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Old 25th July 2005, 08:43 AM
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 45
Numbing agents/desensitizers

My 1st orgasm is way too fast. Sucks to be me.

So what desensitizer can I use to slow me way down? I have seen the Man Delay and stuff like that but they don't work well enough.

I have read the ingredients and they all contain Benzocain in varying amounts up to 7% I think.

Anything out there, non-prescription I can use to numb my dick?
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Old 25th July 2005, 09:53 AM
Join Date: Sep 2000
Posts: 84

Ice water, with lots of ice.

Seriously, there is medical help, but you have to ask. I like low doses of SSRIs like Prozac or Zoloft, usually coupled with Viagra. Ejaculation is delayed, the the Viagra will keep you hard for a second round.

I don't recommend the benzocain route, only because you will really get numbed up, to the point of not feeling anything when your dick is getting rubbed. You can save yourself some money and just go to an art museum or change your oil instead; the end result is going to be the same. (The stuff would be good for a sunburn, however)

Talk to your doc. I see about the same number of premature ejacutators who are straight as are gay. There is help, even if it isn't perfect, and there are some new drugs probably coming on line in a year or so, aimed specifically at premature ejaculation, without loss of orgasm.

Dr Danny
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Old 25th July 2005, 05:23 PM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 59

Try "Prolong." It's the same stuff you add to the water in your Christmas tree stand to keep the needles from falling off before New Years.
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