A friend and I will be visiting Buenos Aires and Uruguay (western part, not Montevideo) in about 10 days. We are looking for places to go, people to do, etc. I'm GWM, 50s, 5'11", 175, smooth, 7" cut, toned body, very oral; he's Filipino, early 40s, 5'9", 155, smooth, 6" uncut, hot body, loves big cocks and to top. We both look younger, especially him. We want to try a hot sex club. Mainly looking here for recommendations/suggestions about places. We come as a pair. We want to experience some hot younger Latino guys. Groups are fine too. Hope to hear some good suggestions.
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I know both countries well, but I have not been there in a long time. Even under repression there was something going on. Not out in the open and often used for blackmailing people, as much as anything.
The feared top general in Uruguay was always suspected of being gay. I never did learn what the final outcome was. He probably went to some other country or opened a gay bar. Argentina suffered much more and is still trying to recover, but now has quite a sex scene, from what I read. They are likely to have more action than Uruguay, which has nice, beautiful, people, who can be shy. (watch it though as in the sex trade, they can be dishonest as in any other country) On a short trip you probably will be dealing mostly with play for pay boys. If nothing else works, ask the taxi drivers you encounter, hotel doormen, or go into a bar featuring girls. Check with the bartender and tip her/him. They probably will help out if you have spent some time and money in their cab, hotel or bar, or will be doing so. Tips help and should be given. While I have not been there in a long time, I am pretty sure this advice is good. If you do find something especially nice, let me know, will you? I want to go there either this summer (their winter) or in November/December as part of a longer trip. I never did have the desire or the chance for any gay sex in either country due to the repression and the chance of blackmail or terrorism. (Did no good as they just used females telling tales for the same purposes) This time I would love to enjoy a few nights with some guy(s) if only to close that chapter on my life. Might as well be blamed for something I actually do :-) If you have not been to BA, you are in for a treat. It is wonderful for anyone with any interests Good luck ![]()
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for Buenos Aires, check out these sites:
http://groups.msn.com/GaysAwayinBuenosAires/ http://www.thegayguide.com.ar/ They've both been spot-on. Enjoy.
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