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Old 2nd January 2005, 09:53 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 4
teacher/student stories

I was born and raised in kansas. Made peace with myself at an early age that i was gay. However, living in central Kansas the selection of fellow gays was very limited. My experiences were mainly between myself and my five friends under the bed sheets at night. Upon graduating from college I obtained my first teaching job at a relatively small school about 45 miles from St. Louis.

I moved to my new town and began my career. I was asked to help coach basketball, which at first I rejected because I knew very little about basketball. However, as I thought about it the idea of high school studs in the lockerroom and shower area was too great to pass up. This community was a hard working, middle class and labor oriented town. Rednecks would be an accurate description of the people here. I learned quickly that gays and especially a gay teacher would not be readily accepted, thus discretion was a must for my personal life.

I would travel regularly to the west county area of St. Louis on the weekends to the gay clubs and bars. It was refreshing to me to be able to have a good time with people of my like interests. I usually ended up staying in a local hotel after the bars closed. Most nights I did not go back alone. It truly was a fun time in my life. But it was always back to school on monday morning.

One afternoon after classes had been released came a knock on my door. Entering was Reddick a young man in my 4th hour class. Reddick was a marginal student but apparently a gifted mechanic, as he worked weekends and after school at his fathers auto repair business in the downtown area. He was an above average football player. But I do believe that was the only sport he played. I told him to enter and as he came around the corner I was somewhat struck by what he was wearing. A t-shirt with cut off sleeves and cut off about 2inches above his navel as well as relatively snug fitting lycra type shorts.

"what's up Mr. D?", Reddick said with a bright smile.

Startled at first, I replied, "What can I do for you Mr. Reddick?"

"Well, I have something I want to talk to you about." he replied in an anxious tone. He paused for a moment and then stretched his arms upward as though he was tired.

I was given a very nice view of the bushy armpit hairs under each arm. Also, my gaze followed downward to his muscled stomach and that very enticing trail of hair leading from his navel and then disappearring under the waistband of his shorts.

As our eyes ment again a smile crossed his face and I was sure he had caught me admiring his youthful let manly body.

Upon gathering myself, I looked downward and said "So what do you want to visit with me about?"

He took a deep breath and started with information which would change my life forever, "On weekends, Blaine and I sometimes go to St. Louis to see what is going on. Actually we go to westport and cruise the gay streets. What we do is pick gay guys up. We make them believe that we are going to let them suck our dicks and then when we get them in the truck we give them the choice of giving us their money or getting the fuck beat out of them. You see Mr. D we don't want no fags around here."

My heart was racing as he spoke. What did he know and how did he know it? "Reddick, why are you telling me this?", i said.

"Well, Mr. D, guess who we saw walking the streets in fagville last weekend.", he said all the while looking into my eyes with a cocky smirk.

"I have no idea", I said.

"Oh, I think you do", Reddick said. He paused, ran his hands across his taut stomach and then looked at me and smiled. "Come on Mr. D, we saw you walking the streets their."

Fear ran through my body. THis young stud had information which could ruin my career. Not only in this town but any. "Well Reddick, I think you are mistaken. I don;t go to those kind of places. Never have and never will." I said sternly.

"I thought you might say something like that. So how do you explain these." and he handed me an envelope of pictures.

I took the pictures and immediately began to open them. As I looked up he again had that confident, smug smirk on his face.

"So what do you think now, Mr. Fag.", Reddick said.

I continued to look closely at the pictures and sure enough their they were. Several close-ups of me entering and exiting several gay bars and even holding hands with someone I met at the clubs. My mind raced. What did he want and what should I do?

"So Reddick, why bring this here, What difference does it make to you? I said.

"I told you Mr. D, we don't want no fags around here." he said.

Many thoughts ran through my mind. What a position I was in. Here stand this young stud with the goods on me and my private life. All the time, I was having a difficult time keeping from looking at this young bucks stud body. Reddick stands about 6 foot, dark hair, very broad shoulders, just a plain powerful body. Not from lifiting weights, but by doing manual labor. He was a man through and through. He continued to keep raising his arms and the pit hair was sticking out in a very large clump. I thought to myself he has more arm pit hair than I do. The bulge in his shorts also promised a man sized cock and with the hair on the rest of his body I was cetain that his cock was nestled back in a large bush of man hair.

Gathering myself and feeling my own cock beginning to stir, I looked at him straight in the eyes and said, "So now what?"

Reddick smiled, "So you understand your position now, do you."

"And what position is that," I replied.

"Well Mr. fag, it looks as though I own all the cards." Reddick said all the while reaching down and squeezing his cock and balls.

My eyes followed his hand down to his shorts and as I looked up again our eyes met. "You would like some of that wouldn;t you." he said while again groping his dick.

I gulped and could say nothing. I only looked back at him.

"Here's the deal, Mr. D, actually I like Mr. Fag better. I got the goods on you. I thought about telling my parents, but I decided my dad would probably kill you. Let's just say he's not real tolerant.", and he approached closer to me. Now almost in my face, Reddick continued, "So the more I thought about it, the more I thought, this could work out pretty good. I get all the pussy I want, but some of those bitches won't give head and lord knows most won't swallow. So i was thinking having my own personal fag might be a good idea."

"I know where you live. I'll be their tonight later. OK Mr. Fag.". he said smiling.

I drove home in a mindless fog. What was I going to do? Did I want o service this little stud? Absolutely. Should I? Absolutely not. I tried to make dinner but I was much to nervous and I admit somwhat excited about what was going to happen.

I live down a lane. So I heard his truck coming. A truck you would expect such a guy to drive. A 4 wheel drive with an exhaust which made it sound really mean. I had heard that he had built that truck from virtually the ground up. Something I could never even consider doing. Heck I pay to get my oil changed. But Reddick was a man. He may be only 16, but he was a man. He held man jobs and carried himself like a man and lord for sure he had a mans body. From his relatively dark beard to his happy trail and nicely haired legs. I even wondered if he had chest hair. Oh god this kid was more of a man than me. My doorbell rang.

Before I could open the door, he had already began to come in.

Howdy, Mr. Fag." he said with a grin. "So are you ready to begin your life as my bitch faggot."

his words hit me like a ton of bricks. I really didn't know what to say. I was scared and he knew it.

"So, do you like this body, Mr. D? You sure look at it enough." and he began to take his shirt up over his head. He tossed his shirt on the floor and semi flexed his chest.

Oh my god I thought. His chest was muscled, broad and as i thought had a fine covering of hair from one nipple to other and continued up toward his neck. His stomach was rock hard and again his trail of hair leading to the promised land was making my own cock twist and squirm.

"Don't you wish you had a body like this." he said. I could only nod.

"Thats right, Mr. Fag. you want this man's bod don;t you." he said.

Finally giving in to my own hormones i blurted out, "oh god yes."

Reddick smiled. He knew with that statement, that he had me.

"that's a good boy, Mr. D." He used the word boy accurately. He was the man of the house and I was only to be his servant.

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Old 4th January 2005, 07:36 AM
Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 50

Unless you eventually shot that rednecked son-of-a-bitch, you can stop here.
Love sweet, smooth, legal-aged boys that want to be tied up and used.
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Old 4th January 2005, 12:37 PM
Join Date: Apr 2001
Posts: 29

Yeah, I'd like to see how this ends.
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Old 9th January 2005, 10:20 AM
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 18
Truth or Fantasy?

If this is true I would be interested. If fantasy, stop right there.
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