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Message Board > Cruiser Lounge   Sat. Night @ Jefferson Theatre

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Old 9th February 2003, 10:31 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 3
Sat. Night @ Jefferson Theatre

It was a busy night at The Jefferson on Saturday night.

The main theatre was very busy with the majority of the guys watching 3 or 4 couples (in the Couples Section). Among the guys watching, many were "pleasuring themselves" and it was a fun to watch the furtiveness as some tried to be rather coy while others were a bit exhibitionistic (thank-you very much).
Granted, there were some guys who would perhaps slip into the "troll" category of some, but it was very busy with a nice cross-section of ages, shapes, sizes, and colors. Diversity ruled!

Eventually, one of the straight couples moved to the stage area and a large group of guys followed them there to watch the "show." (I skipped this.)

In the smaller theatre, it was much quieter, with guys coming in and and going out (no puns intended) through-out the evening.

I did get in a nice, erotic "one-on-one" play with a very hot middle-aged guy in the small theatre. He was in gray t-shirt and I was wearing an "Australia" t-shirt. What a hot number he was...buffed, well hung, and so horny! He also really seemed to enjoy what I had to offer. In addition, there was a good group of guys watching us carry on, and they played amongst themselves as they watched us!

That's it...I left about 11:15pm, a bit pooped!
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Old 10th February 2003, 12:50 PM
Join Date: Nov 2000
Posts: 2

:p Your designation of "trolls" to the spectators of the goings-on in the "couples section" that you witneesed that night was duly noted by this one.

I would think that the MF couples that were there were also getting off by their exhibitionism and knowing that us old trolls were getting our rocks off over their performance. I doubt that they'd be there if they didn't want guys like me to get our rocks off a few times over what they were doing for our voyeuristic pleasure!

The great thing about your post as I see it is; there was apparently a lot of really hot voy, MF, MMMF and MM action going on that night at the Jeff! What a great venue!
Older, happily married bi-sexual. Rediscovering how much fun bi-sex can be!
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Old 10th February 2003, 04:11 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 5
Who is the real "Troll"? would seem that one who would refer to others as "Trolls" would indeed have a "Troll-like"'s all equally as sad.
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Old 10th February 2003, 06:40 PM
Join Date: Dec 2001
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What's sad about it? Nothin'. It's just factual. If one doesn't like the game, then one shouldn't play.
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Old 10th February 2003, 08:28 PM
Join Date: Feb 2003
Posts: 3

Just to clarify, I stated:
<< there were some guys who would perhaps
slip into the "troll" category of some >>

I wrote that when I thought of:
---old guys slumped-over, snoring in the theater
---also a few who were more focused on loudly knoshing on their snacks than they were on the matters around them.

Perhaps I'd have been a bit more sensitive if I'd spoken of "trollish behaviors" rather than project a reflection on the guys themselves.

Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa!
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Old 11th February 2003, 01:09 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 5

To Squirts: I like the game...but I will always exercise my right to voice my dismay and to attempt to promote clarity, which I'm impressed italiano695 seemed to be able to do in his response to my posting. Any shift of focus from name calling to a criticism of behavior uplifts us all— a point that may escape the less-compassionate.
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