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da002b 4th March 2006 10:11 PM

medical question
Hi to all. I haven't been on this site in nearly a couple of years, and it's good to see all the regulars still here. I wanted to know if anyone had any opinion/info on this:
I've had these weird tingling sensations about a month ago, and it was centered around the length of my ass crack and my inner thighs. Then it turned to a rash like wasn't painful, just very warm. Sometimes it is intense and localized. The closest thing I can think of is how hot your skin feels when you get spanked. At first I thought is was razor burn, dry skin... but it wasn't. Then it all went away. About three weeks later, it comes back, and this time instead of on my thigh, it's the small of my back and my ass cheeks. "My goodness, I'm sitting too much at my job, "I thought. But, I;ve been doing the same job a long time. Now it comes and goes, but the hot sensation is right on my sphincter and sometimes my scrotum. It's especially noticeable when I am about to take a shit. Did I blow out my sphincter? I notice that when I strain my muscle as if I were crapping that I can make/feel it loosening up.
My physician says it's unlikley a skin problem since all the sensations are subdermal and there havenot been any visible breakouts. He indicated "peripheral neuropathy" on the referral sheet and that I should see a neurologist as it may be a nerve thing.
I think a proctologist is who I should see instead. Is this something a proctologist is concerned with? Or should I see that neurologist, or perhaps another general physician?

da002b 4th March 2006 10:15 PM

oh by the way, I got tested for the standard battery of STD's. Two independent sets of results were all negative, so at least it;s highly unlikely that the problem is of this nature. I think it's a skin problem but what baffles me is why it would be just limited to the peculiar areas I described. Thanks in advance, by the way.

cutguy 5th March 2006 09:00 AM

Peripheral neuropathy of the butt? That's definitely a new one on me. Just which peripheral nerves are involved?

I haven't seen you or examined you, nor do I know what your sexual preferences might be. But tingling/burning sounds a hell of a lot like herpes to me. Simplex, either genital or oral would be the best bet, but zoster is also a (remote) possibility. The zoster virus is chickenpox, which in adults shows up as "shingles" Typically it starts as a burning/tingling sensation.

Then again, you might just be sitting too much. I would advise blood titers for herpes simplex, IgG and IgM if they haven't been run in your STD battery. Keep me posted, and best of luck

Dr Danny

Sensual Guy 6th March 2006 09:18 AM

Just a suggestion.....
I would check with a dermatologist first. It could be a weird case of shingles which is caused by the herpes zoster virus.

da002b 6th March 2006 07:47 PM

Thanks for the input, gentlemen. I thought you would view my GP's assessment with askance. I wasn't satisfied with it either. I tested negative for IgG - HSV I and II previously, and I did a follow up today, so I should know results soon. Today would be a week away from the three month mark from the suspect encounter.
The doctor at the clinic didn't see any signs of outbreaks and thought it unsual that I've had these symptoms for nearly three weeks. He didn't seem to think it was HSV, made the assessment, "dermatitis," and that provided me with about 30 mins of comfort. He indicated that I see a dermatologist next.
For what it's worth, I had four encounters last year, never had unprotected sex (bottom), and none of the guys came while inside me. We finish with mutual masturbation. I engage in cbj only, and I have not received cbj or bbbj. Yeah, I know, I sound like a shitty date, but I have tried to be as safe as possible. So much for that, huh?

I'm a fvcking wreck right now and can't sleep. I guess this is the anxious period that my friends have described. I just hope Lady Luck will smile upon me.

ScruffyCub 7th March 2006 01:43 PM


Look, I'm not doc, but I do know there are about eighteen gazillion things that can happen to skin -- the vast majority of which are NOT related to any STD.

Perhaps, in fact, the most predominant ailments afflicting mankind have to do with the skin. It is, after all, quite a large surface area and susceptible to tons of random and varied nasties. What's the first problem we encounter after birth in most cases? Diaper rash. And just take a peek at any senior citizen out there -- odds are, their skin is FAR from perfect. From birth to death and all those years in between -- your skin is BOUND to have SOMETHING happen to it in a localized area. REPEATEDLY, in fact.

I'm telling you this so you RELAX. There is no need to be a nervous wreck and lose sleep over it. Again -- NOT a doctor here, but... I just have a feeling this is NOT serious enough to warrant such a high level of stress.

Eh... fungus maybe. I'm a big fan of telling people they have fungus. Not sure why, it's just fun! No, seriously... fungal infections RETURN just as you described: clear up, come back. Sometimes they do NOT clear up, but just get worse.

(Shingles doesn't really present itself on the lower body -- I wouldn't give that much thought, albeit you describe tingling sensations which are often indicative of shingles, but... dude... "tingling" is seriously VAGUE -- it just AIN'T shingles.)

Look... wait on your doctor appointment. Meanwhile, use common sense at-home measures to care for your skin. Keep it dry. Keep it clean. Try some topical OTC products for itch -- cortisone works well.

And... hey, you know... DO keep in mind that STRESS exacerbates existing skin conditions -- worry about it all the time, it MIGHT get worse.

Chill... skin ailments are common, common, common. A skin rash or lesion does NOT always mean you have an underlying disease process going on.

Go have a beer, you'll feel better.

ButchMascGuy 7th March 2006 09:04 PM

The 'tingling' and 'warmth' sensations seem to be relativity localized and subdermal. Absent any visually-detected skin changes in coloration, an underlying causation might be circulatory.

If the tingling and warmth sensations were remarkable in the lower extremities, such as the feet and ankles, there might be an underlying causation such as early diabetes.

Given the fact that most of the tingling and warmth sensations appear to be localized and subdermal, I would not rule out the possible indicators of early diabetes.

Is there a family history of diabetes? Have you had any recent noticable skin sores or lesions that did not heal normally? Anything unusual about your urination frequency, color, and smell? Are you drinking more fluids than usual to quench your thirst?

da002b 8th March 2006 10:18 PM

OK; I got my test results back, and they are negative for HSV2 (IgG), so it less likely that this strange condition is herpetic in nature. The day I went to see the doc, my anus was flared up like crazy. He didn't see anything obvious, even though I told him my ass was on fire. I have to go see the dermatologist now and see what gives. TOday, the flaring up has subsided somewhat, but it's still a bit warm. If this is jock itch (tinea), which I have never had, then it's some nasty shit. Maybe it's hemmoroids without the bleeding. WHo knows?
Well, thanks for all the input. Scruffy, I'm going to have that beer now and then catch up on a few days of sleep.

Bayshore33611 9th March 2006 08:50 AM

Better have TWO beers ...
Hemorrhoids on the small of your back, your inner thighs, and your scrotum? Come on.

I was leaning towards razor-burn (you mentioned it, so I assume that you shave your ass-crack, which REALLY causes tingling/burning on me, and it "clears up" until the next time that I shave and then sweat ... and no, it doesn't leave a rash, it just burns) ... but I can't imagine razor burn on the small of your back, unless you are a true gorilla. And I can't imagine that your doctor couldn't diagnose razor-burn. He did actually look at your ass, right?

But to my knowledge hemorrhoids doesn't cause a tingling/burning anywhere other than the affected area ... and if you have piles on your scrotum, you've got a problem.

da002b 10th March 2006 12:32 AM

Re: Better have TWO beers ...

Originally posted by Bayshore33611
Hemorrhoids on the small of your back, your inner thighs, and your scrotum? Come on
Hey, I never made that absurd did.
I'm pretty dumb, but nowhere did I ask if the hemmrohoids were the cause of the sensations on the back/thighs.

Anyway, regarding the painful anus, I finally found a doctor at urgent care who actually bothered to put on gloves and inspect me more than just a quick visual check. She found a hairline cut in my sphincter. When she touched it, it burned. Was given Proctofoam, and it is good stuff. The rash on my ass is from sitting in that position; my skin creases up and it is very dry. Not sure about the tingling elsewhere, but we will take care of things systematically. Hell, when one goes away, maybe the ohter symptoms will as well.

One thing I learned from all this - not all doctors are willing to look at your ass.

Again, thanks to all for the input and comments.

ScruffyCub 10th March 2006 01:08 PM


not all doctors are willing to look at your ass.

I never tip a doc who won't take a good, long, hard look at my ass. If he wants an additional $5 from me, he needs to put in that extra effort!

Glad to hear that so far this is nothing serious. Let us know what else you find out.

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