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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Mexico, Central & South America > The Caribbean and Bermuda   Santo Domingo - Heads UP!

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Old 7th June 2009, 02:30 PM
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 74
Santo Domingo - Heads UP!

I was sitting on the terrace in front of the Hotel Mercure, smoking cigarettes and watching people stroll by on a lazy Sunday. There was a nice breeze blowing. Not much was happening. I saw a guy walk past and check me out. He wasn’t really the type I was looking for, so I didn’t give him any indication that I was interested. He walked past.
After some time he came by in the other direction. Again, he gave me a look of interest, but I did not return it.
A third time he came by and smiled. I returned the smile. He came up to the railing of the terrace and said something to me. I wasn’t sure what exactly, but I determined that he worked nearby and saw me and was expressing interest. I was playing it cool because I still was not sure I wanted to commit, I mean, this is Santo Domingo and my options seemed endless.
He seemed like a nice guy and eventually asked if he could sit down with me. He wanted to give me his phone number so I could call him. He said he was going to see a movie at 2. It was around noon.
I offered to buy him something to drink and he ordered a coke. He told me he lived about an hour away, but worked here in Santo Domingo. He said he had a girlfriend but also had his “private life”. He told me some of the things he liked to do sexually. I had the understanding that he liked to bottom, but I get confused sometimes with Spanish when there are indirect/direct pronouns involved – he could have been saying he liked to suck or he liked to get sucked. Either way, I was starting to get excited by the talk.
He suggested we go up to my room and spend some time together, kissing, caressing, and ….
I told him he needed to have an ID to enter. He told me he didn’t have his ID. I thought I was going to get off the hook. He told me he was getting a new passport and had to leave his ID. I didn’t pay much mind to this story, but in retrospect, it should have raised a red flag. He told me we could try to go up and see what happens. He said he would leave his phone number and his things at the desk. I didn’t want to risk there being a problem with the clerk at the reception and the security guard who monitor who comes in and goes out.
Then he told me that he has a friend who is an engineer who uses this place near the Independence Park that charges 200 pesos for 2 hours. He said we could go there and split the cost – 100 pesos each. I thought that of course I would pay the 200 pesos, since my hotel charges 500 for me to bring a visitor in.
I was wearing flimsy shorts and no underwear, so I told him to wait while I paid our check and then ran up to my room to put on some underwear (I didn’t tell him this). I was afraid if I got excited while we were walking there, it would be a bit embarrassing for me to be walking through the streets with an obvious hard-on. I had 2000 pesos on me, but I took 1000 out of my pocket, leaving me with 1000 pesos. I grabbed some condoms and went back down.
We walked along the Conde until we got to the “motel”. It was a dingy building with loud music playing as we entered. A woman was in the hallway. He said something to her and she showed us to a room. A basic setup with a mattress, fan, bathroom and lots of dust hanging from the ceiling. It was not luxurious by any means, but relatively clean.
The woman asked for the money and I gave her the 1000 peso note. She said she would have to go get change.
We began fooling around. He was pretty hairy and his body was okay, but not great. His dick was not very big, but was a nice girth. He checked out my dick and then lay down on the bed. I began to suck him – he sucked me a little. Soon he asked me if he could fuck me. I told him okay. He seemed to be in a hurry. The kissing and caressing was not happening the way I thought it would.
He fucked me good and came soon. I had not cum yet, so he lay down on the bed and sucked my nipple while I jerked off and eventually came. His phone started ringing and he jumped up to answer it. I thought it might have been his girlfriend or someone he did not want to know where he was.
After we got dressed, he asked me how much I was going to “gift” him. I kind of laughed, like “ah, here it is”. It seems like everyone has a hidden price in the DR. Since I really believed his story about having a secret life, meaning he lived in a small village and could not be out and had to have a girlfriend but really wanted to have sex with men, I thought it would be fair to offer him the change from the 1000 peso note, since that was all I had on me. When I told him that he said no, he charges 200 dollars!
Now, I have paid 200 dollars for sex, but only to a few guys I use in the states who are hung over 11 inches and really know how to fuck so that I enjoy it. There was no way I was going to give him 200 dollars when he was bringing it up after we had sex, when I had no way of refusing.
I told him I didn’t have any money, but he checked my pockets and found nothing but the paper he wrote his phone number and address on, some condoms and a pack of matches. My change was waiting for us outside.
He insisted I give him more. He said he would walk back with me to my hotel and wait in the lobby for me to go up to my room and get 2000 pesos. That plus the 800 pesos in change would have come close to 100 dollars. Still too much I thought, given the circumstances. I do not like being cheated, and this was a cheat, plain and simple.
I told him I would give him 1000, plus the 800. He told me 2000. I told him I would give him 2000 only, but he wanted it all. I had devised my plan to escape because I did not like being in this room away from any means of getting help.
As we were leaving he called to the woman who led us in. She came out with the change and began to hand it to me. He quickly reached his hand out and grabbed it, and then said something to her. As we were leaving he told me she was a witness and would verify that I had been there with him. I wondered if she was in on the scam or was just being dragged in.
He wanted to walk through the seedy part of town that runs parallel to the Conde, but I told him we could walk down the Conde. I wanted to be visible and have police around in case there was any problem.
As we passed the little police station on the corner I thought I would stop and tell them what was going on, but decided it would be better to get to my room and then phone for help behind a locked door. I didn’t know whose side the police would take.
We came to the hotel and fortunately he did not insist on following me up to my room. If he had, he probably would have wanted more, as I would have had to unlock my room safe to get the money and he would have seen that I had more, plus a camera, watch, computer, etc., that were all visible. He sat down on a sofa in front of reception and I came up to my room.
I called the front desk and told them what was going on. I told them we had sex and I gave him 800 pesos because that was all I had, and that he was asking for 200 dollars (at one point he even went up to 300!) They told me to stay in my room and they would call security.
I waited for some time, expecting a knock on the door, maybe the police would come and question me, maybe they would take me to jail for soliciting prostitution (though I never once solicited it and didn’t know it was prostitution when I went along with it). Nothing happened. I never got a phone call telling me what was going on. I was starving and finally decided to go down and check to see if the coast was clear.
The guy at the desk said nothing to me, but I asked him if everything was okay. At first he did not know what I was talking about but eventually recognized me and told me the guy left. When I went back out on the terrace to eat lunch (because it is cooler than the restaurant), there were several police officers hanging around. I appreciated them being there.
I am not coming back to the DR again. It was a close call. If I had brought him up to my room, I would have lost a lot more than 800 pesos, a price I was willing to pay for my own stupidity (and because it was a decent fuck). A warning to everyone who is planning on coming here.
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