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Old 6th March 2005, 02:23 PM
Join Date: Jan 1999
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Post viagra after poppers

what does dr danny and scruffy say about how soon you can take viagra after doing poppers. i did poppers pretty hard last nite and now want to try viagra - it is over 14 hours since i last did hits of poppers. thanks guys! you are the best.
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Old 6th March 2005, 04:17 PM
Join Date: Apr 2001
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Poppers leave the system very quickly...a matter of minutes, so you are safe to try Viagra now. The opposite IS NOT TRUE. YOu must wait a good 12 hours or more after taking a Viagra before using poppers. Even longer is you use Levitra or Cialis.

If you want to see what Dr Danny had to say, do a search. It has been discussed a dozen times, the last only about two months ago.
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Old 6th March 2005, 09:27 PM
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Post thanks

thanks for that advice.... i had my first experience with viagra this afternoon and it was amazing!! i went over to a friend's house and he gave me 1/4 of a pill - enough to last about 4 hours. i could not believe the hard on i got - i had not been that hard since in my 20s. and my cock stayed rock hard for as long as i wanted to play with it - a couple of hours off and on. i shot a big load and my cock did not go entirely soft right away. could enjoy the afterglow of the experience still stroking my cock.
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Old 10th March 2005, 03:23 PM
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Been busy for a few days, dude... Sorry I couldn't respond any sooner.

But you got all the advice you needed from Sam.

Quite true: poppers are metabolized quickly. You can use Viagra without much concern.

One caveat, however... I've had a few instances of "heavy" popper use that resulted in some rather rotten symptoms the following day... you know... headache, lung-ache, that sort of thing. These always go away quickly.

I would personally avoid Viagra or related ED drugs until I felt fine if I were experiencing "popper hangover." Even though your blood pressure is probably perfectly normal with a popper hangover, why push your limits, right?

And like Sam said, the opposite is true: do NOT use poppers until Viagra has worn off. Viagra is supposed to last about four hours, but I'd also personally wait a full day or so just to be extra safe. Other ED drugs last much longer than Viagra -- consult for info on the duration of these drugs, or just have a look at the patient information sheet that comes with them. You can also get a patient information sheet from any pharmacist.
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Old 13th March 2005, 05:30 PM
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Post viagra interaction with ranitidine??

thanks sam and scruffy for that advice... i found some places online to order viagra but now i have a new question for you guys. my doctor has prescribed ranitidine 300mg twice a day for my stomach - i have a stressed out, very sore stomach that is on the mend. right now i break the tablets in half and just take half the prescrbed dosage since my stomach is feeling better. but i am concerned about any adverse affects of the ranitidine interacting with the viagra. do any of you guys know about that? thanks!
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Old 9th April 2005, 08:07 PM
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Poppers Up the Pooper

This may seem like an odd question but I'll ask anyway. I was fucking a guy once (anal w/condom on) and when I pulled out, it reaked of that popper smell. I've never done poppers before but I know what it smells like when you are in a ABS or small room and someone has done them. Do guys pour this stuff up their asses or do they lube up and pour some in with it or do they drink the stuff as well as sniff it? I don't know; I'm just asking?
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Old 9th April 2005, 11:38 PM
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I don't do poppers either. I know the smell, so I'm very puzzled by your observation of "popper smell" after anal intercourse. From the known literature on poppers out there, I haven't read anything about ingesting the stuff much less administering it through the anus before anal sex. From what I have read, popper are adminstered as an inhalent.

As for how the active ingredients of poppers are metabolized by the human body after being inhaled, I haven't come across any case studies where the odor of poppers is present in a person's rectum or fecal matter.

Are you certain you did not detect the odor of acetone and might have confused it with the ordor of poppers? If the odor of acetone is what you smelled, this might be something else as a causation factor. Dr. Danny might be able to shed some light on this.

A question I would ask of Dr. Danny would be if the presence of an acetone odor in the feces might be related to the disease of diabetes. But, I'm only speculating about this causation factor.
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Old 10th April 2005, 09:08 PM
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anal and poppers

i could not imagine anyone doing poppers up their hole. they burn like hell just on my skin and around my nose... on mucous membrances like your hole, that would be way too much...
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Old 16th April 2005, 01:20 PM
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I know the smell of acetone as well but I don't think that is it. I had friends before who did poppers regularly so I know the smell.


What is it about acetone that makes you think diabetes?
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