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Old 17th October 2004, 11:08 AM
Join Date: Jan 1999
Posts: 8
Unhappy A question for Dr. Danny about my cock

I am 51 years old and in good health. I like to play around and my cock has had some great times. Lately, I have noticed that my cock takes more stimulation to get really turned on and to cum. Also, the amount of cum that my cock shoots is less. If a guy is really working over my cock from the base and the entire shaft and around my balls, it's not a problem - my cock will get really swollen and hard and it shoots off just fine. I don't have any problem getting hard or staying hard - just taking me to the next level. I wear a cock ring and leather ball separator when I play. Also, I like to do poppers, but no other drugs. Have I worn my cock out? Should I take Viagra? Thanks for your help, Dr. Danny!
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Old 19th October 2004, 11:15 AM
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 84

Hey Jizz, no you haven't worn your friend out, it's just these aren't the '60s anymore

Personally, I'm not into rings myself; I just don't see the point. As for poppers, I hate 'em, and if you use them, don't go anywhere near viagra. You are going to drop you blood pressure, and might wind up comatose for hours. Its one or the other, but not both.

Viagra won't increase your sex drive or make it easier for you to cum. It will make you harder than you've been since you were sixteen. It's my only recreational drug, and hell, when I was 16, I didn't get that hard!

Hope I answered the question.

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Old 19th October 2004, 12:55 PM
mine's double-wide
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I'll be 50 in March and what you described sounds kinda like me. It takes a little longer to get it up but it's still as hard as it ever was. I still shoot as much cum, it just doesn't fly as far.

We're just getting older, it's as simple as that.
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Old 19th October 2004, 06:29 PM
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I don't like to respond to anything address to the good doc until he's answered it himself, so I held off on this one.

I have to agree (again) with GWT: we're just getting older. I don't think there's much to worry about here.

Here's my general opinions, take them for whatever they are worth:

If you are getting normal erections spontaneously, if you are waking up erect (at least some of the time), if you can masturbate and ejaculate with no problems -- there's nothing physically wrong with you.

Doctor Danny has mentioned several times, and he is quite correct about this -- if you smoke, you are going to experience diminished erections. This is just one more good reason to try to quit -- if this is even of any relevance to you at all.

Some guys do not like poppers, some do. We've had this discussion many times, too. I can't really "recommend" that anyone use them if they don't want to or don't enjoy them, but the choice is yours alone to make, provided you heed the Viagra warning VERY seriously. Do keep in mind that using too much poppers during sex can make you go limp, too. Probably you know this already. You have to keep it in moderation.

I happen to love cockrings, but I've met a few guys who don't. This is also just a personal choice. For me, they DO help keep me harder for longer, but they are not any sort of "cure" for a soft dick. If I'm not turned on, a cockring isn't going to help at all. In fact, they can have the opposite effect: improper stimulation coupled with a ring that restricts blood flow will keep me limp, too. You need to be stimulated to GET the blood into your penis FIRST. THEN the cockring can help keep it there. But if you aren't stimulated, it can make it harder to fill with blood in the first place. I have a "favorite" cockring that I use most often, but if I'm having sex for a LONG time, I often like to swap it out and use a different one. If I have a willing partner, I like to take it off, take a break, and have the guy just massage my balls or dick or suck me in such a way that I do NOT get fully hard -- just a bit of a nice, warm, wet tease, you know? This is relaxing and if I put the cockring back on later, I find I often get even harder than before. It's also helpful to let the blood circulate through your dick, so taking it off now and then for a short time can be beneficial.

I've found that as I've gotten older, I tend to desire the things which I've discovered get me off the best. That's no surprise. We get used to whatever feels most intense. We tend to feel let down if one experience isn't as good as another. Also, quite simply: we like what we like. If you get off when a guy works your whole dick and your balls, you have to make sure he knows this so he can give you what you want.

I've told many stories of men who were REALLY bad in bed. A few times, I've wondered just as you have: "what's wrong with my dick?" Well, nothing is wrong -- I simply want to experience what I enjoy most! When we are twenty years old and our dicks are getting hard twelve times a day and we can cum eight times and still want more, there are very few "bad" blowjobs, right? We get older... we get more specific, we understand our own sexual needs even better. We don't require constant stimulation, we don't have to cum several times a day, we don't get hard every other minute. That's life, and it's nothing to worry about. Some men simply CANNOT get me off. When this happens, I USED to really worry about it. The more I would worry, the less likely it would be that I would get off at all. Other men can keep me hard for a LONG time. One dude I know sucked me a few weeks ago and he kept my dick in a completely rock-hard state for an hour and a half. I wanted to take a break, but he kept sucking me. And since my dick was hard and I was into it... I let him.

There are men who take Viagra for fun. And that's fine, provided they do so with a degree of reasonable intelligence (or genius, perhaps, as in the case with Doctor Danny) -- AND they practice safe sex. It's not going to hurt you. There are also men who can BENEFIT from it, but they don't necessarily NEED it as a CURE for impotence. These men are NOT impotent, but they sure can have better sex if they use it. Also no problem, provided they follow the rules and listen to their doctor. And there are men who TRULY need it, who have ED to such a degree that they cannot get hard at all without some help. THIS is where Viagra really shines, in my opinion. Giving a healthy sex life back to men who cannot have one otherwise is a GREAT thing.

You fall into the middle category. If you want Viagra, see your doctor and follow his advice. Being turned down for it is unlikely, unless you have a medical condition which contraindicates Viagra use. But... just one more time, for emphasis: you MUST ditch the poppers if you try Viagra. For real, dude.

I have a SERIOUS problem with recreational Viagra use if men engage in unsafe sex. But that's not the topic right now, so we'll ignore that and assume you'd use Viagra, if you try it at all, in the PROPER way. Right?

Most importantly, as I hinted above, the best sex happens when you tell your partner what you like most and teach him how to do it for you. Be open -- talk it over. If you are not a talker, you can still get your needs out in the open with body language and general grunts and groans, and/or just say a few words on the phone, in person, in your online chat or profile, etc.

Finally... as for not cumming as much volume as you'd like...

This is pretty normal, but it has nothing to do with decreased production due to aging. It may have to do with intensity of orgasm. Generally speaking, the amount of fluid is going to be about what it always was, it just might not shoot as far or feel as powerful. That is something you need to work on with your partner.

When I jerk off, it doesn't seem like there's a whole lot of cum there. For me, jerking off is boring and I only do it "when necessary." I prefer the real thing. Guys who suck me seem to think I cum a lot. It FEELS that way, but most of them swallow so I rarely see it. I'll tell you what I do to increase semen, but warn you: THERE IS NO SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE TO BACK UP ANY OF THIS WHATSOEVER. I could be making all of this up in my head, dude -- I have no idea. What I DO know is that I HAVE noticed a bit more cum, or so it seems, when I do the following:

Drink a lot of liquid -- but this is something I've always done. I drink far more than I eat.

I take daily vitamins and include zinc, E, and saw palmetto, an herb that is supposed to benefit the prostate.

I learn to control my dick and I help myself ejaculate more powerfully by using my muscles to squeeze out the cum.

A cockring that is TOO tight can restrict your cum. You have to know this by now. Try loosening it or get a "quick release" cockring that allows you to pop a latch at the moment of orgasm. You can find these anywhere, though admittedly they are not as aesthetically pleasing as some of the sexy leather ones. They seem to be under ten bucks at most adult stores.

The longer the sex, the more I cum. The hotter the sex, the more powerful the orgasm, the more I cum. This seems pretty logical to me.

PROPER prostate stimulation gets my fluids flowing. I'll drip during sex (something I rarely did as a kid), drip after sex, and during orgasm it sure feels like my cum is pouring out. I doubt there's more actual volume, though maybe. But it sure FEELS good, at least.

Have fun, dude. Your dick is just fine.
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Old 21st October 2004, 10:36 AM
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 3
Another question for Dr Danny

Dr Danny, I discovered when I jacked off last night that I had blood in my sperm. When I urinate, there is no blood (that I could tell. Any online diagnosis you could give? Serious? Do I need to see my physician as soon as possible? Thanks for your reply.
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Old 21st October 2004, 11:19 AM
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 84

Yes, you should see your Dr, but it isn't serious. It's called hematospermia, it's harmless, and scares the guy half to death every time.

You popped a capillary in your prostate gland. Its invariably painless, and heals itself. But do see your Dr, it is possible that you have the start of a prostate infection, and I wouldn't want that to go untreated.

I see about 2 cases a year, usually in older or middle aged men. My youngest was 22, however.

Please keep me posted, private e-mail is fine if you don't want to post

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