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CRUISING for SEX - fillet of penis

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GayWhiteTrash 22nd August 2004 08:24 AM

fillet of penis
Recently while I was at a gay card shop buying birthday cards I noticed they had magazines over in the corner. Being the kind of guy that likes to see nude men in print or in the flesh I decided to look through a few. Most were the standard hairless muscled up young guy photos that magazine publishers think all gay men want to see.

Then I picked up a magazine that was filled with page after page of guys that had sliced thier penis right down the middle. Instead of one whole penis they had two half penises. None of the photos showed the actual act of slicing, no blood was visible.

What exactly was I seeing? Why would anyone want to slice thier dick down the middle? I'm sure there's a name for this practice. Were the photos faked? It looked pretty real to me. I'd do a google on it if I knew what it's called. Not that I'm interested in carving on my dick, I'd just like to know why anyone would do it, what are the benefits, if any.

ScruffyCub 22nd August 2004 04:30 PM

This is called penis subincision.

You can search for it using that exact term, or "penis splitting."

Practitioners claim that this allows for exposure of more nerves for sexual stimulation, "opening up" parts of the penis that were previous "hidden."

This would assume, of course, that you can find a partner willing to actually touch the fucking thing.

This kind of logic seems to me to be similar to saying that you might want to split open the skin down your back so you can more thoroughly enjoy a nice Swedish massage...

From what I read, I gather there are two varieties of this. One involves splitting the penis down the shaft, so that urination and ejaculation occur from the center, and so that if viewed strictly from above, the penis would appear more or less normal. Another method involves splitting the penis completely into two halves.

In our politically correct and culturally sensitive times, it is probably going to be viewed as insensitive of me by a few extremists out there if I say that anyone who splits their penis in this fashion is FUCKING INSANE.

I mean truly, literally and irrefutably INSANE. I don't give a shit what explanations are offered, I don't care if THEY happen to love it or their partner loves it -- this is not body modification -- it's mutilation and simply fucking... insane. You'd have to have a lot of unresolved issues of self-loathing to do this to yourself.

Just guessing here, but I'm getting the idea from the few links I checked out that guys who do this do it on their own -- certainly NO medical professional would ever do this, and I'm positive you just can't walk into a piercer or tattoo parlor and ask for it, either.

We don't need to even get into the serious consequences that could result from this little at-home surgery.

The penis works just fine the way it is and if you are so deranged that you believe you aren't getting enough sexual stimulation to the point of mutilating your penis like this -- please... seek help NOW.

I've seen a LOT of freaky shit in my day, but I'm happy to say I've NEVER run across this in person.

I believe tongue splitting can be repaired. Piercings can be taken out and will usually heal without complication. Tattoos can be removed with laser or covered over with NEW tattoos (or even flesh colored ink). This seems pretty much permanent to me, but maybe a skilled cosmetic surgeon could help. I'd have to think that any patient presenting this to a cosmetic surgeon would be immediately sent for psychiatric evaluation, though. Why fix it if a dude is unstable and might just do it again, creating even more scar tissue and future regrets and damage to his penis?

A serious and desperate cry for attention here. And really... it's kind of fucking sad...

GASlick 22nd August 2004 08:17 PM

Well....I have never been politicly correct, and I am usually considered so straightforward that im down right blunt!

I must agree with Scruffy that someone that would do this is insane. I would go so far as to say that they are a fucking idiot!

A prince albert is minor mutilation but within limits....I still would not suck one of them either.

Hooking up electrodes and shocking yourself is outlandish stimulation --just get me a vibrator.

but splitting your dick open..... That is just Crazy as hell! These people that do this need treatment. Call the good humor truck to come and take them away in one of those special straight jackets they make them wear.

When I first read this thread....I pinched myself to see if I was awake or having a nightmare!

GuyTopeka 23rd August 2004 02:25 PM

Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!!!

Egads, I am literally cringing as I read this thread. I think I'd puke if I met up with a split cock.

My absolute gut response: this is beyond mutilation. And I am not apologizing to anyone for this opinion.

This is one of those "watching a train wreck" scenarios if ever there was one. :eek:

I've played with PA's on occasion. All the guys I've met with PA's were bottoms, which I found interesting in itself. So when I come across one, I figure odds are good I'm gonna get to top the guy.

cutguy 24th August 2004 05:08 PM

In my worst ER days, about the closest I ever came to one of these fantasies would have been the guy who tried to circumcise himself. He made the cut (in the right place, I might add), and then pulled. The wrong way.

You will never convince me that anyone has ever split his dick down the middle for enjoyment. Uh Uh. You have to be beyond schizophrenic to pull one like that.

(The urologist let me put a few sutures in! When I saw the needle for the anesthetic, I very happily allowed him to do those honors)

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