Need serious advice here...
Ok, guys... I know many of you are going to think I am nuts, but I am having a problem and I am not sure how serious it is.
I am a single, lifelong top, late 30's, who has been toying with bottoming for about 6 months. I got the hygene down pat, I practiced with toys, basically taught myself to do what I like to feel as a top. Dating was a bit weird... seemed that everyone I met had a pretty small penis, and bottoming was easy. I was on the cruise for a big gun... Well, I met a 20 something guy last weekend who was packin... and I mean 9x6 kinda packin. We went back to his place after a few drinks and fucked for hours. I was in heaven. I did all the things you have to do to be safe (condoms, lube, etc.) and went to TOWN on this guy. Better stated, he went to town on ME. On Sunday, I started to have some pain. No bleeding, just a bruisy kind of feeling, and basically couldn't go to the bathroom. By Monday, my butt flat out hurt. Again, it's nothing acute, just feels like I have been kicked, hard, right in the ol' pucker. When I do have to go to the bathroom, it's a bad scene. If I push at all, it feels like I am going to drop my guts out. Everything in there just feels bruised and a bit swollen. This is a little graphic, I realize, but I have never experienced this before... ever. At this point, I can hear some of you saying, "for god's sake, see a doctor if it's that bad"... I just want to know if any of you have experienced this? Is it normal if you over-do it? Until I get a guage on whether I am just being nervous over nothing, or if I could have damaged something seriously, I don't want to go to my doc and say," Look, I got butt banged and broke something." Anyone have any experience with this? Please no jokes or horror stories, I am looking for real info here. Thanks in advance. Jay |
If it's been this long and your still feeling the pain, I would definitely make a Dr Appointment.
What you describe is exactly how I felt after the first time I got fucked, but in the end nothing of grande importance. However, by the end of the day (did it in the early afternoon) I was feeling better. I felt bruised, didn't have any bleeding, had difficulty going to the bathroom as well etc. On the other hand, the guy that fucked me was more like a 7" cock, a little on the thicker side. Good luck! |
I am no medical doc so I don't know if this will help.
It took me a long time to get used to being fucked. Like HngThickNEdge said, the first few times were sore but healed fast in days. Then when I tried being brutally fucked, the symptoms were just like yours. However being as experienced as I was, I sort of enjoyed the soreness. But you certainly are too inexperienced to be brutally fucked for hours. I'll say that your inside would certainly be bruised. But the last time when I had your kind of symptoms that lasted that long, was when I was careless and let the bruises got infected. I was scared and went to see the doc. Let's face it, this is one embarrassment that we can never avoid. We just have to get through it like the first fucking. It's not everyday that the doc gets to see an ass like that and he certainly would ask very direct questions and look inside you very closely. I could die of embarrassment but very much relieved when it was just a mild infection. I would not go to my regular doc but to one from as far away as possible. |
Yes, you need to see a doctor. You already know that, but it appears you are going to avoid this for as long as possible.
While the chances are very good that you probably are not seriously injured, sitting around waiting to see if you suddenly hemorrhage isn't a great idea. You say you haven't had any bleeding, and that's a good thing. Your ass can handle more than you might think. I've really never heard of any kinds of serious internal injuries resulting from hardcore anal sex -- but hey, that doesn't mean it isn't possible. The good Doc may have some ER stories based on real life experience to share with you. I'm reluctant to give advice here, since time may be critical. Here's at least one thing that might ease your mind a little, but understand this isn't meant to be used as an excuse NOT to seek medical advice: Since the pain started a day or so after the fact, this sounds more like bruising than anything else. You have a lot of sensitive nerve bundles in that area, dude. And muscles got a workout that generally are pretty much otherwise rarely used. When we fall down and get an external injury that we can see, quite often the first day provides a different sort of pain than what we feel on the second day. Think of how a black and blue bruise gets more and more stiff and achy feeling as it heals, in contrast to the stabbing type of pain you might feel immediately after such an injury. Now, I don't get fucked myself, dude, but I DO enjoy when a guy gives me a nice prostate massage if he's sucking my dick. I always make it a point to tell a guy that I am not used to much in this arena, and that I want him to be GENTLE. Unfortunately, not all guys listen to that request (or care). I've had a few instances where JUST a finger, improperly used, has caused me some discomfort for one or two days after the fact. Some men try to use MORE than a single finger (NOT cool, at least for me), and other men are simply way too rough. Still others have the right idea, but they REALLY work my prostate far too hard, jabbing at it instead of gently touching or rubbing. These things have resulting in some VERY, VERY mild anal bleeding. I'm talking a dab of blood on a piece of toilet tissue which goes away immediately after. But more importantly, as it relates to your description of what you feel, I've felt the following day as if I had been bruised in the rump, too. It isn't the actual anus that seems sore, but I can feel this kind of continued sensation in my prostate. I can feel a kind of heavy thickness there that is not completely pleasant. In no way do I feel intense pain, but it seems to me that the nerves have been over-worked and it takes a while for them to settle down. I'm saying this is how it FEELS -- I am not saying this is exactly what has happened. I'm just guessing. You didn't mention if you have managed to have a bowel movement or not, you just said that it feels sore if you attempt to push or contract those muscles. Personally, I would be most concerned if you have not had a bowel movement since this last weekend more than I would be worried that you have injured something internally. I have NO idea if a bowel impaction is possible as a result of anal sex and/or prior cleaning preparations. But I CAN tell you that I was constipated once in my life (this nasty little story made it to the boards here, alas). This was an AWFUL feeling. I was fucking miserable beyond belief. I had NO idea that constipation was THAT bad. I felt very much as you described: sore, unable to get any peristalsis going, heavy, thick, as if my guts were compacted and might fall right the hell out. OTC meds for constipation did NOT help. But dude... and I sure hate to sound vulgar, but when nature finally DID take its course, the relief was immediate. My Mom had a minor abdominal surgery which resulted in constipation as well, and she described the same type of discomfort that I had (obviously). But in her case, she never got natural relief. She was forced to go to her surgeon and get an enema. Dude... if you haven't used the bathroom in this long... you can't wait much more before you need to take some action. If you have to get an enema by a professional, DO IT. It's easy to make jokes about this kind of stuff, but constipation that lasts for days can become torturous -- and dangerous. Good luck. Let us know what happens. |
Wow, thank you!
Hey guys... Thanks a bunch for the responses... ya'll have no idea how much relief you have given me... when worry chases itself around in your mind it just seems to grow, and I have something to guage by now....
I have been able to have BM's all along, no worry there. While still not pleasant, I didn't have that awful "loose" sensation this morning. So far today, there isn't any pain until something causes me to clench... yesterday I was aware of it every minute. Being a smoker, I cough occasionally, and feel it then, but not the intensity of yesterday. As luck would have it, I happen to be on Cipro right now for a mild sinus infection, so I am not too concerned about a random infection. What were the symptoms that told you you had an infection? It's something I should look out for I guess. I already called a proctologist through my medical provider... as usual, I need a referral from my primary, or wait 4 weeks for an appointment. I am going to have to go through the explanation at least twice. (May just tell the GP it's a cycling accident... probably a lame excuse, but...) If anything happens to make it worse, or I stop seeing improvement, I am off to the medical center, pronto. I am really embarassed by this whole damned thing. I feel stupid. I've been gay my entire life, and am a bit of a player... I never thought I was this naive. Safety from disease was my only concern; in the moment, I was only concerned if something caused pain at the time, I never expected this. Any other input on the subject is welcome... I don't think this will put an end to my versatile activity forever, but it will make me more cautious! I am curious about the guys I know who can't seem to get enough big dick... how do you handle it? |
Its called colitis or proctitis, an inflamation of the lower rectum, coupled with some spasming of your levetator ani muscles, also from the local trauma. (Dr Stedman, forgive my spelling)
Yes, you need to be seen by a doctor, who needs to go into your butt with a plastic anoscope and have a look to make sure there isn't any significant damage done. Since you aren't describing fever, it's unlikely that the tissue has become infected. But you have experienced local trauma, and it's going to hurt. I recommend advil or aleve for the pain, assuming you don't have any stomach problems, until you can be seen. Next time, more lube, and a shorter period of rutting. Please keep me/us posted on your progress. Feel free to private me if you need any further info. Oh, and PLEASE, tell the doc just what you were doing. He is going to blush, but at least forewarned, you will get a proper exam, rather than a superficial going over, which leaves you with a sore butt and a delay in treatment. Trust me, we've heard it all! Dr Danny |
You need to be seen by a doctor if it has been several days and you are still experiencing the amount of pain and discomfort that you described. Be candid and honest with your doctor and tell him/her about your previous anal intercourse activity. As Dr. Danny said, the doctor might blush when told about your anal intercourse activity. However, most doctors don't easily blush given their extensive medical training and knowledge gained from many, long hours of practical duty in an emergency room early in their medical careers. Whatever personal embarassment you might feel about disclosing your anal intercourse activities to a doctor must take a backseat to medical necessity and deep personal concern about your physical health.
Oh -- and next time, do use lots of lube and better judgment when bottoming for your next rectum assault. :eek: NOTE: I get an annual Class I Flight Physical which is very comprehensive and thorough. My doctor is a female Flight Surgeon and I can attest to the fact she does not blush easily given my medical history and her personal knowledge about my sexual history as it relates to my physical health. |
Follow Up...
Hey guys...
First of all, I want to say a HUGE THANK YOU to everyone who responded here. You all pointed me in the right direction, and though reluctant, I followed the advice given. I saw a procto on Wednesday who gave me the usual scoping, etc. Nothing's broke, everything is bruised, no damage done. (Though I think the solution he prescribed to clean me out was fucking brutal...) It was awkward as hell, but it's over. He gave me some softeners in case I need them, but hell, I made it this far without them... I still have a few aches, but things are back to normal, pretty much. What I am left with overall is the great feeling I got from coming to this board for advice, and getting real help when I was utterly frantic. (Something I should say here; I have lived in the DC area for just under a year, and I have a ton of acquaintences, but very few real friends in the area. I don't readily talk about this stuff to any of them. Though I am out if you ask, being gay and sexual topics like this don't come easy to me.) I just can't thank everyone who responded to this post enough! If you sent me a PM, I didn't ignore them... I got one or two responses out, but my spyware blocker has blocked something on this site that screws with my PM's... I have to go delete some stuff from the block list and try to respond again. I'll figure it out eventually, and I will respond, but I don't want you all to think I was ignoring you! Thanks again, Jay |
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