holding church services there." So they walk away, and I was hoping they wouldnt find where the trail starts, but they did. but thank goodness, they came back a few minutes later and left. Gee, I though, maybe this is going to be a real bummer day up here, so just about the time I am thinking of going to the creek, here pulls up yet another car, and out steps a barechested guy, that looks like he had about 5000 too many Budweisers, with a gut that would make a whale be proud of. And steps out one of the ugliest women ever born. Oh well, here goes the day I thought. So I watch the blimp cross the road, and struggle up that little bluff where the trail starts. Thought if he fell, it would probably register on the Richter scale. But he didnt go far, and so they both left. By this time, I decided this not going to be the kinda of day I enjoy of there. Since I like to stand on that little bluff, naked and beating my meat, hoping some naked guy comes along and watches. Or jacking as I hear one of those dirtbikers driving along the road. So I think I understand your frustation a bit. I was tempted to get naked right there beside my truck, and jack like I have done before, but thought, nay, too busy of a day up there. Better to come back some mid week day. So I went driving on some of those dirt roads in my 4x4 truck, found a place to park, walk around naked and boned, and had a great jack.