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Old 5th August 2005, 01:36 PM
Join Date: May 2002
Posts: 9
cock rings

can some one tell me about cock rings? What is the best type, etc. Do you need to shave around the cock base to keep hair from pulling, etc. where is a good source? Any homemade devices?
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Old 5th August 2005, 01:59 PM
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You can buy cockrings online and in sex stores for a lot of money, and they come in so many different styles. But you can do what a friend of mine does: Go to your local Ace hardware store and select an assortment of rubber "O" rings of different sizes, and play with them until you find something that works for you. Yeah, shaving there would help, but it's not necessary.

Another tip: to attach the O-ring, find a short piece of PVC pipe that will fit loosely over your hard cock, roll the O-ring onto the pipe, and after you get good and hard, place the pipe over your dick and roll the O-ring off the pipe and onto your dick at the base. That way you don't have to struggle trying to roll the O-ring down your shaft.

Be careful. You get something that's too small, you could cause real damage to your most precious plaything.

if you do this, be sure to let us know how it works for you. It's always fun to read about different experiences.
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Old 5th August 2005, 06:05 PM
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I have a snap-on denim one (I bought on Folsom Street in San Francisco) that is easy to put on and take off as it has 4 different snaps depending on how hard you are and how tight you want it.
I accidentally threw it in the wash once and it made it even fit better. I have had it about 3 years now and people have commented how different it is.
You can also buy one of the super-stretchy kinds (available in all colors but I like the black or clear ones best) for about $3.00 from most sex shops. These stretch over your cock even when it is hard and can also fit below the base of the balls to fit the whole package if you want a tighter fit.
I like the look of the metal ones but they seem way too hard to get on and off for me.
No matter where I am...I am always Cruising for Sex!
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Old 6th August 2005, 09:35 AM
Join Date: Feb 2000
Posts: 45
cock rings?

personally, i like, and use the lance armstrong yellow rubber braclet for a cockring...fits perfectly!!!! LIVESTRONG!!! LOL..if he ever knew that queer's are using them for cockrings, whatwould he think???
always ready to get on my knees
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Old 7th August 2005, 06:29 AM
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Metal rings

In my lengthy experience (pardon the pun), the leather or metal cockrings are the way to go. The rubber ones pull hairs and eventually start to really irritate. A leather ring with snaps is the easiest, but I think that a thick metal ring is the hottest. And it doesn't pull hairs ... at all. Put your balls through first, then tuck junior through (yeah, you have to put it on while you're soft). The weight of it feels great, too, if you get a thick, heavy cock ring for your thick heavy cock!
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Old 1st November 2005, 02:07 PM
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re: cockrings

I agree with several posters, that the metal ones provide the most comfort, and a weighted one like I like to wear, really does make your balls feel great too!

Enjoy your quest.
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Old 1st November 2005, 03:29 PM
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Posts: 222

2005hotcock....very hot cock and balls with that thick cockring on!
No matter where I am...I am always Cruising for Sex!
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Old 1st November 2005, 03:31 PM
Join Date: Feb 2000
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I left work early today and went to the San Vicente Inn in West Hollywood for an afternoon of sun and sex.
When I got there, I realized I didn't pack a cockring and they don't sell any.
I remembered I had my Lance Armstrong yellow Live Strong bracelet in my Jeep and it worked out perfectly. ]
It is just the right size to hold my cock & shaved balls without being too tight.
Thanks for the advice.

PS....I wonder what Lance (or Sheryl Crow) would think of this other use for his famous bracelet!
No matter where I am...I am always Cruising for Sex!
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Old 3rd June 2021, 06:46 AM
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I buy my cockrings at They are the most reasonable. Right now, I am using a 1 5/8" x1/4" aluminum ring. It really makes my cock thick and lock!
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Old 3rd June 2021, 11:19 AM
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Originally Posted by buttpiratesc View Post
I buy my cockrings at
And to think I did not not believe the guy in marketing when years ago he said "someday there will be a specialized website for anything you could want"
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