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Old 29th January 2020, 07:05 PM
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 113
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I met Milo last year, or more like we simultaneously cruised each other at a quiet gas station. He caught my eye as I exited the front door of the store and his green eyes held my gaze for an uncomfortably long time as I held the door for him to enter. I knew I had to linger in the lot and see if I could make a second contact and at least give him my number. He is a young Hispanic guy, about 5’9”, boxer build, muscular, was wearing jeans and a t-shirt and boots and had obviously just come from work. This is exactly the kind of sperm donor I seek for recreational oral sex. Horny straight young men with 30 minutes to spare and a load to drop. No strings, no games, just give him what he needs and let him spew his seed down my hungry throat. I know I was signaling faggot as our eyes made contact so I waited by my car, around the corner from the entrance and in a secluded part of the parking lot. There was one older Ford pickup parked on that side and I guessed it was his. I waited as it darkened in the lot. The early winter sunset came just in time to give me some cover should I score this hunk.

After about ten minutes Milo came out of the store, came around the corner and we once again made eye contact. He asked me if I had a smoke and I said yes. I reached in to my car and pulled out a box of Marlboro Reds and a lighter and handed them to him. He pulled one and lit it and handed the pack and lighter back to me. I put them in my jacket pocket and asked him if he was from the area. He replied yes and then asked if I smoked. I said no, but I kept smokes for guys in case they wanted one. He smiled and said that was a good thing because he discovered he was short on cash as he tried to buy a pack in the store. He then asked if I was from the area and if I was married. I answered yes to the first and no to the second. With that I gave a glance down to his crotch and said I had never been married to a woman. As I looked back up and in to his green eyes I could see a sly smile in the dark as he asked “so what are you in to?” I responded that I liked to make nice young men like him feel good, take care of their needs and show them the respect they deserve. With that he asked “got a place?” I responded that I did but it was 30 minutes away but I knew a spot where we could chat and not be bothered. At that we both agreed he would follow me and I got in to my car and led him down the block to a parking lot at an old strip mall. We parked on the side, out of view of the store fronts and I walked over to his truck. As I approached the passenger side door he flicked his smoke out of the driver side window and turned toward me. He said “hop in” and I did. Sliding across the old bench seat he got clear of the steering wheel, unbuttoned his jeans and pulled out a beautiful 9 inch, thick and uncut cock. In the dark I could see his size and slid closer to him. With that he said “come on Daddy I need some work on this.” I went down on him, first taking his foreskin covered glans in to my mouth and then sliding down his shaft until I hit his base, and then slowly slide back up. He grew harder and longer which exposed his sensitive glans and I settled in to a rhythm of full strokes on his cock, lips to the base, then the tip, tongue action as I worked and he laid back and sighed in a low harmony as I did my task. This went on for what seemed an eternity until he tightened, hardened and leaned back against the seat and with a deep moan shot a stream of semen down my throat and then coated my mouth as I continued to work the full length of his manhood. I continued my work and paid mind to his sensitivity, taking small breaks on my face fucking and tongue action to let him settle and then once he was back down off the ceiling stroked him again with my mouth and tongue. He remained rock hard for another minute and then released another stream of semen. At that I could tell he was getting too sensitive for any further work so I backed off of him. Pulling a handy-wipe from my fag bag I wiped him down and then sat back. I asked him if he wanted another smoke which he accepted and we began to chat a bit.

“You swallowed it all?” I responded yes, I always swallow. If I am going to go down for a man I am going to swallow his seed and give him the best experience I can. It shows respect as well as giving a man the maximum pleasure as I suck while he shoots and keep going without a pause. To that he responded “you are amazing for, you know………...” And I completed his sentence by saying “an old faggot. That’s OK. I know my role, know my place and I appreciate a man who is willing to give me an audition. I thank you for that and hope I pleased you. I hope to get the chance again real soon.” To that he said “Give me your number.” I pulled out a card with my cell and home phone as well as e-mail addresses on it. He thanked me and began talking, telling me that he worked fifty hours a week and was going to school full time and had little time for his girlfriend. His girlfriend was 5 years younger than him, 16, and he and her parents were struggling to keep her focused in school. He told me that they agreed they would be married as soon as she finished high school and by that time he would be done with his AS degree and a gang of automotive certificates at the local community college and would be set in a good job in a real shop in town. Right now he was doing shop clean ups and tear downs from 7 pm to 7 am four days a week and from there went straight to school. On his off days he worked for his uncle rebuilding transmissions and gears. But his girlfriend, Angelina, had tried to get pregnant so she could drop out of school and go straight into marriage and baby making. That would dash their plans. I nodded and listened as he told me that she was a real beauty and he was so horny all the time that he was afraid she would catch him in a weak moment and accomplish her goal. He begged her to stay in school and not get knocked up but he feared his raging hormones would get the better of him. Jacking off did not take the edge off but the blow job I just gave him seemed to do the trick.

I explained to him that when men orgasm the real pleasure and release comes after they have shot their cum. If a cock sucker will keep going and keep working he can get more shots out of a guy and completely satisfy and drain him. That is the key. Getting a deep and complete orgasm and not being left hanging somewhere near ecstasy is what takes the edge off and will keep the edge off for a few days in even the horniest young stud. To this he responded “so you will do this for me? Help me get off a couple of times a week? I can’t pay you or anything.” To this I responded that the only payment that I wanted was the privilege to suck his cock on an as needed basis and that was more than enough reward to keep me coming back. I told him that he was a beautiful man and respected his plans and dreams and would do nothing to compromise those dreams. We could keep this discrete, work on his schedule, he could come to my house or I could meet him and take care of him. He responded by asking if I minded giving head in his truck or would I like to maybe come to his uncle’s shop and do it there. I responded by saying whatever worked for him works for me. He said “let’s go to my uncle’s. No one is home. I can show you.”

I then went to my car, pulled out behind him and followed him to his uncle’s home and shop. It was about 3 miles away, in a little more rural part of town and the streets were as dark as a well as we pulled down toward the house. We pulled up front of the house and parked in the street and proceeded through the front gate, around the house and then to the large garage in the back of the expansive lot. We entered the large garage through a side door and Milo flicked on a single florescent light on the ceiling to light our way. The building was actually a four stall garage, three roll up doors and on the side we entered was a line of work benches, machine tools and cabinets. Along the back wall were more tool roll away chests, some transmission stands and an engine crane. On the far end of the building was a semi-finished sitting room with two couches, a recliner, a fridge, and against the far wall a 72 inch big screen TV. Man cave. There were transmissions and parts boxes in the other three bays plus a large V-8 on a stand so we picked our way through and got to the man cave side. Milo asked if I would like a beer and handed me a Modelo. He motioned me to sit on the couch as he sat in the recliner and we resumed our conversation. He explained to me that this shop was free and clear two nights a week, nights when his aunt and uncle were at Mass until about 10:30 and we could be here undisturbed from 6 pm until almost 11. I told him this was perfect if it was good with him and that in a pinch my place was only 5 miles away and very private or if he was short on time car head always worked. I did not mind if he didn’t.

He then indicated for me to get up and follow him. We walked to the back of the shop where there were three doors. The first led in to a small bath room with shower stall. The second was a large storage room with boxes on the floor, large, and parts on shelves around the walls. The third room on the far end was also a storage room but also had a single bed on one end with a small dresser and chest. Milo explained that occasionally his uncle hosted guys from Mexico there for a few weeks, gave them work and let them get ready to move on to their final destinations. But it was no problem. These guys stayed to themselves and would not bother us. Right now they had no guests. We then went back to sitting area and Milo once again sat in the recliner. He looked up at me and asked “You don’t mind helping me out again?” as he opened the buttons on his fly and dropped his jeans down to his ankles. I responded by dropping to my knees and once again taking his beautiful manhood in my mouth and commenced working on him. This time he lasted a full 20 minutes, rock hard once again and moaning without restraint this time as I did my duty for him. When he came he put both hands behind my head and held me down tight on him as he face fucked me and shot yet another load of hot baby batter down my throat. After his last convulsion he released my head and laid back but I kept working on him and in a two minute effort got two more hard convulsions out of him. He was so sensitive that he tried to pull away from me so I let go and sat up. He then came to and looked at me and said “Oh, sorry. I did not mean to hold you down so hard.” To this I responded that he could hold me down all he liked and I enjoyed it. It was a huge turn on for me when he dominated me and I did not mind at all. He then told me that the next evening the shop would be free would be Sunday and would I text and come by for some more fun. I agreed and told him if he needed any help between then I could have him to my place or meet him. He then started to query me as to what I was in to, my life, work, and other issues.

I explained that I was a life long faggot, came out when I was his age but had been introduced to gay sex by a couple of older men early on. Both men were older Mexican men who lived near me. The first met me at a town park and lured me in to his car where I gave my first blow job. That went on for nearly a year until he had to move for work. While I was seeing him he introduced me to another friend of his. We would meet at the park and at another secluded place where I would give them head either in a car or in the woods. I was a natural and loved sucking masculine men. I had no male figures in my life other than them and craved their companionship, approval and attention. For me it was perfectly natural to be their sex toy and for the remainder of my teens I stayed loyal to them. After High School I had to move on as my home life was a wreck so first I went to Phoenix where I met Mario. Mario was a 55 year old Mexican immigrant who had done some time in prison and was, as they say, gay for the stay but once released he tried to get back in to normal relations with women. One bad act after another came in to his life until he took a break from females. I was living with two other young guys in an apartment near his house and was working at a clothing store a few blocks away. Every day I passed a bar where Latin guys went after work. One day as I was walking past the bar Mario was sitting in his truck parked on the street. We made eye contact and before I knew it I was in his truck and we were heading to a park south of town. He parked in the far end of the lot and I went to my duty like a pro. He came so hard the left his finger prints in the back of my head. For the next week I was meeting him on my way home from work and we did the same routine. Seven days later I was living with him in his house and he first introduced me to cross dressing and once he had me trained as a gurl he introduced me to anal sex. For the next seven years I was his bitch. He was a good man, a hard worker and not abusive but he was old country and wanted his wife to fit the mold. And I did. Pleasing him came natural to me and I knew he was serious when he suggested I start school and focus on the future. So we remained as a couple for over seven years and his health failed and he passed away.

From then on I was in and out of relationships with men, most of them good guys but who were not stable in life and things were usually unpredictable. I was fairly self sufficient and bounced back when I got bounced. Some lasted a week. A few lasted years. In between I cruised and a couple of times a week I would be somebody’s punk for an hour and we would both get our kicks for a short period. Sometimes it would last for a while. But since I turned 50 it was harder to attract men so I stayed pretty much in the cruising punk mode. That is what I was doing tonight. But being a punk for a guy can lead to being his bitch and that has a future. I hoped that we would find that kind of understanding. Milo explained that he had a woman, had plans and was not gay or even bi so he could not make any promises. I told him I understood all of that and was fine with it. I would be happy taking care of him a couple of times a week, no strings, no expectations and certainly no compromise of his privacy of manhood. He agreed that we would keep it real and keep it the way it is. He seemed very satisfied knowing that I would be there to take care of his needs. He had no idea how much I looked forward to doing so.

With that it was time to go. He had my contact info, I had days and times to plan with so we were off to the races. In parting I told him not to hesitate to call or text and also to please feel free telling me what he wanted me to do to please him. He said he would always be honest with me an appreciated how I made him feel. He felt secure in this arrangement. So it was farewell until Sunday night.

I drove home that night thinking I had won the power ball lottery. This young man was going to keep my insides swimming in semen for some time to come. The next time we were together we did the same drill: him in the recliner, me on my knees, porn on the big screen and two rip roaring orgasms. Then it was off to Wednesday night. Same drill. But this time Milo wanted to talk more so we did. He asked me about cruising and I answered his questions. He reassured me that he was just curious and having me on call eliminated the need and he did not think he could be bold enough to go hit guys up for sex anyway. Then he asked more about my previous partners, kinky stuff, cross dressing, getting fucked by a man and a whole stream of other questions. I answered each as completely and honestly as I could and told him about my specific experiences. He was now comfortable to ask and satisfied with my answers and asked if his questions bothered me. I told him that I wanted to be completely open with him and asked that he not hold anything back. He seemed at ease with that. He continued asking if I saw other men and I told him I had no steady studs but occasionally guys would hit me up. Then he went on to ask in depth about a local adult book store, glory holes and what happens in the arcade and parking lot. I told him as much as I knew and that I occasionally used that book store to link up with prearranged dates with guys but preferred to do my work at my home, at a guy’s place or in a quiet spot. He then told me that his friend “Mountain” went to the book store regularly and he told Milo about getting great head from an older white dude. I asked for a description and yes, it was me. Mountain also told Milo that he stayed away from the book store now because some creepy stuff was going on there so he was not getting his nut regularly. To this I responded that I too did not frequent it but found guys elsewhere like I found Milo that night. Milo then said something to the effect that if we brought Mountain in to play I would have enough man cock to keep me off the streets. I laughed and told Milo that I remember Mountain and liked what I saw through the glory hole. So Milo finally got up the nerve to ask if I would mind if Mountain came over on Sunday but that he was very shy and we would have to do this in the back room. I told Milo that I was game if he was OK with it and Mountain could set up the scene with him and I will play along as instructed.

So on Sunday I showed up at the usual time, parked in front and came through the gate. There was only Milo’s truck in the yard so I thought maybe Mountain got shy and waved off. I entered the man door of the garage and only the light of the TV lit the room. Milo stepped out in to the light and said “follow me.” I followed him back in to the center storage room and he turned on one small lamp on a bench. In the middle of the room was a large cardboard box with a glory hole cut in one side and the back cut our of the opposing side. In the box was a short mechanics stool, a towel and a tube of lube. Milo instructed me to get in the box and stay in it and he would bring Mountain in but he would turn off the lamp and the only light would be from the TV outside. I did as instructed and took my seat and waited. In a minute I heard talking as Milo ushered Mountain in to the room, instructed him to open his fly and approach the hole. As Mountain began opening his fly Milo retreated to the man cave and to his beer and porn. I smelled the pungent smoke of a joint drift in and noticed that Mountain was slowly approaching the glory hole with a fully erect cock. He eased up against the box and placed his cock through the hole. I remember it from the book store. Mountain lives up to his name. His is 6’ 1” and about 240 with a massive chest holding up even more massive shoulders. He is wide at the hips but not fat, just huge. As is his cock. I stretched to get my mouth around it and went down on him full length with my first pass. He jumped to attention and gave me a flow of precum as I retreated back down his massive shaft. Once again I went down on him and slipped in to a cycle of in and out on his cock. I could tell he was so horny he could barely stand it so I eased off he tongue action in hopes of making him last. It helped but in two minutes time he flooded me with hot bursts of semen. His heavy breathing and groaning became more intense as I worked on him post orgasm. Soon he had enough and retreated from my mouth and from the hole. As he did he buttoned his fly and walked through the door talking to Milo. I heard Milo ask if he wanted to leave now that he has shot his load to which he said no, I’m cool. Let’s hang for a bit. Milo said “I need to get him out of the box. Do you mind if he comes out and sits with us. I want him to blow me out here so I can watch porn. Are you cool with that?” Mountain replied that he was fine and would like to watch me work. Of course, he asked if Milo was cool with that. Milo responded that yes he was and he came back in to the storage room to get me to come out in to the man cave. As I walked in to the man cave I got the full measure of Mountain. He was huge from head to feet. Nice looking. Imposing. But had a very pleasant, almost child like face and a permanent smile. He looked up at me and said “Thank you, and thanks to Milo for reuniting us. I will never forget the blow jobs you gave me at the book store. Fucking amazing.” He continued to look at and approve of my smooth, pale white skin, my B cup breasts and my slight bulge in my blue satin hip hugger panties. I thanked him and sat on the corner of the sofa. Milo was standing in front of the recliner and unbuttoned his fly and let his manhood hang out. Mountain exclaimed “wow dude, where did you get that snake?” Both men laughed and I took that opportunity to slip off the couch and on to my knees in front of Milo.

Once I had his cock in my mouth I forgot about the audience and went to my work. Milo was once again fully erect and fully loaded and I could tell he needed to cum hard after watching porn for an hour or more. He rocked with me as I sucked, moaning low and showing early signs of intense orgasm. We went on for a few more minutes and I eased up the suction and tongue action to help him last but it was not long before he erupted in my mouth. I took his cock all the way down and put suction to him to get all of his cum. Once he was expended I played with him until he withdrew, wiped off with a wash rag and sat down. He handed me a beer and I slipped back up on to the sofa and leaned back. Mountain broke the silence by saying “Here we are, one big happy family.” We all laughed and joined in light conversation as we watched straight porn and sipped on our beers. So as the evening and conversation progressed talk drifted to planning our Wednesday boys night out.

Mountain mentioned his cousin and a fear that his cousin would get in trouble by knocking up his fifteen year old girlfriend. Milo weighed in and said there were a lot of local guys who were in the same situation and the only solution was to get relief so as not to be dangerously horny all of the time. He told of a couple of instances where Angelina had taken advantage of his situation and how he sweated for a few weeks on more than one occasion until she got her period. She was the love of his life and she knew it and she also knew how to get exactly what she wants from Milo as well as her parents and other siblings. Holding back the urge was tough and Milo felt he was out of chances. The conversation continued with Milo and Mountain listing a number of friends and relatives who needed some service and then looked at me. Milo asked if I had a crew to take care of his crew and I told him that as far as fags in my league in the area I was pretty much it. My friend Tami lived 25 miles away and could make it occasionally but otherwise I would have to recruit. Mountain asked if Tami was a woman to which I responded “drag queen, like me some times.” There were a few other wanna bees in the area but they might not be in to this scene. I promised to check and try to recruit some talent. The conversation then drifted to how to talk guys in to taking advantage of this new local service. I mentioned that one tack was to talk about being locked up and asking if after being locked up for a year they would take a blowjob from a guy. Or if they would from a convincing drag queen. Most of the crew were heavily in to on line porn and had pretty much seen it all. Some may have already partaken in alternative sex. Mountain mentioned that one of his uncles had been in federal prison for 5 years and he remembered his Dad talking about getting his uncle straightened out after he was released. It seems the uncle went “gay for the stay” and had a bitch. He had a hard time giving up sex with fags which ended up in costing him two relationships with women. I told them it can happen. My first partner was in that same mode. He got so used to a male anus as a vagina he could not cum in a female’s looser and sloppier cunt. And with most Latin women head is out of the question. And fags are just more willing to put out, put up and shut up which is a huge advantage. And most of all, we don’t get pregnant.

So Mountain suggested the first recruit. His cousin Lorenzo was banging his girl without restraint and was going to knock her up if he did not find a diversion. Mountain announced that he will prepare Lorenzo to come on Sunday. But he said we would probably have to use the box. Putting your cock through a hole is less traumatic than meeting a faggot face to face. He suggested we do the box first and then see if Lorenzo was comfortable with the human side of things. I told Mountain I could also cross dress. Kids who are always watching porn are crazy wild for smooth drag queens. It might just be the ticket. And with that decided I asked both men if they needed any more physical therapy. Mountain did, Milo said he needed to recharge so I went over to Mountain, sitting on the sofa, got on my knees in front of him and went down on him. Mountain looked down at me and smiled and said “perfect, just like that. Now, be my bitch.” I rocked forward on my knees, down on his tool and back to work. This time the big man was able to hold out longer and take full advantage of my oral skills. He acquainted himself with my upper body, tits, the back of my head and neck and I could tell he was turned on by my complete lack of body hair. Shaved arm pits, waxed tits and he would later see my Brazilian wax on my privates. Not that I have a lot of hair. It is actually peach fuzz typical of a very, very white, northern European faggot. I have naturally very testosterone and lack hair but have natural B cup tits. The men were impressed. As I worked Mountain talked and encouraged me as well as described Lorenzo and other guys he had in mind to come over and take advantage of my services. As he talked he grew harder, gave me precum and his imagination grew more vivid with each stroke of my mouth on his beautiful and massive cock. I held his balls in my left hand and it felt like holding bull balls. They were huge and hard and had sucked up in to launch position as he neared his second massive orgasm. And as he did his conversation drifted to the romantic by saying “Oh sweetie, you love me so good, Work it baby, work for your daddy!” And I did. He then drifted in to a deep in breath and and orgasmed hard in to my waiting mouth. Not quite as much this time but still thick ropes of hot semen that I had to choke down it was so thick. I continued my face fucking of his cock as he went rigid and convulsed to the stimulation. And again, after about two minutes of post orgasm sucking he shot again. When he did he slumped back in to the couch and I toned down my sucking to more of a house cleaning cock and crotch wipe down with my lips and tongue.

Once done with my chores I stood up and looked down at Mountain as he pulled his jeans back up. He said “Milo, you shut the fuck up when I say this. Fuck. I am in love!” Milo laughed and then Mountain looked me up and down and noticed my small semi-erection and the 3 inch diameter wet spot on the front of my panties where I has had a sissy orgasm. He then said “ Looks like you enjoy this too. Did you cum from giving me head? Fucking amazing. Amazing!” I said yes, I will cum after I have taken a few loads but my little orgasms are no threat to anyone’s manhood. Both of my new friends laughed and Milo said “Thank God you love your work. Almost as much as we do.” I told them that I probably enjoyed giving head and craved giving head and getting fucked more than most men desire it. Both smiled and approved. Milo then indicated that he was ready to go so I went to my station in front of him. I started working on him when he stopped me and said “I think I need to pee.” I looked up at him and said “Just let it go baby” and put his cock back in my mouth. He hesitated a bit and I started sucking hard. He finally gave up and released a stream of hot urine down my throat. Not a lot, but just enough to wash down the three hot loads of of semen I had already taken. Now I went to work in earnest. Having taken his piss is one further step in submission to his manhood. In the back of my mind I plotted the next move, to get him over to my house, dress in a red hot black satin night gown, heels, makeup, garters and hose and perfume and have him fuck me and breed me. As my imagination went wild I worked harder on him and soon had him raging hard. He sensed my desire to take his load yet again and please him and prove to him that I could be his sexual dream cum true. As I worked he laid back, moaning lowly and mumbling under his breath sweet nothings. I had my right hand caging the base of his cock and his balls in my left hand when he jumped to full erection and shot another load of semen. I went fully down on him and stayed down until he had expended himself and then went back to face fucking him and flicking him with my tongue. He got another two minutes of that until he became too sensitive to tolerate any more. I leaned back, released his cock from my lips with a pop and stood up. I got out the handi-wipes and washed down his crotch and then headed to the cat box. Both guys slowly put themselves back together and got up and grabbed a beer. When I came back out I was still only in panties and they got the full measure of my bitch ass, tits and smooth body. They motioned me to sit down on the couch, handed me a beer and then asked if it would be cool to party again on Sunday and if they could, bring Lorenzo in to the action. I responded by saying that I was fine with anyone they thought was good and clean and who would enjoy the action and keep our little secret together. They both assured me Lorenzo was good to go. So, we got up and went back in to the storage room to inspect the box, stool and other stuff to make sure it was ready to go. Mountain came up with the idea of naming the box and the glory hole technique we had just invented. Milo spit out “Suck-o-Matic. Fucking Suck-o-Matic.” Mountain approved and laughed as did I. This was to be faggot loaded Flesh Light. We went back to the man cave laughing and collected our things. As we made our exit we all agreed that Sunday night was going to be very special indeed.

As I drove toward my place my cell phone text buzzed so I pulled over to see what it was. It was my friend Mark whom I have been seeing for about 5 years. Once a week or so he will text me to come either to his office or to his house to take a load off of him. At his office we wait until closing and the staff is gone and I blow him either in his office or in the rest room. If it is at his house I park at the end of the ally, walk down to his back gate, enter and go in the back of his garage. He will be there under low light, waiting with a raging hard on as I strip to my panties, take my seat on a low stool and service him. Mark is a real sweet guy, very intense about his oral sex and a hard cummer. Thirty years ago he must have been a female slayer. Now, he is still in very good shape, trim and muscular but is still a seventy four year old man. Sometimes he needs just a little more help to get up and off. I provide that for him. As I sucked he talked and encouraged me and told me about his week. We have become good friends over the many hours I have spent with his cock in my mouth and swallowing his cum. He appreciates me and tells me time and again that he has no need or desire for anyone else. I do it for him and he is happy with that and happy that I can take the time to take care of him. Mark does not get sex from his wife due to health issues so I am his only release. He tries not to jack off but saves it for me and tells me so as I do my work for him. This evening he had not gotten his rocks off for over five days. The last time I saw him I got a huge orgasm out of him and it looked like I would be rewarded again tonight. He got closer to shooting and stopped talking and started rocking with me as he fucked my mouth. Three more strokes and he released in me and gave me a very nice hot load. His was no where as thick as the two young bulls I had just drained but his slides down my throat nicely and I appreciate the reward. I always give him good after care and keep that up for a few minutes. When we are done I dress quickly, he thanks me and tells me he will text.

I drifted back to my car wondering how many faggots in this conservative little town could build the stable of studs I have built. With a bit of work I have built quite a team of guys who call me for occasional relief. They appreciate it and let me know it. I have even had one refer me to a friend or two. Networking is nice. Networking is the key to success. Even in cock sucking it is important. Direct referrals eliminate all of the web bull shit and get you in front of a real man with real needs quickly. And guys hang with guys who are like them. Find a good one and he can be the pathway to a couple of good guys who will appreciate you. Most take me in fag mode. A few insist upon drag mode. It is all good for me. What ever gets their sexual imagination going makes to ride better for me. Most are rock hard as they come to my door or as they hear me pull up. I would not have it any other way. Then my thoughts drifted off to this coming Sunday and three hot Latin bulls who would show up with painfully hard cum cannons and balls just begging to be drained.

I got home and stripped and went to the tub to lay with Mister Bubble and think about the evening. After a 20 minute soak I dried off, did the lotion thing on my legs, fanny and arms and then slipped in to a satin baby doll. It was 11 pm and I wanted to sleep so I thought to get my estimm and a silicon butt plug out and wire myself up. I laid on my back with the Estim causing all kinds of convulsions and contractions in my fanny as I jacked my tootie with a bit of Corn Huskers lotion. I like to call it cock suckers lotion because I do use it while giving head to guys who have ED. It works. But try as I might I could not get myself off again. This is the price I pay for having such low testosterone. No body hair, good. No beard, good. No functioning weenie, not so good. The most reliable way for me to get off is anal stimulation. A good fucking by a thick man will always get me off. But tonight even my biggest butt plug and highest power setting on my Estim could not do it. Oh well, off to sleep.

The next few days were uneventful. As usual, 45 e-mails threatening to fuck me like I have never been fucked before. That is always good. The not so good is the guys are all either in Iran or Tierra del Fuego. Occasionally I get a local guy. And then the news from gurls and other fags. We stay in close touch and share info on men, makeup, hose and butt lube among other crucial topics. But it is all fun. And yes, then work.

Sunday came faster than I could imagine. I got in from a work gig and hit the douche, the shower and then the tub to shave my peach fuzz. Once done I lubed, got some good smelling stuff on and then picked a pair of ruby red satin panties, shorts, tank top with a sissy logo on it and a light sweater. I grabbed my medium duty date bag and headed for the door. On the way Milo texted me and said the coast was clear and everything was going according to plan. When I arrived I parked in the alley and came in through the back gate. I noted Milo’s truck in the yard and Mountain’s huge jacked up GMC parked on the front street. As I entered the man door in to the garage both were sitting on the couch and were watching porn, sipping beer and smoking a joint. Mountain said hi and added that Lorenzo would be here in about an hour so we could start the party without him. I took the hint, dropped my bag, my shorts, kicked off my shoes and looked to see who had his cock in hand first. It was a tie so I asked who had been good this week and had not jacked off. Milo said enough, go take care of the big man. So I sashayed over to Mountain, pulled down a pillow from the couch and put it under my knees and went to work. He exploded in four minutes. The anticipation got to him and he apologized before I could stop him. I said to him “baby there is a lot more where that came from. We will get in round two before you know it.” I then went over to Milo, dropped in to the position and went to work on him. He lasted 25 minutes by my count on the clock and after he shot a good load I got up and said “Someone has been cheating.” He admitted that he fucked Angelina Thursday afternoon. And quickly added with a rubber.

I sat on the couch and Mountain handed me a Pacifico out of the fridge. I sipped the beer as the guys downed theirs and they pulled on their joint. After about 20 minutes we heard Lorenzo’s car pull up and Mountain exclaimed “quick, to the Suck-o-Matic. We all laughed as I ran in panties in to the back room and got in the box. Lorenzo came in to the man cave and I could hear low voices talking and telling him things like “everything is cool. We know this person. Very very cool, very clean, very good. Just mellow out and relax. Here, have a beer, have a toke, we have plenty of time.” So they sat out front for ten more minutes as Lorenzo gathered his courage. Once calmed down he stood, strode to the door of the storage room, entered and closed it behind him. The room was lit by one dim desk lamp but he knew to head toward the box. In my most femme voice I told him to come to the front of the box, drop his fly or better yet drop his pants and come forward. He did as instructed and presented his eight inch, thin uncut tool through the hole. His shaft was thin but he had a beautiful swollen purple glans. His glans was over sized and I thought to myself this kid will give me one hell of a fuck if I can get him that far. I had warmed my hands and reached up to cup his balls with my left as I took his glans between my lips and in to my mouth. He was fully erect and horned beyond belief. He had already popped some precum and I thought I would take this first few minutes very easy to get him to hold on and not cum too fast. The worst thing in the world would be to have him shoot early and embarrass himself. A large part of this first experience is psychological. Allowing him to assert his manhood by successfully exploiting a faggot for his sexual pleasure and under his direction and control is critical to building his sexual confidence. A lot of queers don’t get this when dealing with inexperienced straight guys. Completely submitting yourself to them, never challenging their manhood or position as a straight man is critical if you want them to be comfortable with this kind of sexual scenario. You are there to please them and serve them. Your reward is a hot load of cum and knowing that you have done for him what very few females can. Focus on their cock and balls, keep your hands away from their ass, start slow and build up to more intense action. Let them know you love pleasing them as much as they love being pleased. I have met a lot of straight men who were turned off by overly aggressive fags who push the limits too soon and inadvertently challenge a man’s masculinity or sense of control and scare them off of alternative sex. These men are not gay, not “bi” and probably never will be. They just cum in a gay mouth or gay ass.

As Lorenzo started to relax and enjoy my gentle attention he leaned in to the hole, let me cup his balls and let me go full length on his shaft as I slowly increased both the depth and the pace. I was careful to monitor the position of his balls. If they start to tighten against his scrotum too soon it will bring him to orgasm too soon. I need to keep him on pace and make this last fifteen minutes at least. This is important so he can return to the man cave as the conquering warrior and not the fast shooter. His confidence is everything and making sure he impresses his two older idols is important to future action. I took note of how sensitive his glans was and avoided the tip and his pee hole because he would flinch and harden every time I touched it with my tongue. So I opened my mouth wide and focused my lips on wrapping around his shaft as I stroked the underside of his cock with my tongue. He enjoyed it and it kept him on good pace. Time passed in my mind and I was conscious to keep him up and going but not too fast in order to take at least twelve minutes and hopefully closer to twenty before he shot. In the back of my mind my clock ticked beyond 10 and then 12 minutes so I just tried to keep the steady pace and pressure. No hard suction, no wild tongue flicks. Just a steady light duty face fuck. But he intensified and got more aggressive fucking me back, moaning and then telling me to suck it harder and make him cum. I did so and he did so. I used my cupped left hand on his balls to hold him forward as he shot his hot load down my throat and coated my mouth. I did not let him escape and kept up the suction and the face fucking motion. He leaned in to me enjoying every second of the post orgasm stimulation and he gave me full access to his shaft and balls in order to keep it up. I worked him for what must have been another three minutes and he came again and loudly exclaimed it to the world. After he shot the second time he let me savor his cock for another minute before he pulled our of my pussy mouth and out of the hole. He stood there pulling up his pants and exclaiming “Fuck, incredible, fucking incredible” and then turned and headed to the door. Before he opened the door he turned toward the box and said, ‘thank you, that is a beautiful thing you did for me. Please, if the guys will let you, come out front and have a drink and let’s talk. I want to know you.” I said OK, backed out of the box and showed myself in the dim light. Smooth, B cup tits, blond hair, ruby red panties. He smiled and as he opened the door he said “I like the package. We are all going to like the package.”

I went out front and pulled the matching ruby red satin dressing coat out of my bag and slipped it on. I sat on the couch and Lorenzo sat next to me and handed me a glass of red wine. We started talking and Lorenzo put his hand on my smooth bare let. I did not retreat nor did I discourage him so he slipped it a bit higher and to the edge of my panties. The satin robe covered his hand but the guys saw his move and smiled. Lorenzo then asked what I liked, how I got off and I explained that I orgasmed when I sucked off Milo and Mountain on Wednesday and that I love sucking cock to the point that I was happy. Milo piped up by saying “Bobbi also loves to get fucked. That is the best way to get the orgasm and keep Bobbi as your bitch.” I smiled and blushed as all three men gazed at me. We continued our talk and Lorenzo got more familiar. He asked if he could touch my tit and if they were real to which I said yes. He lingered as he stroked my nipple and then took my left tit in his cupped hand. He said “nice” and held if for a while.

We continued to sip our drinks and the guys did a line of coke. Once done with the social hour Milo reached in to a bag on the floor and pulled out a box of large Rough Rider condoms and a tube of lube and indicated for me to assume the position on the end of the couch, my knees against the arm rest, elbows on the arm rest, I felt Lorenzo’s hand slip over my satin clad fanny and pull them down below my pussy hole. First Milo came up behind me on his knees, worked a two lubricated fingers in to my pussy and then the head of his cock. I pressed back on him encouraging and assisting his penetration and in a few seconds he was fully in me. He put his hands on my shoulders and began fucking me, at first gently and slowly but over a minute he took authority over me and started fucking me harder. He leaned down over me and asked “Are you OK baby? Like it. No pain?” To which I responded half out of my mind with pleasure “Fuck me Mister Man!” He took full liberties with my request and drilled me hard as Mountain came around front, leaned over and whispered in my ear “wait til you get my log in you, bitch. He chuckled and said, “don’t worry baby, we are not going to ruin a perfect pussy.” Milo drilled me both for his pleasure and to assert his authority over me. I felt it as he captured me and held me against the arm rest of the couch and took his pleasure. There was nothing mean in this, no intentional pain, just control. He was making a statement to me and to the guys who was the man, who was in charge and just how this relationship was going to be. He pounded harder as I started giving up some precum. I could feel the wet spot on my panties grow and his grip on my shoulders increase until he exploded in me. He held himself fully in me as he unloaded his balls and once empty, he relaxed his grip and allowed himself to slide out of me with a pop.

Lorenzo had moved around to the side to watch the action and was once again painfully erect. Mountain looked at him and said “you ready to go, hommes?” Lorenzo nodded and Mountain handed him an opened rubber packet. Milo came around front, stroked my head with both hands and asked “You OK baby, you OK to take more?” I responded by saying something like stop talking and start fucking. So Lorenzo followed Milo’s lead, mounted me from behind and in three presses was fully inside of me. His cock was not as thick but his glans rode over my walnut perfectly. My pussy closed down over his thinner shaft and I got the full sensation of his glans stroking my walnut. He also took Milo’s lead by grabbing my shoulders and fucking me with authority. He leaned back like a cowboy riding a bronco and shot again in about four minutes. When he came he came down on me, grabbed my shoulders and drove himself deep in to me. As he came I shot a load in to my panties and let out a series of whimpers of pleasure. Mountain put his cock in my mouth and I sucked him for a minute as he prepared his rubber. Lorenzo and Milo were sipping beer and chatting as Mountain mounted me from behind and gave me a bump on the pussy with his thick tool. He leaned over, whispered in my ear and told me to relax and press back on him. I did so and he head slid easily in to me and I then pressed down on to his full length. He said in a louder voice “good gurl” and began his motion. I knew he was horned from the minute or two that I had his cock in my mouth and he took measured strokes, I opened my fanny up fully for him and did not do any hooker tricks with my muscles to get him to cum fast. I just let him ride and work his beer can in and out of me at his pace. We settled in to a gentle motion,him pressing his legs and crotch against me forcing my knees in to the padded arm rest and holding me tightly in place both with his body and with his massive hands on my shoulders. Gurls, don’t try this at home. (Taking a man with an eleven inch thick cock is not for beginners. There, now my lawyer is happy with the consumer warning.) He held me tightly as we worked in synchronized motion to give him his pleasure and the pressure on my walnut started to make me quiver with sensual overload. I was dripping precum as he stroked me and I lost track of time. Milo leaned down to look at me and ask if I was OK to which I blurted out something like “God yes. Fuck me and keep fucking me.” Meanwhile Mountain’s grip got tighter, his pace faster and his breathing more labored. He continued pumping until he finally Seized up, held himself deep in me and I could feel his prostate pusling as he tested the load limits on the reservoir tip of he condom. His hands were gripping me so tightly on my shoulders that Milo leaned over and whispered to him “easy hommes, don’t bruise baby.” He immediately lightened his grip and said “Sorry, you OK?” and he started to pull himself free and to that I nearly screamed “Please stay in me. Don’t pull out yet.” He complied and remained faithfully fully inside of me until he started to go soft. At that point he slid out, Lorenzo was standing by with a towel and my glass of wine and when Mountain finally released me I rolled back in to the sofa and on the towel and took a deep sip of wine. The guys all took their seats and Milo leaned over to me and asked “you OK?” I said I was more than OK and thanked them for a superb performance of manhood and sensual loving care. I then told them that they were the best, I loved them and they owned me. I look forward to more times with them and will make it my top priority.

At that we took about a 20 minute break and then cleaned up the man cave and the storage room. We put Suck-o-Matic back against the wall to make it look like just another spare cardboard box and we picked up our things and headed to the cars.

The next morning I got a nice e-mail from Milo thanking me and telling me how both Mountain and Lorenzo raved about the experience. I responded by telling him to pass to them what wonderful men they are and how I care so deeply for them and want to please them and you, Milo, in every way. I also told Milo to check with Lorenzo to make sure he had no discomfort with the situation and my approach. A few hours later Milo responded by saying “Wednesday is all set. Me, Mountain, Lorenzo is totally cool. No, hot. You are going to meet his younger brother Ernesto. See you then.”
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Old 29th January 2020, 08:29 PM
Join Date: Sep 2014
Posts: 21

Sooooo hot!
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Old 30th January 2020, 06:22 AM
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Thank you

Hi there, and thank you. We have a lot of fun down here.
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Old 30th January 2020, 11:02 AM
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I don't know if that was story or reality - but what a story!
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Old 30th January 2020, 11:25 AM
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Changed names and locations to protect the not so innocent. Ongoing thing.
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Old 8th July 2020, 06:23 PM
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Smile loved it

great story!!!
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Old 2nd February 2020, 03:13 PM
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Great story!!! I would sure love to be in a place like that, as the one providing all the pleasure.
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