View Full Version : Aging and Cruising for Sex

  1. Alpha and Beta Dynamics and Aging
  2. Ejaculating for your health...
  3. New Forum: Cruising History
  4. Sex Games Present and Past
  5. Young Straight Dudes Paying for Sex
  6. "The Adonis" : Looking Back At Public Sex And Perspective For Younger Men
  7. "The Address Book" And Bob Damron
  8. Straight men watching gay porn...
  9. From Narratively: Why Having Gay Sex in a Park is Still Thriving in 2016
  10. Oral bottom wants service regulars.
  11. Study: Teens Having Less Sex
  12. The "Sweetheart Scam" - Not Just For Elders
  13. Less Than 50% of Teens Identify as Straight, Says New Study
  14. Life is a struggle. Gay life even more so?
  15. "Mattering" in Str8 & Gay Men
  16. Your Fav Cruising Grounds in Those Days
  17. Locker Rooms Now and Then...
  18. Masculine Ideals 1980's to 2010's
  19. Cruising 1970s, Cruising 2015
  20. Gay Porn Then and Now...
  21. Cheating Then And Now...
  22. We'll Be Written Up! But In A Good Way!
  23. How young is too young to come out?
  24. Changing Sexual Roles
  25. Dude, Help Me Out...
  26. Anyone every look up old sex buddies online?
  27. Growing Sexual Negativity
  28. Growing Up Now vs. Then....
  29. It really is just a number
  30. Mature cock tastes and feels as good as young!
  31. Being young gay with the Internet...
  32. Big Age Difference
  33. Caught in between??
  34. Depression and Getting Older