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Old 18th July 2019, 08:59 AM
Join Date: Jan 2008
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Frontage Road Hot Load

Frontage Road Hot Loads

Where I live here in the desert Southwest the freeways bypassed a lot of older small towns and stops along the way. Many survive but are quiet for the most part. Vast stretches of older state highways are now just frontage roads for the freeways and serve the isolated communities along the way. Very often guys pull off the freeway and drive stretches of these older roads for a change of scenery and the thrill of driving on old Rt 66 or one of the other classic routes. There are loads of places to stop, park and get out for a smoke or a stretch and there is a lot of history here in the buildings that remain. I discovered one such place a few years ago as my trained eye looked for single guys parking, lurking and waiting for the right fag to come along.

My favorite spot is just off of the I-40, about 12 miles from my place and near an older truck stop that has seen better days. Behind the truck stop is an old titty bar that is sometimes open, more often not closed and featured a few D list girls dancing in the dim lights. Truckers and travelers stop day and night for fuel, coffee and food and some drift in to the bar when it is open. Just east of the truck stop is a side road screened from the freeway and highway. I had noted an RV or two parked down around the bend on occasion and occasionally a guy would park his rig there to get out of the congested truck parking at the truck stop. It all looks innocent enough to the untrained eye and this place rarely draws any attention from authorities. Perfect conditions to cruise.

Late one fall afternoon I was coming home from the River when I decided to exit, get a soft drink at the truck stop and take the old highway the rest of the way home. As usual the truck stop was pretty quiet, so I used the rest room, grabbed a soda and headed for the car. The bar was closed so I thought I would just head home. As I pulled my car back on the frontage road I looked down the side road. Barely visible was the cab of a white truck parked down the side road and nearly out of view. I decided to take a cruise and see who might be there and see if there was any potential. As I turned in the side road I noted the truck, an older GMC with a utility bed with the passenger side door open. I cruised past to get a look and noted a guy standing by the side of the road pissing. My mind raced as I pulled over, parked about 25 yards ahead of the truck and then checked my rear view mirror. The man was holding his gear and faced partially toward me so I could see. I thought “Bingo” and popped my door. As was my habit I grabbed my little nylon BJ bag, a small plastic trash bag and my soda. As I went around the back of my car I could feel the guy staring at me so I shyly looked to my right, made eye contact and detected no threat. He just gave me a stare that drew me toward him. As I approached I bent down to pick up a couple of beer cans and put them in my plastic trash bag. As I stood up the second time I noted the cigarette butts and a couple of used condoms on the ground and then looked up to make full on eye contact with my target.

He appeared to be mid to late ‘50’s, Latin, with a perfectly trimmed goatee and mustache. This was a working guy I thought as I noted his chest and big arms. He stood about 5’10” and probably weighed in at 210. He must have had a 48 inch chest and about a 38 inch waist. His arms looked like he could crush me at will. As I followed his right arm down to the hand that held his cock I could tell this man was loaded with testosterone. His black curly hair on his arms and popping out of his shirt collar told me this was a real man, all man, and he was showing me what he needed. His left hand came up to give me a “come hither” gesture and I did so. As I approached he smiled. His rough facial features cracked in to a kind face and he said in a slight accent “you are a good Boy Scout. You clean up after others. That is a good thing.” I approached within three feet of him and looked him in the face. He could tell I was under his spell so when I answered “I will be your good Boy Scout” he lightly laughed and showed me more of his hard cock. He was standing on a piece of doubled over cardboard. The cardboard extended to a point about two feet in front of him. As I went to my knees in front of him I knew this guy knew the drill. Providing knee cushions is a nice thought in this land of rough gravel roads.

As I stared in to his crotch and fixated on his manhood he let his hands slide to the side. I noted the gold band on his left hand. Mamma is not giving him what he needed so I am signing up for the long haul if he will have me. His cock stared back at me and I noted his dark brown skin with a foreskin straining to cover a deep purple glans. His glans glistened with precum. I leaned in to him, put my left hand around the base of his cock and sucked his tool in to my mouth and throat. Nine inches, almost completely erect and thick to the point where I had to open my mouth and lean in to him to get the right angle to get his cock head in to my throat. As I eased him back out I worked the underside of his cock with my tongue and let the glans come to my lips before once again bringing him back in to my mouth and throat. I felt his hands rest on the back of my head and neck as he relaxed and let me go to my work. In and out we rocked for what seemed an eternity and as I worked he grew harder, thicker and longer. His glans was now completely exposed and was getting the full benefit from my tongue work each time I rocked back on him. I could taste precum as his cock hit my lips and noted he was fully erect. I could feel his balls move up in to launch position hard against his body so I slowed down a bit, tuned down the suction and tongue work to see if I could get him to last. As I did I heard him say “I need to cum please” so I put on the suction, lip and tongue action and sucked him down in to my throat. Four more passes over my tongue and I felt his hands pressing harder on the back of my head and neck. As he passed over my tongue headed for my tonsils I felt him stand erect, shudder and then his semen exploded first straight down my open throat and then in to my mouth as I more rapidly took him in and out of my mouth. Now his hands had the back of my head in a vice grip as he pumped himself in and out of my mouth cumming as he neared my tonsils. He held himself deep inside of me as I worked him with my tongue and applied more suction. It seemed like he shot at least a dozen sperm laden convulsions in to me as I lapped up his man juice and continued sucking, flicking and teasing his cock with my mouth. His convulsions slowed and I continued to hold him in my mouth, stroking him with my tongue, sucking on the end of his cock and flicking his pee hole with my tongue and then swirling my tongue around his purple head. He stayed in position and allowed me to work his cock even though he was now drained of semen. His hands held my head gently as we swayed in to his post orgasmic bliss. For at least three more minutes I held him in my mouth, sucking, teasing and stroking his now half hard cock. He groaned and leaned back against the truck as I continued sucking him. He softened but still gave occasional convulsions of pleasure as I worked him. This went on for another two minutes when he said “I think I have to piss.” I did not let him pull out and put both hands behind his ass and held him in me, increasing the suction until I could taste the sharp taste of his urine. I could tell he was trying to hang on and not pee while in my mouth but I insisted with my suction and my hands pressing his ass forward. He finally relented and releases a small load of golden nectar for me. I took it down, slowly released his cock from my suction grip and flicked it with my tongue as I slowly released him from my trap.

As his cock flopped out of my mouth I looked up at him. He looked down at me with a note of concern on his face and said “I am sorry if I made you do something you did not want to do.” I asked him what he meant and he told me he did not intend to hold my head so tightly and force me to swallow his semen much less a load of urine. To that I responded that I love taking a man’s load and love drinking from the tap after he has orgasm-ed. He smiled and helped me to my feet. I pulled a Handy-Wipe from my nylon fag bag and then dropped to one knee to wipe his cock and balls clean of my spit and neaten him up. That done I stood and he invited me to sit in the cab of the truck with him. He had a 6 pack of Tecate and offered me one. As we sipped our beers we soaked up the sunset in the desert, the sounds, the smells of the sage and the noise of the distant freeway. We talked a bit and then I told him how much I appreciated the opportunity to give him a blow job and how I hoped I could be his regular queen. To that he responded that his wife was no longer sexual and he needed release. Usually he stopped in the desert on the way back from jobs and jacked off but it was never very satisfying. He always felt half relieved. I asked him how I made him feel. He told me he had not had an orgasm like that since his ‘20’s. Again I asked if I could be his regular queen. I explained that I lived in the area, had a very private home in a quiet neighborhood and could host him at my place. He could shower there and relax as I took care of him. It ends up we only live 8 miles apart. So for the past 3 years I have been taking care of him at my place. Occasionally we will go back to the frontage road for old times sake or to make it more convenient if he is working well West of town. Over time we have become good friends. Some may find it odd that a swishy faggot like me could actually be a close friend to a man like Max but I don’t flash, don’t show any queer sign when in public with straight guys. Behind closed doors it is a difference story. So now on top of taking care of his needs we spend some time together. We fish together and share that passion. And I find my passion on my knees in front of him making him feel like the king of the world.

This spot is so perfect that after finding Max there I have worked it regularly. About a month later I stopped at the same truck stop for a pee break and a soda. While in the men’s room I noted a guy at the urinals and we made eye contact. I knew right there he made me as a fag so I gave him a quick smile and a tongue flick around my lips. He smiled back and nodded toward the door. As we left the back exit of the store he headed for a ramp truck and looked over his shoulder at me. We got in our vehicles and I led him out of the lot to the side road. As we turned in I noted we had it to ourselves and I pulled over to the same spot where I service Max. The ramp truck pulled up behind me and stopped. I got our of my car and walked back to his rig with my fag bag in hand. He motioned me around to the passenger door and I could hear the electronic lock open. I hopped up on the tank, opened the door and slid on to the passenger seat. The driver was talking on his radio to his dispatch and told the dispatch that he would park a the truck stop and wait for his next road service call. She told him to stay parked and not burn fuel cruising around. He acknowledged and then put the microphone back on its holder. He looked at me and smiled, reached for a pack of cigarettes in his pocket, flipped one in to his mouth and offered me one. I declined and told him “I am more interested in sucking your cock.” He exhaled smoke out the window and turned toward me with a toothy smile. “Any time you are ready baby. I need to cum bad.” He opened the button and fly on his Carhart carpenters shorts, dropped them to the his feet and dropped his tighty-whities revealing a beer can of a cock. I slid off my seat and on to my knees between his seat and the passenger seat, knee walked over to him and went down on his manhood. I could taste the Irish Spring soap on his cock and balls and the smoke from his unfiltered Camel drifted around the cab as I went to my work. He had a thick cock that must have been 10 inches long and thick, so thick that his shaft went straight in to his glans. I also noted the huge purple veins and felt them as I worked my mouth up and down his shaft. As I worked he put one hand on the back of my neck his hand and arm gently rode my motion.

I was positioned between his knees, on my knees with his work boots against the outside of my knees. His right hand rested on the back of my neck and his left hand managed his smoke. As I worked he fell in to my rhythm and leaned back and started talking. He told me how he craved good head but how the faggots in this area and in California were afraid to cruise and respond to come-ons. He told me that he had watched me get out of my Subaru and walk across the fueling islands and in to the store. At that point he made me in spite of my efforts to look low key and not obvious. That is when he went for the bathroom knowing I would cruise it. And I did. And here we are, his cock pounding the back of my throat and me drawing out drips of his precum. And I was precumming myself. Under my khaki shorts I was wearing a pair of purple satin panties. The feel of the fabric always puts me in the mood. And in this position it was giving me a rub out to beat all rub outs. I was wearing a tank top and he could see that I shaved my armpits and had little to no body hair on my legs, arms and chest. He told me what a turn on that was and how he was turned off by hairy guys. As I worked his cock he talked and told me his each and every sexual fantasy, told me about his ex old lady and what a bitch she was, told me how often he jacked off in his truck and how much porn he had at his new modular down by the River. I stayed to my work and listened knowing that this guy is not getting good sex, can’t afford hookers thanks to his child support payments and works this side of the River 50 hours a week. I think we can make this a regular thing if I treat him right.

After about 30 minutes I noted his increasing tension, hardness and his balls crawling up to get ready to launch. He said in a firm voice “I hope you like to swallow because I like to hold guys down on it when I cum.” His legs were bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet as he rocked back and forth on his air seat. We were in a perfect rhythm working his entire cock as I felt both of his hand go behind my head and as they did they guided my head in perfect motion with my mouth action. I felt him harden and then convulse and then shove my head down on the full extent of his cock. He convulsed hard seven times shooting a large load of semen each time. My throat and mouth were flooded and I struggled to stay ahead of his flow by sucking it down as it came. The salty taste flooded my mouth and he held me tight as I continued to work his cock. After about a minute his hands relaxed and he leaned back allowing me to once again get an up and down, in and out motion working his entire cock. I kept this up for another ten minutes occasionally getting another convulsion and small load of baby batter. He then went soft and I released him from my mouth and looked up at him from my knees. He leaned forward and said in a drawl “Ya know when I was younger I hated gay people. But now I think you guys are the coolest people in the world. You know what you want, go after it and don’t worry about what people think. I’m Ray, by the way.” I nodded and verbally mumbled an agreement and my name. He then said “that is the best fucking head I have ever had.’

I got back up on the passenger seat and we talked for a while as we listened to the radio for a dispatch call. He told me about his first homosexual experience. When he was 19 he did two and a half years in he Arizona State Penn in Florence. His dad and the rest of his family were members of a redneck gang and he got nailed as an accessory. While in prison his crew had a couple of bitches they all shared. He told me that those queens gave up sex voluntarily in order to avoid a beat down. Since getting out he met a few gay guys and they changed his attitude. He now understood that we have needs just like straights and hell, if we can take care of each other’s needs what the hell. I told him a bit about myself, told him I thought he was a god of a man and that I would be pleased to give him head whenever he was in the mood. He smiled and asked me more about my life as a faggot. He said “After all dude, you shave your legs and arm pits, so are you real kinky?” I told him that I had been a drag queen years ago in San Francisco and still cross dressed for guys if it turned them on. He said it would be a major turn on for him. He then asked if I take it up the ass and I said yes, I love getting fucked. At that point he said “Show me your pussy.” I thought for a minute and then he said with a bit of a laugh “come on, stand up and drop your shorts. I want to see that pussy.” I complied and then realized I was wearing a pair of now cum soaked purple satin panties. As I slipped my hiking shorts down he say “oh baby, your are all mine.” He noted the little spot of cum on the front of my panties and said “So giving me head is good for you too?” I told him I was going to be wet-dreaming about him every night until I can go down on him again. To that he exclaimed “A fuckin’ match made in heaven!” He then turned me around as I slipped my panties down and I could feel him rubbing my smooth ass and then a blunt finger entered my back door. He noted how tight I was but how easily I took the full extent of his big index finger. At that point he told me to come to his place and we would fuck and I could give him head. He also asked me if I was in to threesomes because he had a room mate, Sam, who was kinky but who had never been with a fag. I told him I would be in to anything that got his cock in my mouth or ass.

I met him later that week at another gas station and gave him head. At that point I gave him my home number as well as the cell number he already had and gave him my e-mail address as well. He told me his roomie and he wanted to party with me at his place. Two days later I was at his place and did a double down blowjob party with them as they watched porn. After giving both head twice Ray took me to the bed and took my fanny. He came hard for a third time. Sam tried to mount me but was worn out from a long day at work and a couple of beers. I promised him a rain check callable whenever. Ray and his room mate Sam are both big, burly manly men. Both are over 6 feet tall, over 220 and in amazing physical shape even though both are 45. Both have 10 inches of man meat and loaded balls to back them up. They both like to drink, smoke and smoke pot when we play and I don’t mind. They are both princes as men and deserve their relax time. They play hard but are very respectful and protective of me and have never caused me so much as a bruise. They both really appreciate totally compliant, willing sexual service and I love giving it to them.

So in closing, this quiet desert corner has been a very productive spot for me. Many truckers don’t like to play in the lots for fear of being outed or bugged by security. The side road is semi friendly with an easy turn around. It is not unusual for trucks to park there so no one really notices when a rig idles there. More than a few drivers have given me a load there. I have avoided posting it on any of the cruising sites as the truck stop and titty bar are listed. Creative guys will figure it out and I have mentioned it to two of my cruising friends. Drivers talk as do guys in the chat rooms so I am sure it will draw new talent. For now, the talent is A+.
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