ABS/gloryhole ettiquette
I'd ask if I was out of my mind, but that's a foregone conclusion. What I don't get...I frequent a few stores here in Oregon, where we are lucky enough to have many with fantastic setups (grabbars over the hole) and where the cops seem to have better things to do than worry about men sucking other men in these places. I like gloryholes, I'm there to suck as many as I can while I'm in the mood. I don't have a problem feeding the meter, either, these are businesses. But why on earth do all these guys stand around in the halls and chat, giggle, and smirk instead of getting down to the business of sucking dick?
I think that it will remain one of the great unanswered mysteries of the world. We can hope one of those guys that actually giggles, gossips and chats will post a reply, but don't count of it.
They are not just limited to ABS's though, they hang out in parks too. My theory is they don't have a life. |
Because they are immature, lack courtesy and have no regard for others. :p
I see these groups from time to time. They come in, make a lot of noise, talk loudly about the guys-or not-, pose, talk on their cell phones ("hey, guess where I am? Yeah, that's right. You should see it. Oooh you are so funny!"), rattle the booth doors, go in and out of empty booths, and generally act like tourists. Usually the clerks run them out if they are making a nuisance of themselves in other parts of the store also. Most times, some of them come back individually, sometimes even in the same hour. Then someone invariably sidles up to them and asks them why they aren't still with all their little friends. I've seen a couple of the older guys go up and loudly ask them if they came back to give a blowjob or their ass fucked. Or if they were talking on a cell phone, ask them if they came back because they needed to make another phone call. That usually runs them off. |
DETEST the "giggle queen cliques."
Generally these guys show up on weekends, drunk and obnoxious and pretending they are far more pure than they really are. By laughing and making jokes about the bookstore scene, they often act pretentious, as if they are ONLY there to observe and mock those who are cruising. In reality, from what I've noticed, the first chance they get they are looking for action themselves. And they tend to get VERY uptight when they don't GET any. They seem to not grasp WHY everyone else wants nothing to do with them. I've gone as far as to avoid men who talk too much in general, even if they are not part of the giggle queen cliques. Numerous times I've heard two guys talking about other dudes in the store. In fact, this old, horrid troll I mentioned in the "Older Men Need Sex, Too" thread once stood there and discussed ME (along with many other guys). He said: "Yeah, he's from Florida," and then went on to whisper the rest. Whether it was good or bad, I have no idea and don't care. Then he started talking about other dudes and one guy on the other side of the arcade shouted out: "I can fucking HEAR you all the way over here!" Still, the old fuck didn't knock it off. Consequently, everyone avoids him. It's YOUR life and you are certainly allowed to discuss anything you want, share your stories and opinions, etc. I have no problem with that. I am in a semi-public place seeking gay sex! I can't expect much privacy. I do, however, expect a modicum of RESPECT and propriety. Tell your stories in a WHISPER at all times, or tell them after you leave or at LEAST talk about other guys after THEY leave, not when they are standing ten feet away! There are really no "rules" as to how someone MUST behave in a bookstore, and in fact, half the thrill is never knowing what to expect. But at the same time, there are some socially acceptable boundaries that should be observed. Common courtesy, if nothing else. But this will never happen -- and we can't expect any situation in life to be ONLY as we WANT it or expect it to be. The fact is: ASSHOLES are EVERYWHERE and we just have to deal with them as best we can. And good for you for feeding tokens to the machine. I do the same, trying to respect the business. Granted, I don't' have tons of cash to throw away at all times, but I most certainly pay my entry fee and sometimes buy a few more tokens to keep the films running as I tend to take a while to cum. |
It's funny how this happens at cruising locations all across the country. It's a fact of cruising that when you venture in to these places, you need to have some armor with you. You got the trolls, the aggressive guys, the hustlers and yes, the groups of giggling queens.
My take on it is that they're so uncomfortable with their sexual needs that they project their anger onto guys who are slutting it up at these places. I bet they wish they could be so bold to say fuck it and suck and fuck as much as they want without worrying about what others may think of them. The park I frequent has this same group no matter what time of day it is. Usually, they're very effeminate guys with scathing tongues and their demeanor is very asexual. It's almost as if they've become a caricature of themselves. I have a thick skin and don't care what they say to me, and believe me I have had some comments thrown my way. I only get annoyed with them when they scare off a potential hot guy I may be cruising. Bi/Discreet guys usually get skittish around this kind of behavior and will run for the hills instantly once they're met with the group of giggling queens. |
I will not say I am an expert by any stretch. However, I have noticed this in the one ABS I have been to.
I have been there 4 times now and am hooked. However, there always seems to be a few guys standing, talking, laughing, and generally seem to be ruining it for everyone. I would fall into the Bi/Discreet category at this point. YES these guys do make me nervous. I don't want to be around them. I left the second time I was there because there was such a loud group. I find it interesting that this is common. |
Those types are very annoying. However, I think they want to be annoying because they want attention. They want everyone thinking about them, even if it how annoying they are. It gives them a sense of power in their very a powerless existence.
I used to get skittesh too, and still I don't like people standing outside chatting like it was an open fag bar. Nowadays, I just go to the front desk and tell the clerk that there are guys in the back asking for money for secual favors in the hallways and that they are not in the booths spending money. 2 minutesd later they are routed out. |
ABS/gloryhole etiquette
I think some of thes guys are silly and want to feel their better than everyone else. But most, I believe are there because its the only place to go and be around others like you. Many live these lives undercover and would never go to a gay bar so that these places are the only time they can interact with others who enjoy the things they enjoy.
I think there are 2 types that stand around..
The nervous / afraid type where they are scared to go in the booth and make a move but they want to. Or there is the "I want to find the super hot stud and go elsewhere with him" type that want the pick up but don't want to play in the booths. And then sometimes there is the 3rd type - all the booths with glory holes are full and they are trying to look busy while waiting for one to open up. |
Don't tolerate it!
In my stores, I recognize people have a right to privacy. There is nothing worse than to have to run the gauntlet of sneering, giggling hanger-arounds. If they want to just hang out, let them do it on the sales floor where I am the only one they annoy. Plus, blocking the hallway in our location, and many others, is a violation of local fire codes. Everytime the Fire Dept pulls a quick inspection, the booth hallways are the first thing checked. Anybody standing around, the booth area is closed as a fire hazard and ALL customers evicted.
It is up to the ABS clerk to protect his customers by controlling this annoyance. A lot just ignore until they end up in jail for permitting "loitering for sexual purposes". The good ones police their booths to keep things moving and clean. Two guys in a booth, no problem if they are dropping tokens. Standing in the hallway or lurking in a booth without a movie playing, I'll show them the exit. I get called "anit-gay" all the time when I am actually protecting the rights of others to meet and "greet" in a safe environment undisturbed by gawkers. |
Good for you Grumpy!
Some of these guys act like they are waiting for Brad Pitt - and I love 60 year olds that are only interested in the 20 years olds. If you are looking for Mr Right go to a club the ABS are for mister right now.... |
where is abs even located?
And are there any good places in north Jersey?
used to go to one in tx many yrs back, and i will admit i'd stand around a bit to get the "lay of the land". i'd go into a booth and some nights one or two cocks at most would poke through the holes. now, one very late night, i decided to go in drag all dolled up. when i strutted my stuff into the back hall by the booth doors, i looked at a few and started sucking my finger and smiling, then went off into a booth. omg! in no time flat i had cocks poking through the holes on both sides!!! |
Is it weird that I'm kinda all 3-in-1? I'm nervous about sucking my 1st black/hispanic/asian/etc... Not racist. Its just this cruising is still kinda new, and its gonna be different once the aftermath of Covid-19 is truly known. I'm excited to find a stud and a huge cock to suck and maybe pop my black cherry (cleaned out ideally). But I don't wanna to rude. I love gloryholes! Nuff said. |
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