Nose irritation from poppers?
The area around the tip of my nose & around my nostrils are red ... can this be caused by excessive popper use?
If yes, what is best way to treat this condition? Any lotions/creams/etc. that can help? |
Instead of lotions and creams how about less popper use?
I have seen redness and slight peeling around the nose from poppers being spilled there. I used to love poppers.
to GWT
Thanks for the most helpful answer.
But even if I stop, the redness is still there. How long before the redness goes away ... and what can I do to help the healing? |
the redness and irritation will go away in a few days, in about the same time it takes your nostrils to recover from the flu or a cold.
try saline nasal spray to soothe the irriated soft tissue. and petroleum jelly on your nostrils. |
Had the same problem a year ago. I don't use them alot. Maybe twice a month, but my nose got a very bad burn. Took about a week to clear up!
I think it was my fault. When you get a bottle, keep it in the freezer instead of the fridge, which is what i did. Think my bottle went bad & thats why I got into trouble. New bottle 2 months ago in the freezer & no problems? Maybe it's just me , but hope it helps ya? |
I find the opposite is true: cold poppers can make this worse -- the liquid "thickens" a bit and can stick to your skin easier. But that's just me...
Keeping poppers cold to prevent them from going stale too fast CAN help, though. I'd let them come to room temperature before use, however. I also found that petroleum jelly makes things worse. Just let it heal naturally. You can add a VERY, VERY thin layer of Neosporin before bed if you want. This DOES contain petroleum jelly, but the antibiotic properties might be worth it. Just don't glob it on; you don't need much. In the future, use only fresh poppers and avoid any brands that contain very thick fluid. If you are in the privacy of your own home, you can keep a damp cloth nearby and wipe off your nose during sex now and then. You can also learn how to inhale without touching the rim of the bottle to your nose, though this does not always work -- you can get burned just from the vapors alone. I used to have this problem often when I used cheaper poppers. Now, using ONLY Jungle Juice and disposing of a bottle as soon as it gets about halfway empty, I have never had a burnt nose again! |
Freezing Poppers?
So is there a risk of the popper bottle exploding if kept in the freezer too long? OR I guess since they are not water then it doesn't freeze...hmmm, that is a new one for me. Thanks for the insight!
Actually, putting poppers in the freezer will STOP them from exploding.
Poppers don't freeze, you are correct. They will stay in liquid form and some brands will get a little thicker, but they don't form ice crystals or become slushy. Until recently, I have never had a problem with poppers exploding, but maybe eight or ten months ago I posted with regard to finding some poppers that I had left out for a long time HAD, in fact, exploded. There was broken glass and dried liquid all over the place. I recently just replaced my "sex toy box" which was ruined by the exploding poppers, actually. It's wicker with a hinged lid -- looks very nice and was only three bucks! LOL... Anyway... I don't know about other brands, but the ones that exploded in my house were Jungle Juice. Now... it takes a LONG time for this to happen -- months. So if you leave them out for a while and use them up -- it's not going to be a problem. And the "explosion" is probably more like a big "pop," with the glass just sort of coming apart from gas build up inside the bottle. It's not very dramatic. While I was out of town for nearly six months, when my ex came back into my place, he told me on the phone that some poppers I had forgotten and left in the kitchen pantry had exploded. He also ran across a bottle in the drawer near my bed that exploded, too. But I have poppers in a container in my freezer that are VERY old -- some of them are almost TWENTY years old (don't ask). None of these have ever exploded -- they still work, but not very well. I guess I keep them for the "sentimental" value. I can remember a few of the places I bought them... How touching... |
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