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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: USA > New York - Southern & Connecticut   Best Pick Up Spots in Waterbury

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Old 15th October 2008, 02:24 PM
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Best Pick Up Spots in Waterbury

Other than the ABS of course

1)Barnes and Noble-lots of cute college kids, business types, hippies.

2)UConn Waterbury-college types and professors

3)Library-lots of every time of dude

4)The Mall-a veritable candy store

Since I'm bi, I also see lots of women in these same places...just turn on the charm.

I met a 21 year old guy at B&N last weekend...he gave me his cell and email. We talked back and forth and tonight he's coming over for drinks and.....whatever...I will report manana.
I love to nail slim twinks in the ass after I blow them...under 5-8 is great, over seven inches goes to the top of my list.
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Old 16th October 2008, 07:27 AM
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Talking The "Blow by Blow"

Well last night "Sean" came by the place for some cocktails and conversation.

He wanted a martini...sort of sophisticated for a 21-year old but I was up to the challenge...stirred, not shaken.

I enjoyed my usual diet pepsi and the talk flowed smoothly for a bit. He's an interestng fellow, studying sociology at UConn-Waterbury.

About 5-8 or so, 150 pounds soaking wet, nice black hair and trimmed beard. Masculine mannerisms.

After two martoonies he loosened up a bit...I could see the sparkle in his eyes...and the tent in his pants.

I unzipped him and bobbed up and down his nice 6in cut cock. He moaned and groaned appropriately.

Let's take this to the bedroom, I cooed. He complied...we undressed each other anxiously and hopped into the sack.

We 69'ed for a while, then I rimmed his beautiful rosebud ass. It was inevitable...he blew a huge load...I know what it's like to be 21 and horney.

"Sorry," he said quite sheepishly.

"No problem," said I, still fully engaged. I rolled over onto my back. He got the hint and started sucking my 7.5 inch monster.

"Wow that is big!" he understated.

I just lie back and enjoyed it. He did a decent job and started pumping away. It didn't take that long for me to explode myself...see it's not just a young guy thing.

We were sitting in a messy cum-stained I got the bright idea-you guessed it-a shower. More on that later it's tough typing with one hand...
I love to nail slim twinks in the ass after I blow them...under 5-8 is great, over seven inches goes to the top of my list.
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Old 16th October 2008, 01:49 PM
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To continue the story, we took a nice shower to clean all the gook off of us...Sean has a nice body and in the light of the bathroom I could drink it all in...nice smooth chest and flat stomach, bubble butt, nice hairy bush around his cock.

We lathered up good and with all the loofa-ing going on, we both got rock hard in no time. We frotted a bit, kissing deeply as we did so.

I dropped down on hands and knees and again sucked his perfect pink penis...all the way to the was easy to deep throat him.

He moaned in appreciation and my cock got bigger and harger...I had to fuck this prince!

He gladly complied with my request...he was tight but it was apparent that this wasn't his first anal adventure.

It didn't take very long to get him howling with too...I banged that ass for all it was worth and before you can say IM CUMMING...I was cumming into his hole...he did too, just seconds after my anal assault.

It was a lovely night and I showed him to the door just in time to watch the debate.
I love to nail slim twinks in the ass after I blow them...under 5-8 is great, over seven inches goes to the top of my list.
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Old 17th October 2008, 02:13 AM
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You came in his ass. Wow, what a wonderful way to fuck and fuck over a 20 year old at the same time. How special.
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Old 30th October 2008, 12:11 PM
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fym take your "holier than thou" act elsewhere.
I love to nail slim twinks in the ass after I blow them...under 5-8 is great, over seven inches goes to the top of my list.
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Old 30th October 2008, 04:00 PM
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Hey, it's all fair game out there. If the boi wan't objecting then whats with the attitude? Obviously the boi knew what was happening. Hence, made a decision. Right or wrong who are we to judge? What happens between 2 adults is their business. Glad you nailed him Seven and happy that he enjoyed himself. Kudo's!
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Old 30th October 2008, 06:36 PM
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CMG thank you...nobody forced him to do what he did...and I in good conscience know my "status" and hopefully he was honest with me in's all good fellas.
I love to nail slim twinks in the ass after I blow them...under 5-8 is great, over seven inches goes to the top of my list.
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Old 30th October 2008, 08:44 PM
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i also agree.whatever happens happens.its 2 adults. anybody planing on going to any bookstores this weekend?
35,5"9,180lbs,dirty blonde
hair,blue eyes.6in uncut.
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Old 31st October 2008, 09:01 AM
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HIV infections rising among the age group of 13-25?

Correlation between drugs & alcohol and the above?

Yeah you sound like a wonderful date seven. Nice going. Bet it was the highlight of your year.
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Old 31st October 2008, 12:10 PM
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If you are going to brag to a bunch of gay men in a public forum that you had unsafe sex, don't be surprised if someone calls you out on it.
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Old 31st October 2008, 04:54 PM
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Who died and left you in charge of morality and ethics? You are on a site that advertises and advocates bareback sex on a regular basis...I would call YOU the hypocrite.
I love to nail slim twinks in the ass after I blow them...under 5-8 is great, over seven inches goes to the top of my list.
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Old 31st October 2008, 04:59 PM
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Please get off your soapbox fym. The guy is an adult. He made a choice. End of story. Right or wrong it was his decision. Now, you want to take away our decision making rights? Christ, we have more problems within our own community, no wonder why people think we're freaks. Cultures with sub cultures, with sub-sub cultures. The Twinks can't stand the Chubs, The Twinks hate the Bears, oh the list could continue. It wasn't you that had the sex was it? Seven told his story and just because it does not suit your moral ethics he has his rights, just like you do. What would you like next FYM? To get the BB Police out in full force? Give us all a break.
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Old 31st October 2008, 05:03 PM
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FYM a little FYI

Originally Posted by fym007 View Post
If you are going to brag to a bunch of gay men in a public forum that you had unsafe sex, don't be surprised if someone calls you out on it.
I don't see anyone else getting down on Seven for his actions. Just you, so obviously Seven is right, your on a website that promotes BB Sex and you just blog away. Must not be getting any thats the problem. Hell, even my FAT ASS is getting laid on a regular basis. And yeah, I BB!
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Old 31st October 2008, 06:27 PM
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Guys this is not 1984...we know the dangers, the risks...hell guys drink and drive, drug, etc. Chances are taken...some risky. Just don't preach all imsayin'
I love to nail slim twinks in the ass after I blow them...under 5-8 is great, over seven inches goes to the top of my list.
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Old 1st November 2008, 11:48 AM
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Originally Posted by SevenTool Player View Post
Who died and left you in charge of morality and ethics? You are on a site that advertises and advocates bareback sex on a regular basis...I would call YOU the hypocrite.
Who died? Several good friends of mine from AIDS from 1986 to 1994 thats who. One in a hospital on state aid, broke and alone except for his friends, because his "christian" family tossed him out and refused to have anything to do with their gay son with AIDS.

Hypocrite? This site also promotes Bi porn and black men and married dick and army dick. I suppose that makes you all bi & married & black in the army too?

I was a hypocrite when I said nothing about High Risk sex and saw it being accepted as nothing more than just sex.

High Risk Sex aka "barebacking" is the gay community's dirty little secret. There's been a rise in new infections among gay men, esp younger gay men, but no one talks about it. Tool never talked to that kid about it, just was hopeful "he was honest with me in turn". He wrote a story obviously intending to brag about his little connection and I see nothing in there to brag about.

As soon as someone criticizing what you high riskers are doing you cry "ooooh my choice" and "oooooh you are taking away my decision"..... and you call Safer Sex promoters fascists just like drug addicts do.

Well it IS your decision, "hell guys drink and drive, drug, etc." It IS your decision to be suicidal. It is your decision to do heroin, crack or crystal meth and we all know what great decisions those are too.

I have a decision too. It is my decision is to remind you that you are kidding yourself if you think HIV is not out there and is still INCURABLE. It is my decision to let you know your actions are potentially harmful to the health of you, your partner and your partners' partners.

One bright spot is that Tool said he knew his status, which meant he has been tested and is hopefully negative. Chub: if your indiscriminate "FAT ASS is getting laid on a regular basis. And yeah, I BB!" is true then you definitely need to be tested. Then you would know it you are putting someone else at risk or can receive treatment. But then, thats your decision isn't it?
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