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Old 13th May 2006, 09:37 AM
iworshipdickalot's Avatar
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Just my vote or at least honarable mention.

Well for me I have not had the chance to travel as well as some of you have.

But for the places I have been in.From Philadelphia to Maryland and lastly Delaware , where I live.

I found a place in Maryland that has always worked well for me.

It is called Bush River Video on RT. 40 in Maryland.

For me it is not the cleanest place.But they do well with what they have.The place is pretty big.On one half is about 20 booths of variuos sizes.Some of them have GH's , while other are huge to accomodate more then one person.And all of them have locking doors for privacy or not depending on your fetish.Raises hand and admits have left the door open while going down one some one.Just to give a show.It has a pretty large area out front for the usual porn fair.Videos , toys , lubes you get he idea.

On the other half they have 4 huge theatres.Well at least large rooms roughly 25' x 25'.In them are large screen tvs running porno of all sorts.Basically 2 rroms show gay porno and then the other shows regular porno.But fun can be had by all in any of the rooms.I have seen multiple men on the floor sucking off guys just standing around, I have even seen some women in there just doing the same.And all the rooms are dark with the only light coming from the tv's.But recently due to fire codes they have added small running lites in the walls just incase of fire.And in all 4 of these rooms are big chairs and couches.Which get replaced on often when they get worned out.

Then there is my favorite place.They have what they call a private theatre.Where in this room is just a couch and a tv stand and a tv.You pay to get he room and pick out amovie to watch.Then you can go in and do what ever.It has a locking door.But mostly guys and including myself will elave the door open slightly and who ever peeks and wants to come in can come in.Then you can lock the door and just have as much fun as you desire.You are only limited by your imagination.

Now yeah there are good times and bad times in this place.But even for a chubby guy like me.I have had more good times then bad.I have gotten many cocks to suck while I was there and have graciuosly been sucked off by quite a few men.More then I have even expected.I even have some regular suck buddies there when I say I am going to be there they try to hook up with me for some fun.

So all in all my vote is for Bush River...or at least an honarable mention.
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Old 13th May 2006, 09:44 AM
iworshipdickalot's Avatar
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Uhh I suck...and swallow this thread was supposed to go under the best ABS thread and I messed up.

My fault.

So think of this as my vote for my fave bookstore.
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