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Message Board > Special Interest Forums & Discussion Groups > Getting and Staying Hard: Viagra, etc   viagra/cialis ads

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Old 17th October 2008, 06:33 AM
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Question viagra/cialis ads

Hey , just wondering if the ads on this site for viagra and cialis are liget.? are they researched, checked out or are we just taking a chance like any other offers that are all over the net..?

Thanks for any help..

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Old 17th October 2008, 07:29 AM
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Wayne, we've gotten no negative reports of any of the companies we advertise. I've used them myself without problem. By the way, lots of guys are buying the 'generic' versions of the ED drugs and from what they tell me, it does the job.
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Old 3rd November 2008, 02:20 PM
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I've been ordering brand name Viagra and Cialis from American based pharmacies for years, without incident or issue, other than the high cost. This time I tried a foreign-based pharmacy for the first time and I won't do it again.

I ordered brand name Cialis (not generic) from The cost was less than half what I pay to American pharmacies. TopPills promises free shipping within 14 business days. I ordered my pills 24 days ago and still have nothing.

After 15 days I contacted TopPills and they told me to wait one more week. Today they tell me they'll ship replacement pills for free and that I should wait up to 24 business days more for those replacements to arrive. That will make seven weeks for delivery, if the pills arrive at all. TopPills uses regular international shipping with no tracking or tracing available.

I'll post back whether the replacement pills ever arrive. Meanwhile I've ordered from an American based pharmacy that uses 2-3 day shipping and gives a package tracking number. No more out-of-country pharmacies for me.
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Old 3rd November 2008, 03:57 PM
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I've forwarded this posting to my inside contact at Top Pills for an explanation. Most frustrating to read this. Certainly asking you to wait even longer for a mistake that wasn't of your making should be considered bad customer service.
Generous to young men! Ask me if you're interested.
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Old 3rd November 2008, 10:29 PM
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Thanks for your help, generous2u.

I don't have reason, at this point, to think that TopPills is a fraud because I'm aware of others who have been satisfied with them, and TopPills has been very responsive to my emails, in terms of replying quickly and answering my questions.

The pills could have been shipped promptly but stolen somewhere along the way. Without a tracking number it's impossible to know where they went.

I'll post back if/when the pills arrive.
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Old 4th November 2008, 03:30 AM
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This is just a guess, but I imagine the tracking is not done because the FDA does not take kindly to importing drugs in this manner. When you or I order pills from foreign countries, no matter how legit the need may be, we run the risk of running up against a system that would prefer we pay retail prices in the United States. I know of some fairly recent examples of the US government working with foreign governments to track down and close operations selling meds at cheaper than retail prices to Americans via offshore pharmacies. That doesn't excuse having to wait so long for something you've paid for, but it could help explain the lack of tracking.
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Old 5th November 2008, 05:36 AM
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Speaking of the ads here

I'm basically oh-for-two on the last two generics orders I've placed from vendors who I caught here.

Neither order was correct - and they both were very low potency. I'm sure there was *some* V in both - but nowhere near the real dosage I get via the Dr.

This is in contrast to a few years back when I bought Caverta from Canada. That was the real deal.

Caverta and the stuff from currently do not raise the staff as before.
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Old 5th November 2008, 09:23 AM
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I've always assumed that the price you pay for much cheaper drugs will show up in potency. Having made that assumption without any proof, lots of my friends in the adult industry always swear by their generics. What would probably be really helpful here for the men who use this site would be letting us know which overseas companies have a better reputation. If you tell me who they are, I will make sure to ad them to our list of vendors we recommend.
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Old 6th November 2008, 06:02 PM
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My Cialis arrived today. From the postmark this is my original order placed October 9, not the replacement pills promised on November 3.

Pills were advertised as arriving in 7-14 business days but took 28 calendar days or, eliminating Sundays, 24 business days.

Packaging was secure and discreet. Count is correct. Pills appear to be the real thing. It's just that shipping was slow.

The other pills I ordered from my regular American company also arrived yesterday, in 4 calendar days.
Now I'm drowning in Cialis!
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Old 30th November 2009, 07:32 PM
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It's been over a year since I ordered from TopPills and I decided to give them another chance...even though my last order took 28 days to arrive. This time I wasn't in a hurry.

TopPills now advises delivery within 14-24 business days. A year ago it was 7-14 business days.

My pills arrived 11 calendar days (not business days) after I ordered...quicker than expected. The envelope was postmarked Mumbai, India.

I can't comment on potency yet, but shipping time and online communication have improved since a year ago.
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Old 2nd December 2009, 12:59 PM
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I have tried some of the generic from India - bought from a website that advertised here- it does work - but I have never used "the real thing" to know if it is a different potency.

What I did not like in this last order was the front of the package was marked "ED Prescription".

As for the time of delivery - it is good that you checked the postmark - once the business mails the package out they have no control over delivery.

I hope Cockhound does post on the potency as maybe next time I will try toppills for the real thing - might work better.

The ones I get do help - but I don't have to worry about those 4 hour erections they talk about on the ads!
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