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Old 7th October 2005, 08:31 PM
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On-line prescriptions?

Anyone know of a safe / reliable on-line site to pick up some viagra (NOT for me,just a older friend who is coming to see me at the end of the month)
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Old 10th October 2005, 01:23 AM
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Is there a reason why your older friend can't obtain a legal prescription for Viagra -- himself?

Even if you did obtain an on-line prescription for Viagra legally, it would still be illegal to give that medication to someone else.

I hope you were not thinking about doing something that is illegal -- obtaining a prescribed medication for yourself and giving it to somebody else.
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Old 10th October 2005, 06:04 AM
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Wow ... expensive.

I have bought Viagra online before, from several sources (all overseas) and they all delivered on time and as promised. Very professional. Know that the best "deal" is to get the 100mg tabs and split 'em. If you can't get it up with 50mg, you have bigger problems (hmm... that's kind of funny, when you think about it). Looks like the prices have really gone up, though.

Personally, I would never, ever give anyone else meds. If they want 'em, they should take responsibility for themselves and get 'em. But that wasn't your question. And, realistically, my first Viagra was a 'gift from a friend'. Subsequently I bought 'em on the net, then got a scrip from my doctor.

The best (and safest) deal is to get it through your doctor (but you already knew that). Tell him that you tried one from a friend and it worked so awesome you'd like a prescription (they're big boys and girls, they know that people DO take meds without the requisite office-visit). Know too, that you may not be in a position to get your insurance company to pay for it, and it's expensive ... (most insurance companies make it a pain in the ASS to get Viagra if you are under 50 years old ... call-backs, faxed letter of medical necessity from your doc, etc., etc.).

I'd suggest to your older, less virile friend that he might want to borrow one from one of HIS older, less virile friends ... at least then the full responsibility rests on him.
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Old 10th October 2005, 10:37 PM
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Using somebody else's prescription medication, a controlled medication legally obtained by prescription only, is not only dumb but also -- unlawful.

It is unlawful (illegal) to obtain a prescribed medication for one's self and subsequently provide that medication to another person.

Is there anyone who does not understand why it would be unlawful for anyone to obtain a prescribed controlled medication for one's own use and subsequently provide that medication to another person?

If a older friend needs to obtain Viagra, a controlled and prescribed medication, let him obtain a legal prescription from a doctor.

The benefits of using Viagra are well known to doctors and patients alike. This does not mean we should condone the practice of providing Viagra or any other controlled medication to someone else for which the medication has not been lawfully prescribed by law.

It is not necessary to break the law for someone to enjoy the benefits of using Viagra.
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. And, under a just God, cannot long retain it.

-- Abraham Lincoln
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Old 11th October 2005, 03:39 AM
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If you can use "messageboards"/"usenet" then search on your news server for "impotence" and subscribe to that group.
There you will find a large amount of advice from many. many users re how, what, where, side affects, costs (very low $1 - $2), chances of customs grabbing the order, when to take them, splitting etc.
Generally a much wider knowledge than a local doc has.
However if the friend uses meds, does not know his heart condition and BP range, or is not otherwise healthy then he must get a doc check, mentioning his intention to use them, and then if he checks OK he can buy local ($$$), get a doc's sample, or still order off the net.
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Old 11th October 2005, 06:41 AM
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Live in reality

Re: 'This does not mean we should condone the practice ...'

Since when are we in the business of condoning or condemning on this board?

I imagine that he knows that it's unlawful (illegal), but that doesn't prevent 100 pop-ups a day hawking everything from Viagra to Ambien (which truly IS a controlled substance ... Viagra is a prescription med, but not a "controlled substance").

My two-cents, unasked for, I know: full disclosure plus some level of assumed intelligence allows a consenting adult to make an informed (if unwise) decision. Witholding information only removes a vital part of that equation.

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Old 11th October 2005, 08:23 PM
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Old 11th October 2005, 08:55 PM
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Viagra is a controlled medication -- it can only be legally obtained and used by a patient as prescribed by a doctor.

The practice of sharing one's own prescribed medication -- Viagra -- with another person is unlawful.

The original poster makes it clear that he wants to obtain Viagra, not for himself but for another person -- an older friend.

We ought not to condone a practice which is illegal when Viagra can be legally obtained in compliance with the law. Obtaining a prescribed and controlled medication for somebody else's use circumvents the law.

I'm sure the OP's older friend is quite capable of legally obtaining Viagra for his own use.
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. And, under a just God, cannot long retain it.

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Old 11th October 2005, 09:16 PM
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Thanks for the clarification. What was I thinking?
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Old 12th October 2005, 12:03 AM
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Bayshorebottom ~

If it was TightAsThong's intent to circumvent the law, by obtaining Viagra for himself and then subsequently providing his prescription of Viagra to another person (older friend), then we should not encourage the practice by condoning something that is both stupid and unlawful.

Am I being judgmental? You bet I am. We need to be judgmental whenever somebody intends to do something that is unlawful and they clearly intend to circumvent the law. We also need to be judgmental whenever someone may jeopardize the health and safety of someone else by circumventing the law.

Maybe TightAsThong did not intend to circumvent the law. But, it sure as hell sounded like it when he clearly indicated who the intended recipient (older friend) the prescription of Viagra was for in the first place. I am quite sure TightAsThong's older friend is very capable of obtaining a prescription of Viagra -- legally and safely.
Those who deny freedom to others deserve it not for themselves. And, under a just God, cannot long retain it.

-- Abraham Lincoln
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Old 12th October 2005, 05:58 AM
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I soundly disagree with you, for the reasons that I stated above.

Re-stating your position (which I fully understand) is redundant. I disagree with you.
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Old 12th October 2005, 06:20 AM
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Directing someone to a safe/reliable web-site to order prescription drugs is condoning unlawful behavior as much as registering a profile on a web-site like this that directs people to public places for sexual encounters.

Should we delete our profiles then? Of course not.

Lawmakers create such laws in the spirit of "fear" and an attempt at controlling certain behavior they see as deviant, not to mention the financial agenda as well.

The drug scheduling our government has created in order to keep us "safe" is just short of a scam. It's used to instill fear in us in ordr to keep the pockets of the pharmacuetical companies and politicians full.

If the lawmakers were really concerned for our safety regarding substances, alchohol and cigarrettes, two substances that reak havoc on our society, would also be "controlled".

Given that this indicates the lawmakers aren't truly concerned for our safety, hence, making us not take these laws all that seriously, it's then up to us to keep each other safe and we do so by giving and asking advice here in a forum where it's okay to bring up such issues without fear and judgement.
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Old 14th October 2005, 11:35 PM
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The best reason I can think of to avoid giving any prescription drug, including Viagra, to someone else is the danger that it will conflict with other medication the person is taking or a pre-existing condition -- which could make the prescription drug dangerous or even fatal. I have never taken Viagra and, thank goodness, don't need to -- but if I did need it, I would not hesitate to see my doctor first. I would also use a reputable pharmacy which checks prescriptions against anything else prescribed for the patient. I had a situation once where one doctor prescribed a medication and another doctor prescribed another medication and it was the druggist who refused to fill the later prescription because of a potentially dangerous interaction.

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Old 19th October 2005, 05:54 PM
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Re: On-line prescriptions?

i ordered from a few sites rx online takes a month they are cheap is okay pharmaexpressrx is okay too prices are a little steep
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Old 20th October 2005, 10:04 PM
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Re: On-line Prescriptions

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