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Old 26th May 2004, 03:11 PM
Join Date: Jun 2002
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anal hygine


was wondering what is typical for anal cleanliness. i'm interested to know who does what prior to having sex. since it appears that so many guys are into rimming, i thought there might be some advice.
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Old 26th May 2004, 03:29 PM
Join Date: May 2004
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I prefer it natural, so I do nothing to my asshole before sex. I do wash my ass when I shower however.
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Old 29th May 2004, 02:55 PM
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Based on previous posts, the general consensus seems to more or less match what is posted above: just be "naturally" clean and bathed. Some guys who get seriously fucked like to prepare beforehand with some sort of anal douche. Plenty of info in previous posts about various preferred methods. Others just evacuated their bowels naturally.

It's important to remember, though, that for the most part, gay guys are used to occasional mishaps. It's just par for the course: anal sex might involve a change of sheets... Shit happens, man.

As for rimming... again, I'd think that just being "naturally" clean is sufficient to most.

In all honesty here, when I know I'm meeting a buddy who likes to rim, I always shower off before he arrives. I just feel this is polite. However, some guys WANT another guy NOT to smell "springtime fresh." This is up to them, though for me I can only take this so far. I know two fellas who do NOT want me to shower, so I oblige them. Yet even so, I've been told that I don't have enough "flavor." Ah, well... can't do much about that.

Now look, let's be perfectly honest here... Many of us have fingered a guy and felt a little "remainder" inside. Usually, if we're talking about firm waste, this isn't a problem. But now and then... Hey, we can't dictate to Mother Nature just how we'd like our partner's stool.

Yet a little common sense goes a long way, too. Sometimes you just KNOW you won't be in prime condition to do much anal exploration with a buddy. If this bothers you, or bothers him, all you can do is hold off for a while. Sometimes, even an anal douche won't do much good -- or can even make things worse, what with adding additional moisture.

I once met a dude at a public cruising area. Really hot guy: big, beefy, hard, stocky, masculine. I was into him. He sucked me for a while, then I returned the favor. While doing so, he took hold of my hand and literally rammed my finger into his ass. I think his ass was prelubed or something. So the guys blows a load in about two minutes and we say our goodbyes. Then I notice that my finger will require an immediate trip to the nearest restroom and plenty of soap and water. Honestly, this was a bit outrageous. To continue to be blunt, I would have thought that there would be NO WAY anyone could NOT know that now is not a good time to get finger fucked. But perhaps he didn't...

Anyway, since I always carry some antibacterial hand gel with me, as well as happily being within walking distance of a restroom with soap and water, it all worked out in the end. But it sure didn't make for a satisfying encounter...
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Old 2nd June 2004, 09:47 AM
mine's double-wide
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scratch and sniff

I always use the scratch and sniff test. Rub the guys hole and smell your fingers. It's no guarantee, you never know whats lurking in a guys ass.

Back to the original question. Soap and water seem to be enough.
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