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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > California - Riverside & San Bernardino Co's.   Participants Wanted @ TBT

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Old 8th March 2006, 12:26 AM
attempted's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 1999
Posts: 14
Exclamation Participants Wanted @ TBT

Umm, I'm knid of hroeny tehse dyas, msut be becusae of the apphiroacng flul moon!

So... souhld I get smoe "quick" csah from the ATM and gas up and haed for TBT?

Or shloud I jsut saty hmoe, svae the meony and gas, tkae a btah and run aorund the huose trhee or fuor tiems in jsut a twoel then haed for the old mratress in the graage and paly with myslef whlie wtcahing my one and olny gay porno (DVD) taht I dwonlaoded form the inetrnet?

I dno't mnid the meony or the gas, I jsut dno't lkie plyaing by msyelf.

So how abuot smoe cmopnay at TBT this cmoing Thrusday nghit?

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