Yeast Infection on penis..(Help..Dr. Danny)
Hoping I can get some advice from anyone who has had or knew someone who has had a yeast infection. I never knew a male could be infected with one. Anyhow, I have had a red rash on the head of my penis for a couple of months. Went to my doctor and he tested me for herpes, syphilis, hiv, hepatitis and even gonorrhea.
all tests came back negative. Anyhow, not getting a definate answer on what it was I called a STD clinic and they couldn't see me for a few more weeks, so the woman I spoke to said it sounds like a yeast infection. She told me to get "micatin" and apply it for a "good 3-4 weeks" twice a day. So I went out and bought it. used it for a couple of weeks and the skin where i applied the micatin started to flake off, is this common? After using the ointment for a good 2 1/2 weeks, Iwent to a walk in medical clinic and the doctor who saw me was VERY unprofessional and wouldn't even touch my penis to examine it. He simply gave me a prescription for Diflucan. Took one pill that day and another 6 days later (that was 2 weeks ago) Still have the redish rash , though the flaking has stopped and the rash does seem to be going away, but is still noticeable and I am still using the micatin. My appointment with the STD clinic is for next week. I am still freaking out that it might be something else. Sorry this is a long read, but have read some very helpful posts on this board and thought this might also help someone else in the future. I have been trying to read as much as possible about male yeast infections, and read somewhere that you should also try putting a few drops of white vinegar with the micatin to help. does this work? any help is greatly appreciated! |
The clinic could get the pants sued off for the advice without seeing you, but don't tell them I said so. And I have several posts buried in the archives on this, however:
Yes, men can get penile yeast infections. They are more common in uncircumcised guys as opposed to cut guys. Recurrent yeast infex usually alert me to diabetes. From your description, this case sounds like the common, run of the mill yeast infection. It usually is red, somewhat scaly, it may itch or burn a bit. When you are used to normal, smooth penile skin, suddenly this is rough, irregular, and flaking away, it clearly is not normal. Micatin (for athletes foot) works, but I think the best stuff over the counter is Lotrimin, esecially the gyne lotrimen creme women use for vaginal infections. (Lamisil doesn't work for candida/yeast, so avoid that stuff) Also, of diflucan for a week isn't going to do anything for a skin infection (although 1D for vaginal yeast is usually fine) Wash your friend with warm water and gentle (not Ivory) soap, dry off. Cover the entire sore area and a little beyond with some creme and rub it in. Remember, you are treating a skin infection, not icing a wedding cake, so go easy, more creme is not better. You should clear within 1-2 weeks. Monistat also works really well too, but it burns like hell. Trust me, I have caught hell from a number of women before I learned my lesson. Not that I'm trying to pry, but if you could e-mail me a jpeg picture of the offending lesion, I may be able to provide you with some more advise. Either way, please keep me posted. An no jacking off until you heal. You don't want it to fall off! Dr Danny (No I'm not scruffy) |
Thank you so much for the reply dr.danny. I will try to get a hold of my friends dig. camera to take a pic and will pm you when I do.
I thought it was also very odd that the clinic would tell me to do something without seeing me, but I went and did it as I really wanted to get rid of what it was and since all of the STD test results came back negative. As far as diabetes, I was adopted right after birth and although my parents were given some medical history of my birth parents, this was not mentioned. I have my physical coming up in august, though do you suggest I try to make an earlier appointment to check it out? I will go out this evening and get the lotrimen and start to use that. Again, you are the best. You have put most of my fears to rest THANKS! Hope it works. Just went and pulled up the posts that you have mentioned and read through those as well. As far as the j/o goes, I am used to doing it at least once a day and haven't for 2 weeks. This is definately not going to be easy, but want my dick back to nomal ;) |
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