can someone help me out, I am visiting Indy and wanting to try the bath house the WORKS out. Have never been to a club like this and was wondering about what I need to bring other than hard on lol. What is the Protocal? How much is member ship and is there a time limit and do they have in and out priv. thanks for the info everyone. Gary
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On a weekday, the Works is approx. $26 for video rooms for non-members (couple bucks more on weekends). They give you a towel, which is all you need to wear, sometimes not even that. Most action in the steam room, or room to room cruising. Sometimes see it in the sauna or the lounge on the 2nd floor.
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I have visited Works a few times when in Indy and had a great time. One thing that impresses me more than anything is how well kept the place is. It is very clean and comfortable. As far as action it has been great, have sucked some real nice cock there. Plus the guys there do not play that attitude game. Everyone there is there to have a good time. Hope I have to get back to Indy soon for some great fun again.
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The works!
A friend in Indy took me there one Sunday Afternoon. Hot was hardly the word for it. The steam room was pleasantly full of hot guys and no one was shy about getting some great oral fun in right away. Middle aged groups it seemed, and most all were definitely eager to share some fun. Spent a few hours there, cruising the floors, sharing some xxx vids in rooms, and plenty of cock. Ending in the steam room stroking off, watching everyone it seemed just having a blast . Highly recommend. Best to you all!
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