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Old 12th February 2005, 07:30 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 64

I've been xxxperimenting some CBT by myself when I masterbate to porn on the web, and was wondering if anyone knows of any harm by doing this, short or long term? what I ussually do is wear my ball spreader and wrap a 1/2" rubberband around my nuts a couple of times and then start whacking off to some porn that i'm into. My nuts turn blueish and sometimes they ache a little, but it feels good as well. I really like it when I dress this way at a club or a bookstore and have someone suck my nuts.

Just wondering
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Old 13th February 2005, 11:46 AM
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There is the potential to cause some damage to yourself with extreme, repeated, or heavy-duty CBT. However, lots of dudes play around in this fashion with no long-term ill-effects. Common sense and caution are well-advised, though.

Rubber bands are generally NOT recommended for use as cockring or for testicles. Quite often a rubber band can more easily become TOO tight, cutting off essential circulation. You'd be better off purchasing the appropriately designed sex toys which are made for this purpose. Most of these toys have the ability to be released quickly -- snaps or velcro are standard. Rubber bands can cause swelling which can prohibit quick removal, necessitating cutting. This is not cool. Not only is it awkward and sometimes difficult to cut off a rubber band, but sufficient swelling can make the task even more tricky. And frankly, if a rubber band ever snaps and breaks -- it's going to hurt probably in a way that will NOT get you sexually excited.

An oft-repeated general rule of thumb here is that if your dick or balls feel cold or turn blue, the ring or toy in question is TOO TIGHT. Leaving it in place for too long in this case can be risky.

I am aware that the idea of CBT is to make things a bit uncomfortable. But those who are experts at this will tell you that there is a fine line between the desired level of discomfort and that which is actually DANGEROUS. Men into CBT and S&M and B&D tend to know their limits and respect the limits of their partners, stopping and tending to the physical needs their bodies dictate.

I don't think there's any need for a dramatic warning here. Since you had the common sense to ASK these questions it tells me you are clearly concerned with the well being of your prized possessions. Keep using the common sense and don't let things get out of control.

I am NOT an expert at CBT by any means, but I most certainly have played around a little bit. Intense pain doesn't turn me on, but I don't mind a few sexcapades which include some dick discomfort, as long as it also still feels GOOD. Once it gets to a point where there is less pleasure and more pain -- it's OVER. I lean toward the romantic, sensual and gentle much more than anything rough, but mixing it up can be fun and allows for my sex life to be more fluid and open.

Probably most of the time your penis and balls would recover without incident. But you can't over-abuse yourself and then be shocked if you wind up with a testicular torsion or something equally rotten.

Balls are more likely to take on that bluish tint much sooner than your dick. It's impossible to say that this is acceptable ALL the time, but my own experience has shown that a little bit of "blue balls" and "cold nuts" is easier to tolerate than a purple or blue dick.

You'd be well advised to just take things slowly for a while and pay careful attention to your private parts. Our bodies have a way of letting us know when we are pushing them too far too fast. If you listen and respond accordingly, you'll probably be fine. But do not forget that sometimes accidents DO happen -- this is the risk you take if you want to abuse yourself on a regular basis.

Buy some quality sex toys, pay attention to your body, stop when you feel you need to stop, take it slow and use common sense.

Have fun.
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Old 20th February 2005, 03:35 PM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 64

This subject is difficult to talk to others in the mainstream world, so i want to thank you for taking the time to respond and I appreciate your advice.
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Old 22nd February 2005, 10:18 AM
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Not a problem!

Have fun with this -- and take care of yourself at the same time.

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