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Old 17th June 2004, 01:14 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 1
I got caught!

This just happened 2 Saturdays ago. True story.

For the last 2 years I've been fucking around with a next door neighbor of mine. He is a 20 year old college student at Texas A&M. I'm 33, married and I have 2 young kids.

When Jared (my neighbor) was 18, I came home from work one afternoon and I found him in my bedroom closet going through my porno stash. He had let himself in with the key that we kept over at his parent's house for emergencies. He knew I had a stash becuase he had found it 3 years earlier when he was babysitting one of my sons for us one day. It seems that he let himself in from time to time to borrow my stuff. Since he was well past his 18th birthday at the time, I didn't get too mad and I gave him permission to come and go when my family was gone during the day, so long as that was all he borrowed. I, being a closeted bi man, was very attracted to this kid. He was young, fit, muscular with just a bit of baby fat around his middle still, green eyes, athletic, the whole 9 yards. I also knew that he liked to take his girl friend into our pool house out back and fuck her when nobody was around.

Anyway, Jared and I were good friends. One night that same year when my wife and kids were out of town for the week, Jared came by to pick up a check that I owed him for mowing our lawn. When he realized that my family was gone, he ribbed me about how I'd likely be watching alot of porn in their absense. I confirmed his suspicion by showing him a new tape I'd just bought and I invited him to come over later and we could preview it together. He was all too eager to come back. I decided then and there that I was going to suck this kids dick that night. Later that evening as we were watching the flick and sipping cokes, I started pulling at my dick through my shorts. Sure enough, he did the same. Eventually I told him that it was my custom to jack off as I watched and that having him there wasn't going to stop me. I took off my shorts and lubed up my cock and proceeded to jack. Eventualy, he asked if he could do it too. He did and I eventually reached over, felt his dick and sucked his first load out of him. This is how our sexual relationship started. He still liked girls, I was still married, but we'd find times to mess around. This has continued even while he has been in college. Whenever he comes home, we find time to mess around. And, the best part is that now I've turned him into my little bottom boy. He loves getting fucked.

Fast forward ahead to present day. From time to time, whenever Jared wants to mess around with me, he'll call me on my cell phone. Usually we do it at night because my wife is asleep and he can get out of his house easily at night. I keep my cell on my bedside table, he'll call me at about 11:30 or 12 at night. I'll hear the phone vibrate, wake up, take his call in the living room and then meet him out back in the pool house to mess around before returning to bed with my wife...her never knowing what was happening. Well, on the night in question, it went down just like that. I picked up the phone, took it into the living room and made arrangments to meet him out back in 15 mins. This time, I snuck back into my room to replace my phone and to get a rubber and lube out of the bathroom which is on my wife's side of the bed. As I snuck out the back door I assumed my wife, who sleeps like a log was still asleep.

When I got into the pool house, Jared was already naked and waiting for me. We started off with him sucking my dick. This kid gives the best blow jobs one could ever hope to experience. While he sucked me, I leaned forward and started to finger his hole and lube him up. Then we layed down on the bed in the guest room and started to 69. That went on for about 3 mins and I knew I wanted to fuck this kid. I spun him around so he was in doggy style position and I pulled his ass up to waist level. After I franticly put on my rubber, I stuck my dick in and sank all the way to the hilt. His head was hanging off the side of the bed and he let out a long, low groan. Then I just started pounding his ass with all I had. I was having a great time. My eyes were closed and I was just getting into a nice rhythum when all of the sudden the lights came on. I opened my eyes and my heart stated racing as I looked up to see my wife standing in the doorway. We all just froze. I swear my heart was about to pound out of my chest. I just said "Honey, what are you doing up?" She just looked at me and Jared, turned off the light and walked out the door, across the yard and back into the house to bed...all without saying a word.

The next thing I knew, I could feel my dick spasming. I was pumping my load into the rubber inside my young neighbor's ass. When I was done cumming, I pulled my shots back on and told Jared I'd talk to him in the morning. I went back inside, back to my bedroom and I layed down next to my wife and went to sleep. Neither of us said a damn thing.

The next day, I asked her if she wanted to talk about it. She said that she did. I learned that she hadn't quite fallen asleep when Jared's call came. She saw me go into the bathroom, get the rubber and lube and then out to the pool house. She had hoped I was just jackig off. After talking for a while I assured her that it was just a recreational thing that I did with Jared and that most guys messed around with other guys at some point in their life. She said that she understood but that she didn't want me doing it anymore. Needless to say, Jared pretty much keeps his distance from my house now. He and I have met one other time, but this time we did it at a house where he was house sitting.

So that's my story. I got butsted and it scared the hell out of me. Sorry for the long, choppy way I wrote the account but it's all pretty fresh and just retelling it makes me nervous. Any of you guys ever been caught by someone in the middle of getting some?
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Old 19th June 2004, 02:24 PM
Join Date: Apr 2003
Posts: 1
RE: I got caught!


Awesome and totally hot story. I, too, would like to hear about bi-guys getting caught by their girlfriends or wives. If the stories are true, they're even better (and hotter).


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Old 19th June 2004, 06:29 PM
Join Date: Jul 2003
Posts: 4

I agree.. hot story, but SO Scary!!

Sounds like you have the most understanding wife on the planet. Under those same circumstances, mine would've pulled a Lorena Bobbitt on me and kicked me out I've often thought about how hot it would be to share a hard cock with her, but I know she'd never go for it.
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Old 20th June 2004, 08:40 PM
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 4

Hey Davidd,
That is one HOT story!!! If u do a search in this forum, i created a thread for HOT cheating stories and i have a hot story to tell among other married guys cheating on their mine and their stories, they are pretty INTENSE!!!!
I love servicing married men!! Let me give u what wifey doesn't!!
Love hard married cock down my throat and deep inside my ass until you spew your baby batter!!
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Old 23rd June 2004, 05:29 PM
Join Date: May 2004
Posts: 14
Thumbs up

That's an awesome story man. I lost my virginity to a bi neighbor in his early 30's when I was 17. We would hook up a lot when his wife was out of town, but never got caught. Most of the time he fucked me in the laundry room of his house, on top of the washer with the spin cycle on.
22 yo, 5'10, 165, blnd hair/brn eyes, 7.5" cut, vers and very oral. I'm a flight attendant and travel domestically and internationally. Have x pictures in profile: Click here to see my profile
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