total body center on borrowed time???
We all can agree this place isn't building up a loyal clientele base and remains nearly empty at peak times when it should be hopping! The owners refuse to lower their prices, terminate rude cashiers and stop the policy of xeroxing your drivers license. Kidding themselves that they are not in a criminal infested area.
I think this pathetic imitation of a gay bath house will go out of business by the end of the year. Does anybody realistically think this place has any chance of flourishing?? I'd especially like to hear 'cockboys' opinion on the fate of tbc. |
Give it a chance
Instead of putting it iy...never had a bad experience there yet...cum on guys its OK and with support will thrive...maybe a guard on the parking lot might help those in fear of the area.
I have been to TBT many times and have never had any problems with security nor have I heard of anyone have anything happen to them or their car. Of course that doesn't mean it's a totaly safe area but most clubs in L.A. and San Diego are in far worse neighborhoods than TBT. They do have cameras on the well lit parking lot and the attendant (and customers) can see who comes and goes. Speaking of rude cashiers, you may be referring to a cashier (name begins with an "N") that is no longer employed there. They no longer make a copy of your license but they do hang onto it while you are there (like most clubs I have been to). I have never failed to have a good time. What other clubs can you go to and sit in a comfortable lounge which resembles a decent living room with a big screen TV, drink free coffee and tea, play free pool, use their free tanning bed, work out in their gym, and have a room comfortable and quiet enough to sleep in if needed? For $30 ($2 more than the 1350 Club) and free parking, I think it's a good deal. Also, you get 12 hours for your money, not 8 like some other places. By the way, they do have over 600 members now.
I saw an ad that it is only $10 on that a good day to check it out?
The ad is probably referring to a locker price. You do have to furnish your own lock or buy one from them for a few dollars. Sundays can be hit or miss but even if there were only a few there when you show up, one of them could be the type of guy you are looking for.
Before going ...padlocks at the 99 CENT STORES or BIG LOTS! are responsible if needing one for the lockers.
Do the math: if near 800 members as kwps claims, at $40 a membership that would be $32,000 just in memberships. Then what? 10 members visit the club per day?, that's 70 per week. If each paying $20, that's $1400 per week (with 52 weeks in a year that is $72,800 ..... plus the $32,000 in membership fees = $104,800.00 per year). They used to have a web site, a couple searches this morning I could not locate it again. Though the owners could be sweet as kwps claims, their decorating tastes suck big time! On their site, the room with the pool table looked like someone's Great Auntie decorated the place. I have never seen a baths that looked like that. |
The number of members is not just what I claim, it's what the staff have told me. It's not a number I heard from a friend of a friend. They don't claim to be award winning decorators but it is nicer than your typical bland and industrial-looking bath house. They actually had to remove some of their decor from the club because some guests felt they had a right to steal things from them. Maybe it's not like any other bath but does it need to be? They still have a website at totalbodytherapyspa. (By the way, I don't go there for the decor). I have been to many different clubs and have been treated coldly and had staff act as if customers were a burden to them but it's just the opposite at TBT. And they definitely get a lot more than 70 visitors a week. Cubmaster, try it out on a Friday or Saturday night. You may hate it or you may have a great time. Let us know what you think of it. (We want all the details). ;)
Guess it was the TV/Snack Room that is shown on the site which is decorated extremely tacky. When paying for services I do like my surroundings to be attractive to my eyes, afterall I am going to be hanging there for several hours. I actually didn't go back to 2 different dental offices as they were decorated poorly. On the opening page of their site, it says, "Be Sure To Check Out Our Specials Page For The Latest Offers As We Update Them Reguraly" and also to "Check Out Our Packages". I didn't seem to find any link to the Specials nor the Packages as per stated on their opening page. Since I don't live in the area of the club .... can someone tell me how much the daily pass would be? Information which should be on their site. From your regulars .... how many are usually checked in on a Friday night? On a Saturday night? PublicSex said he saw an ad for $10 lockers on Sundays. Anyone been on a Sunday? |
Cockboy has spoken!
Well..I honestly think its too early to tell what the fate of TBT will be. But all in all considering high fuel prices etc. etc. It seems to me like they are staying afloat fairly well. As far as the place being busy I really cant give an honest opinion as I haven't been their in awhile. The fact is this time of year (is NOT) peak season for this time of year. The weather is still kind of fucked up. When you get into those HOT & SULTRY Summer nights..this is when these places are more likely to be busy. But overall..if the gas prices go to $4.00 a gallon and up you can bet everything will be FUCKED UP anyway! So TBT busy or not busy its better than having nothing. This is a place for the local guys. As the gas keeps going up the fact is driving to L.A.'s bath-houses will become less attractive to us. Fact #2 is L.A. is a PAIN IN THE ASS to drive in! L.A. is a VERY POORLY planned city. The only thing they can do to fix it is knock everything down and start all over!
Cockboy rules
Cockbot is right, right and right.
TBT should and must continue...let's keep going. Any piss lovers want to chose a day in the week best for us? |
Cockboy - Los Angeles was incorported in 1850, that was long before the automobile was invented. In regards to your "#2 of LA is a VERY POORLY planned city" .... I don't think LA was "planned", it just grew. The freeway systems were only added in the last 1/2 century.
----------------------- Okay, several of you seem to go to TBT. Please someone note how much a day's membership pass is and then post it here. Thank you. |
The daily pass for a room for non-members may be $40 or $45 but it's best if you call them at the phone number on their website and get the most accurate figures on their rates and specials. On a couple of days during the week (I know one is Monday) the daily pass is half price. Larger rooms cost more and some of those have full sized TVs and small refrigerators in them. Some of the small rooms even have a sink in them (where else can you brush your teeth and shave in your room?). Their smallest rooms are big compared to other clubs.
Bear Day at TBT?
While we are at it, why don't we make Tuesday, bear day, as some other clubs do?
thanks kwps - one would think all their rates would be listed on their web site.
I visit an elderly aunt in Lucerne Valley. Previously I would get a room at the Howard Johnson's next to the WESTSIDE 15 .... do the bar and then crash at the motel. TBT would be an option for a stop instead. I would only consider a Friday or Saturday evening. |
With Gas prices rising by the minute TBT is looking better and better. For those of us who live far away from L.A. I'm sure you will agree that L.A. is a PAIN IN THE ASS to drive in, for parking etc. and not to mention drive by shootings and roberies! For those of you who still think L.A. is heaven on earth...sorry to burst your bubble! Sometimes its hard to realize how much a city has deteriorated..until you actually leave it for awhile and look at it from a different perspective. Granted L.A. has soooo many attractions to see...BUT the sacrifices you must go through to get there. To me its just not worth it. Maybe in 100 years or so when they figure out how to improve their CRAPPY Transportation..maybe then it will be worth visiting. ;-)
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