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Old 4th September 2004, 10:50 AM
Join Date: Aug 2002
Posts: 1
Brown Dots Groin Area

I have noticed the last few days I have little brown dots in my groin area. They are not in my hair. I can pick them out. I thought it might be the start of crabs. I have only had mutual j/o in the last month. Could it be dried cum; I bathe every day. Any help?
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Old 4th September 2004, 05:16 PM
ScruffyCub's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2003
Posts: 400

This could very well be crabs -- or rather, you might be noticing the nits (eggs) of the crabs or even the fecal waste of the crabs.

You say these dots are not attached to your pubic hair, which would lead me to believe that IF they are related to crabs, they would be waste or lice eggs.

The thing is... usually, when you have crabs, you KNOW it and there's really NO way to mistake it.

If you have crabs, you'd experience some really intense itching, especially at night. You did not mention itching. ARE you itching?

While it IS "easier" to get crabs when there is more physical contact, you absolutely can get them from mutual masturbation. Crabs can JUMP a good distance. Additionally, you CAN also get them from infested bed linens, clothing, etc. It is even possible to get the from a public toilet seat, but the truth is that this is pretty rare: conditions would have to be perfect -- crabs wouldn't hang out on a toilet seat for long and generally don't leave a human body if they don't have someone else to jump to. But it is not impossible by any stretch of the imagination.

You say you had this mutual jerk off session within the last month. When? Two days ago, or three weeks ago? As a GENERAL rule, you'd notice crabs pretty fast. It doesn't take long before you start to itch. But it really doesn't matter if you got them from somewhere OTHER than your jerk off partner -- could have happened at any time and in a non-sexual circumstance.

Crabs are KIND OF translucent. And, of course, pretty tiny. But you CAN see them if you really try. They tend to hang out at the base of the hair.

If you are NOT itching at all, crabs would be unlikely. If you are itching, here's what you do:

Go to the pharmacy or any department store or supermarket and pick up some RID or similar product. READ AND FOLLOW THE DIRECTIONS EXACTLY. Home remedies are extremely ineffective: don't bother. If you're embarrassed to buy this item, gather up a shitload of other stuff to purchase at the same time so you aren't standing there with JUST the lice killer in your hand.

When you use the RID, when you get to the combing out stage, you WILL find dead lice. Since they are dead, they are easy to remove from the hair shaft. You'll see white specks on the nit comb that comes in the kit. If you are really curious, look closer or get a magnifying glass. You'll see little legs. Fucking nasty, I know, but at least you'd be sure of what you have and that you are doing the right thing.

It is VITAL that you use some spray (some kits include spray, some do not -- get the one that costs more and include BOTH the shampoo AND the spray) on upholstered surfaces. Also, you'll need to wash EVERYTHING you have used in the hottest water possible: bed sheets, clothing, etc.

This is all included in the directions that come with the RID. So just follow those. Note that you may have to repeat this whole process in a few days, too. Sorry.

The good news is that either this is, in fact, "just crabs," or it is something else that is pretty benign. It doesn't sound like any STD or skin condition I've ever heard of, at least not without any other symptoms.

And yes, I had to deal with this shit myself. What sucked was that I did NOT even have any sex but still got these nasty little fuckers! I got them once from an ABS, by sitting on a booth seat that was all torn and shredded so that the vinyl was ripped open and the inner batting was exposed. And guess what, dude? That ABS is in BUFFALO. Have you been to the big place on Niagara Street lately? WATCH OUT! I doubt they have repaired that booth! I also got them when I was eighteen years old and traveling across country. I spent the night in the "Sunny Something Or Other Motel" just outside of Chicago. The place was a shithole. I was taking a crap and a roach ran across my bare foot. I killed it, put it into a plastic cup, and presented it to the front desk clerk when I checked out! But I also slept on a bed that was infested with lice, because by the time I reached Ohio, I KNEW I was in trouble. The trip had taken an entire month and I had NO sex at that time. I KNOW I got the crabs from that fucking motel bed.

Go try to the lice shampoo right away and see what happens. If you don't have them, and this situation with the brown specks continues, you'll need to see a doctor.

And hey... just one more thing... it's kind of offbeat, but...

If you have pets and they have fleas... you may be getting bit. Contrary to the Seinfeld episode where Newman and Jerry got infested with fleas, fleas won't actually make a HOME on humans if there are animals around. They WILL, however, still BITE you and then jump off. You may wish to check your pets for fleas. Spread the fur gently so you can see the skin of the animal, and/or brush the animal over some white paper. Keep checking, it can take a while. You may see the very same brown dots. This is dried blood flecks from the fleas sucking on your pet. If you wet them down, they'll dissolve and become more reddish-brown in color.

It seems unlikely, though, but also not impossible. It's worth a look, at least. If you have fleas on your pets, call your vet and ask for Advantage (or a similar product). It's about $7 per application, but you can save a few bucks by getting a four pack. You do NOT need a prescription for it and do NOT need to bring your animal in for an expensive exam. But if you vet tries to soak you for the cost of an exam, just call any groomer in town and they'll sell it to you. Try "Bubbles and Barks," or "Barks and Bubbles," I forget what it is. My family still lives in Buffalo and my Aunt gets her flea control from them.

Good luck. Stop back and let us know what you find!

PS -- took a quick peek at your profile. I see you are in the 14216 area. That's North Buffalo. Bubbles and Barks (or whatever) is near there.

And finally... I see you are just eighteen. Assuming you still live with your folks, you are going to have to probably tell them about this -- if you sat on the sofa and end up giving crabs to your Mom or Dad... it's not going to be a good scene. I suppose you can try spraying all the furniture when they are not home, but the stuff smells pretty strong: they will almost certainly notice it. Sorry, dude.
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Old 5th September 2004, 01:29 AM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 103

It's definitely crabs. Go to your local drug strore and pick up some Rid or other product. They're easy to treat, but buy extra since these fuckers are easy to catch and it's better to have the stuff on hand instead of having to go to the store and bring it up to the counter.

Rest assured, crabs are just an annoyance and have no ill effects on your sexual health.

Yes, you can catch them from just JO.
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