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Old 4th July 2004, 03:12 PM
Join Date: Jun 2004
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Viagra question

I'm a married guy and I usually have no trouble getting an erection but I cum quickly and maintaining an erection is sometimes a problem. I don't trust the mail order places and they are expensive and I am just nervous about talking to my doctor. WHat should I say to my doctor to ask for a presciption for viagra?
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Old 4th July 2004, 03:15 PM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 45

Hope your wife and doctor don't talk if you are using Viagra for other than home use.

Just tell him outright, Doc, seems my erections aren't as strong as they use to be. Trust me he has heard lots worse than you can tell him.

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Old 4th July 2004, 03:43 PM
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Yeah no doubt. I will just get the balls to ask him for a prescription. I've just always been nervous about asking. I don't know why. I guess I was just afraid of getting into a long conversation about how long I last, and if I really need it etc. I'm sure he has heard everything before. Thanks for the advice.
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Old 5th July 2004, 12:40 PM
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LZ you need a doctor like I had a few years ago. He was retiring because he couldn't make any money at it. He couldn't make any money at it because he would spend an hour or more talking to each patient. On my last visit before he retired he was as long winded as ever and the conversation turned to sex and getting older. Out of the blue he asked me if I'd like some free samples of Viagra. Why not? I didn't need it but I'd heard the guys at work talking about how Viagra would make sex better whether you needed a little help or not.

So I head on home with a grocery sack full of Viagra samples. I couldn't wait to get home and pop a pill and start bangin my cock. Sad to say but it was much ado about nothing. My dick seemed no different than ever. The only thing I noticed different was a little more rapid heart beat and a flush feeling in my face. Kinda like doing some mild speed.
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Old 5th July 2004, 05:27 PM
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The only thing the doctor will ask or check on is your blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, he won't precribe it. The flushing and heart rate speed is caused by the Viagra opening up your veins so that more blood can flow into your dick. My woman doctor had no problem writing out the script, but will only give me 6 refills without checking my blood pressure. She asked no questions about my sex life, etc. Sometimes I will get a headache and a sour stomach (if I eat too much prior to taking 50mg). I have friends who take aspirin with the Viagra to forestall the headache.
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Old 7th July 2004, 07:59 PM
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Hey Guys, I take blood pressure medicine and my doc prescribed it for me and gave me a shitload of samples of all the new ones Levitra and Cialis said it was safe to take with the type medicine I was on. Just wondered if any others take blood pressure medicine and Viagra?? Note my bp is kept under control with my medication
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Old 14th July 2004, 12:27 PM
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Yeah, just tell him it takes longer to get hard, doesn't get as hard, and sometimes doesn't last long enough to make the wife happy too. That is what I did and he didn't even want to hear any more. Keep in mind, Viagra doesn't raise blood pressure, it lowers it. That's why you can't mix them with poppers.
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