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CRUISING for SEX - What's happened w/ Steamworks??

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versatileiam 5th January 2007 10:00 AM

What's happened w/ Steamworks??
The last few times I've been there it's been pretty much dead. I was there one Thurs eve and then one Fri eve ... not very many people there. I was especially suprised for a Fri eve ...

Danhil 7th January 2007 11:50 PM

I'd like to know as well
Good question Versatileiam! I've noticed the same thing! The last few times I was there I found the place to be very slow! I was there this last Saturday (Jan 06 2007) and it was very slow! Around 1AM they got a little bit busier, but it didn't last long, after 2AM the place was totally dead!

My guess is their rates that increased too much! Ok, it is a very nice place, but they are charging way too much for six hours. Plus, I know that a while ago they were having problems with hot water! There was no hot water in the whole place! And still they didn't fix the problem like they should.

traveller 9th January 2007 12:58 AM

So with Mans World torn down and Steamworks gone cold, where the heck am I supposed to go for good hot sex in a bath house in this town?

Don't tell me that Mans country is the only option..

versatileiam 9th January 2007 11:08 AM

Well .. I thought maybe I had just hit a couple off times, but I guess I'm not the only one that has noticed this. I was going to ask the same thing ... where is everyone going? Steamworks always used to be a sure thing when I visited Chicago. Has MansCountry picked up as of lately??

Even this site has slowed to a crawl!! You don't see very many posts on here anymore. Are there other sites taking the place of CFS??

Danhil 10th January 2007 09:38 AM

I don't know!
I'd really like to know where the hell everybody is! MC is not busier than usual, same homeless crowd, same twisted mind guys, same people walking around fully dressed. Nothing has changed.
And once again, you're right Versatileiam, even at CFS things have slowed down a lot!
Talking with a friend of mine, he said he has been very lucky at
I didn't try it yet, because it's a paid site, so I don't know for sure.
But don't you guys feel that gay people in Chicago seem to be hibernating?

Danhil 10th January 2007 09:41 AM

Steamworks has also increased the price of their membership! Now a six month membership is $20.00 and they also have a one day membership for $5.00!!!!
Great place, but they are, for sure, using and abusing of gay people!!

versatileiam 10th January 2007 12:12 PM

Eliminate the membership fee!!
I always thought that membership fee was a joke!! I thought it was only $5 or $10 for a 6 month membership. That has really went up if it's now $20!! It should be just pay for the time you want. But are the fees keeping people away?? I don't know ....

I did have someone email me and recommended a couple adult book stores / arcades in Melrose Park. The bad thing with ABS's is they can be such a hit or miss place plus you never know what the staff will be like - rude & bothersome or friendly. Plus finding them when you're not all that familiar with Chicago. SW was soooooo convienent being not that far from the L Train.

I have been to MC a couple times a couple years back.... I had a very good time the first time I was there. Just wish they would clean the place up ..... lol!!

Thanks for the responses!!

Bi6ulm4m 12th January 2007 08:09 AM

Man's Country or Steamworks
Tis a puzzlement!

I know when Man's World was still in business the three baths had totally different personalities. Speaking as an ex-Man's World patron, I wouldn't go to either Steamworks or Man's country, just based on things I've read here. I'm over 60, so don'tt feel I would be welcome at Steamworks. Seems like if you are over 40, the clientele at Steamworks consider you a troll. No thanks. And Man's Country just gives me the creeps!

ChgoHryGuy 12th January 2007 10:41 AM

Tall Tales
Do not believe everything you read on here. I am a former Man's World patron. I am over 60, slightly, but still over. I have been going to Steamworks, and I always have a blast. I see more and more former patrons of M W there. Yes, there are always some guys with an attitude, but you will find that type anywhere. So ignore them, don't have an attitude of your own, and I think you will have a good time.

When I renewed my membership in November, I believe it cost $5. I know it didn't cost $20.

Danhil 12th January 2007 11:48 AM

ChgoHryGuy is right! Do not believe everything you read here Bi6ulm4m, however you have a strong point. The three bathhouses have different personalities and crowds. But there is attitude everywhere you go, bad and good attitude.
I believe you can have fun at Steamworks too, even being over 60. I am 38 and I like older guys and trust me many times I was turned down by guys, that's the way it is, lol. Sometimes the guy you're into, it is not into you and vice-versa! I don't like the stupid young crowd that goes to Steamworks as well, and some of them can be total assholes, but then I think: "Well, I was in my 20s once and I used to think that I was the shit, that I was the best thing in the whole world." But getting older made me realized one thing: "God, I was so stupid when I was in my 20s!" LOL! What am I today? Just an ordinary guy and I am not the shit, lol!!!
And I believe all tribes can have fun at Steamworks.

Anyway, the new rate for the membership at Steamworks is really $20 for six months. They started the new rate in January 2007. For more info check their website at

like2try 13th January 2007 07:32 PM

Versatileiam asked if another site has taken the place of CFS.
www.*********** is very active.

like2try 13th January 2007 07:34 PM

OK...that didn't work.
dubya dubya dubya dot s q u i r t dot org

9in4XXX 14th January 2007 05:23 PM

U guys are so LUCKY
When I do get the opportunity to visit Chicago, I make it a point to visit Steamworks. I've always had a good time there. Most of the time better than good. Granted I'm a little older (46) than most, but I feel and act young and have a big huge cock, and for the most part that's what the party is about.

The bath houses in Cleveland where I go, are okay (better during the warmer months). But neither one have slurp ramps and only offer 3 XXX rated channels (they actually offer more regular cable channels than X rated ones, go figure) and their hot tubs aren't in an dark and sexxxual envoirment like the Steamworks.

I also noticed that driving and staying in Chicago area, is way more expensive than what i'm used to (i'm paying $1.99 gal for gas and $1.69 a gal for skim milk today). So given all that perhaps the crowd that regularly goes to Steamworks is having a harder time finding the $$ to party there every week.

Just my opinion, but I think you all are very LUCKY to have a bath house like steamworks in your area. appreciate what you got and quit whinning and enjoy.

sukmeoff2 14th January 2007 10:03 PM

my 2 cents
$20.00/6mths=$ 3.33 a month, I can find that in the couch, I mean..that's not a problem, I think everyone should visit Steamworks at least once, The facilities are phenominal. In all my years I've never come across a place SO geared towards sex as SW. .. I also have found lighter crowds as of late. Seems a great place on a cold winters night but I've found the biggest crowds on the hottest days this past year.

"Slurp ramp"......gotta love it.:p

Masterofcbt 15th January 2007 02:20 PM

What's the problem?
It is a 100% no smoking facility now. That's why it is dead, since in order to smoke you have to go under a tarp on the roof, and it's fucking cold there.

Also, a lot of the bars are dying a slow death for the same reason, especially the lounge and piano bar at Gentry's on State. The non-smoking ordinance is killing more than the baths and bars too. It was a stupid move on the part of the city.

I've heard rumors that someone might open a suburban bath house that can allow smoking! Whan that happens, I will return.

ChgoHryGuy 16th January 2007 09:36 AM

There is no "problem".
For every person opposed to a smoking ban, there are probably 20 in support of the ban. So maybe there is another reason for this "problem", though I haven't noticed any problem when I've gone to Steamworks. I always leave satisfied!

Masterofcbt 16th January 2007 09:59 AM

You go on thinking that
Go right on thinking that, because those 20 are not the cute little bar twinks that I like to look at, and that a lot of the guys used to come to see.

versatileiam 17th January 2007 10:16 AM

A couple comments ...
Someone previously commented that the membership fee came to something like $3.33 a month and that was (I guess) cheap. Yes .. I suppose if you live in the Chicago area and frequently go to SW. But for someone who does not live in the Chicago area and gets up there only occasionally, it can work out that every time (I for one) get up there ... a 6 hr play time can add up to $40 - $60 depending on getting a locker or room. I prefer to get the room with the TV. This is what can get pricey I guess. I'm for the one time membership fee like MansCountry!! I'm not saying MC is better, I'm just using them as a comparison. Evidently, SW is trying to compensate for the thinning crowds with the membership fees.

Smoking Bans are occurring everywhere and in every state ... even in Central IL. I know this is controversial to say the least, but being an avid non-smoker it is such a pleasure coming out of a place and not reeking of smoke!! There will be strong points of view on both sides of this one. Nonetheless, this may be a valid point as to the thinning of crowds at SW or other public places.

I didn't begin this thread to become a "whinning" session as someone commented on, but rather only to elicit opinions that others may have. And I really am glad that there are still others out on CFS with input & advice!! (Even this site has slowed down.) I think SW is a great place and even with the thinning crowds, I still have had fun the last couple times I went.

Thanks to all for your comments!!

greekgod 17th January 2007 01:48 PM

my experience
I was there on 1/15 got there around 4pm and it was jumpin'. Got a room and had quite alot of action while I was there. But, after 6pm it did slow down and picked up again after 8pm. I wouldn't worry about any lulls going on now. Its winter and with the recent holidays I'm sure people had other things to do. When it warms up all the boys will be out and steamworks will be packed again. Im planning on going again on 1/18 for the "Lights out" party. That is usually busy. I went to the one just before Christmas and it was packed.

I'll let you know how it goes.

chicagosversbottom 18th January 2007 04:28 AM

OK Manscountry
I love Manscountry. I have seen a great deal of changes as of late in regards to this place from the new Wet n Wild area to the new carpet, fresh paint etc. You are going there for sex, does it need to be a Leona Helmsley hotel???????
Its all about the cock but the strippers on Friday and Saturday are hot and the improvements under way are hot and for a little suggestion more of the rest of the block is going to be Manscountry so which bar is leaving Ms T or Clarks, you decide!!

hngrybottm2002 22nd January 2007 03:29 AM

So it sounds like Steamworks is still the best option for a guy out of town looking for some casual fun. Can someone tell me the closest/best place to Schaumburg? I'm staying near the mall (??)
Some brief driving directions would be appreciated if you can.

jakechicagoland 22nd January 2007 05:28 PM

what is the wet and wild area u mention??????????????
i go there all i see is a steamroom thats gross and an area that may have at one time been wet???
so what gives

cumslave69 24th January 2007 06:37 AM

I have been there twice in the last few weeks and had a GREAT TIME!! I wasn't there more than 20 minutes and I already had a huge load on my face from the guy I sucked off outside the steamroom, did a guy in the sling room, took part in a group thing in the TV room and went with a guy to his room to play. He said I was like Vesuvius when I came. Nothing but good times for me! And that was during the day, mid-afternoon!

AssMan 27th January 2007 02:42 PM

Hngrybottom: Schaumburg is at least 45 minutes from Steamworks, and that's assuming reasonable traffic. But the directions are very easy. Take I-90 east to Belmont. The Belmont exit actually puts you on Kedzie. Right on Kedzie, then left at the first light, which is Belmont.

Take Belmont east to Halsted (about 5 miles) and turn left at Halsted. Steamworks is on Halsted on the left side of the street, 1 1/2 blocks north.

Parking on the street is near impossible in this neighborhood, but you can always try to find something. There's public parking available in the garage of a condo building right next to Steamworks (you'll see it before you get to Steamworks using the directions above). Steamworks may validate for a small discount at this garage, but you'd have to ask to be sure.

Steamworks is very popular with out-of-towners and locals alike.

thegrunter 28th January 2007 03:00 PM

I'm sorry, but I don't agree that Steamworks has absorbed the old Man's World crowd. I've been several times to Steamworks over the last month or so and haven't seen anyone I recognized from the old Man's World. And the attendance has been just all around low.

I was almost a weekly patron of Man's World - but since it's destruction, I haven't been able to find a regular, reliable place for bear-on-bear action. Man's Country is just plain vile. If you're not actually engaged in sex, there's not even a mirror in your worn-out old cubicle to provide entertainment. Porn is shown only in that nasty horseshoe ampitheater.

Steamworks is incovenient if you like to drive to your bathhouse. Boystown is horrible for parking on anyday. Yes, I suppose you could use the parking lot at that ginormous condo place next door - but again, you're adding to the cost of 4-6 hour play session.

Plus, to be honest, I like a little "420" action before hitting the tubs and there's just absolutely no place "safe" around Steamworks to toke a quick bowl before visiting the baths.

billbear 28th January 2007 04:14 PM

Like you I really miss Man's World. You might want to check out Bear Naked Chicago (BNC) which holds 2 to 3 play parties each month. Many BNC members were former regulars at Man's World. You should be able to find plenty of "bear-on-bear" action at a BNC party.

nastydude120 5th February 2007 07:52 AM

only been to man's world once,and had a great time. been to man's country a few times and each time was grosser than the one before.very turned off by that place. i'm a regular at steamworks and always have fun.i too am older(42) but still have fun.if every older bear type reading this doesn't worry about hangups and just goes to steamworks,then soon we can change the clientele. i have heard a rumor that because steamworks doesn't want to pay the expences to meet health code standards,the hot tub will soon be gone.that and the new membership fees may drive me away.

jakechicagoland 5th February 2007 07:35 PM

im not sure why anyone would complain about steamworks cost
its very clean
the steam room and whirlpool are excellent
its got some interesting areas for play
i wouldnt say it has the kind of action i want
but if u want to suck cock and your 200something ull probably find it
oh and the front desk guys are always friendly
go to manscountry and you wont complain about steamworks

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