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Message Board > Our Archives > Cruisemaster Road Trip: Summer 2001   Entry Nineteen: The Victorian

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Old 14th September 2001, 02:18 AM
Keith's Avatar
Former Cruisemaster
(Deceased 2012)
Join Date: Jan 1999
Posts: 899
Talking Entry Nineteen: The Victorian

Nothing I’ve experienced in visiting adult bookstores around the world prepared me for The Victorian in Billings, Montana (2019 Minnesota Avenue). Postings in the Sex Listings only hinted at what was inside. Literally on the other side of the railroad tracks, you’ll pull up and probably first notice the sounds of water from the well-maintained fountain outside.

You’ll be greeted by DJ, the clerk behind the counter who tells the story of how he convinced some investors to buy this space when the previous owner died years ago. I suspect that what one sees is fully his vision. He told us that he wanted to avoid, more than anything, a store where people would feel like dirt. Some will no doubt be put off by his bubbly personality, but the bottom line is that DJ will treat you just like any business should: with respect, and when you leave he’ll shout out, “Hope you enjoyed yourself! Do come back.�

Out front is the usual retail area with video’s, lubricants and other sexual aides for sale. “We mix gay and straight ‘cause this town is so homophobic it is better for the guys if we don’t make a distinction out here.� What will soon grab your attention is the common sitting area to the left of the retail space. Lots of comfortable sofas and chairs, a chirping bird collection and tanks full of fish. And then there is the piano that anyone is welcome to play! Sit down and relax, read the collection of magazines and newspapers and when you’re ready, pay your $5 to DJ. If you’ve never been, chances are he’ll take you a tour of the back room.

The back section of the building is clean if a bit on the crude side. Nothing fancy here, these guys got some plywood, put on a fresh coat of paint, and then let their imaginations go wild. For buddy booths, you’ll find floor to ceiling glass windows! No way to make it gray, if you select a buddy booth, you and your partner will have full view of one another. DJ will be sure to point out those booths that have ‘ventilation’. Nice, management drilled gloryholes are found in several booths. One booth is especially designed for larger customers. A few are reserved for true privacy, but most are for those who want to share the fun. All show continuously running porn, some having only one selection while a few booths have 3 channels to select from.

It was a slow week night when Junior Cruisemaster and I arrived. The average age was about 50 and the body types were far from my preference. I did find one older gentleman who had appeal including a nice thick cock that I serviced through the ventilation. But the real treat arrived after we’d been hanging around maybe 45 minutes. A true Montana working boy ventured in, clearly a little intoxicated. Wedding band on, skin-tight jeans, mud-caked boots and dirty t-shirt heralding the local college football team, this guy must have been in his mid-twenties and after getting DJ’s tour, he too found himself in the back. I cornered him rather quickly and waited for nature to take its course. In no time he was unzipping those jeans and revealing a nice thick piece nestled in lots of pubes. We both left satisfied.

Now I realize few of us make a trip through Billings, but The Victorian is really a one-of-a-kind establishment not to be missed. Billings is the perfect setting for hot man sex since this town of 90,000 seems to have more men than women. Big saloons, gambling on every corner, and all those jean-clad hunks in their pickup trucks will convince you the myth of the West is alive and well.

The Victorian closes at midnight, but you can come and go all day long for $5. I’d have to say it was a major highlight of this trip. Maybe DJ will convince the owners to franchise!
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