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Old 9th April 2010, 09:26 AM
Join Date: Mar 2008
Posts: 335
Where are the big ones?

Condom retailer Condomania just released some interesting statistics in the April issue of AVN (Adult Video News) THE industry magazine for the adult entertainment world.

Surveys are always taken asking men to list their penis size. Since there is no verification, a lot of these surveys are as over inflated as the participants' egos. Now Condomania has a different aspect to the question. They produce TheyFit Condoms in 76 sizes ranging from 3 inches to 10 inches, and girth of "super slim" to "extra roomy". Condomania provides it users with a unique "FitKit" to measure the length and girth of one's erection and match it to the best fit in the 76 combinations. The last formal study by Dr. Alfred Kinsey back in 1948 relied on men marking their length on a card and mailing it back in. That was based on 2,500 men being asked to be honest. Condomania's five year sales statistics include over 10 times as many men who are more apt to be honest to get the correct fit.

Based on their statistics, Condomania noted that the men of New Orleans really earn the city the nickname of "The Big Easy". It took first place in size among their customers. Washington, D.C. came in a close second proving its not all hot air in our nation's capital. The remaining cities in the top five in descending order were: San Diego, New York City and Phoenix.

State ratings put little New Hampshire at the top followed by Oregon, New York (yeah, from Central NY), Indiana and Arizona. It was also noted that penis sizes were generally larger in traditional Democratic "Blue" states than in Republican "Red" states.

Overall: 25 percent of buyers measure less than 5 inches in length, 50 percent fall between 5 and 6 inches, and 25 percent showed over 6 inches.

Now if we could just get Expedia to put penis size on their travel listings.
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Old 10th April 2010, 10:42 AM
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A version of the Condomania article is available online here:

Condomania Online | Which states & cities have the largest penises?
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Old 10th April 2010, 10:47 AM
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Can I point out the obvious: New Orleans has a substantial black population and virtually no population from areas of the world that have smaller endowed men (no Chinatown in NOLA!). At the same time DC has a substantial black population (both American born and African born), but also a large Arab population, too.
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Old 10th April 2010, 10:41 PM
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What about New Hampshire

Perhaps Keith's observations explain some of New Orleans's status, but what about New Hampshire?
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Old 10th April 2010, 11:30 PM
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I do wonder a bit about the sample -

"Average" guys can easily buy off the shelf condoms. It would seem that their sample of large and small would be skewed as more of them would be looking to buy non-standard rubbers.

But one thing I do know - there are a lot more big cocks in website profiles than in real life!

Actually if I remember right CFS uses "7 inches or smaller" as the lowest size...
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Old 11th April 2010, 07:56 AM
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New Hampshire is near Quebec and I find the men of Quebec and Ontario to be above average (unscientific research of course). There must be some explanations about dick size in regions, though it might be hard to get honest since some would consider the explanations politically sensitive. For example, I imagine dick size in California is getting smaller as more and more of the population reflects men from Central America and Mexico (not exactly hung down there). Meanwhile, I bet Florida is growing with all that Cuban and South American influence.
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