Any one with experience with this hotel? Friendly staff? Joiners's fee?
very friendly extra problem with guests provided they are reasonably dressed..
Tjhor |
Will you be blessing us with your presence on our shores soon, Carnie?
Thank you Tjhor8,
This was the feeling I had, but good to be reassured. Plus, being a French brand, I could sue them more easily if they added a fee for a visitor! We are talking of Sofitel Silom, right? Dear Icon, Maybe, maybe. But not for too long time, nothing to worry too much about. :) |
Yes ... Silom....
I was there just last month....stayed there for 2 wks without any problem..... If u have dinner on the 36th Fl...use ur Amex... u will get a discount... Enjoy ur stay .... Tjhor |
Have you had spine transplant surgery recently? |
sofitel silom rates
just checked the website. they are quoting 2990 baht. I am interested in trying it in august
any special deals or recommendations to try? I have seen in another place reference to bidding for rates |
2990 Baht is a good price if it includes tax and ABF. Bidding for travel on Priceline sometimes works out, but for this price I'd prefer to stay at the Sofitel, since you get breakfast, and the reservation is amendable in case your plans change.
I've started staying at the Pinnacle again, though. Now that the subway has re-opened just around the corner, it's an easier decision. I am not in the expensive hotel enough during the day to justify spending 3x the Pinnacle price (about 1000 baht). But that's just me. |
Sofitel and Pinnancle
thanks for the quick reply
I have not used to the subway yet, have not used priceline, have had an experience with Pinnancle am 50/50 about staying there again have become tired of Tower Inn Friends stayed down by the river I think Hyatt for a bargain price but I prefer walking distance Last time at Montien was a disaster never again. 2000+ no joiner is interesting If walkin rate is 2990 hopefully in low season I could get substantial discount My ambition is to stay at the Dusit but do not want hassles |
never have any problem with Dusit...
Tjhor |
sofitel silom rates
Try booking on Price for Sofitel Silom is 2419Baht including all taxes and breakfast. This booking agent is reliable and usually one of the best rates in Asia. |
In reference to the Sofitel, what is there procedure when you come in with a boy who is not registered with you? Do you have to go to the front desk with him? Do they take his ID? Or do you just walk in and go to your room? |
Sofitel Silom
jomtiened thanks for the link
I was surprised to see they did not have any hotels in phuket I checked out Tokyo to compare what I paid last year. Good 35% less Would also like to know what action on ID |
- Never was. your memory betrays you. - Or having to piss in a bottle? - Not a problem. Prefer to see the bars close at 2 and piss in the bottle every day - Or having your photo in a towel end up on the front page of the Bangkok Post? Not a problem neither. Just don want to have men in brown raid the place I am trying to have a good time. Have you had spine transplant surgery recently? - No, I need fabric. :) |
I could have sworn that I was ridiculed a while back for my opinion that it would be crazy to cancel a vacation to Thailand in spring 2005 because of the bird flu matter.
Oh well. Must be my memory acting up again. |
They do have Phuket hotels as well. From their first screen, click on Thailand, instead of one of the featured cities. From that next screen, you can get to Phuket hotels. |
hi, Jomtiened
just walk in ... go to the lift... not need to register........beside that is a restuarant on the 36th Fl and cafe on the 2nd fl ...which u can always pretend that u r heading off for food and drinks...if u get ask........if your friend has a car... just park in the car in the car park...which is connected to the hotel on level one (1st floor... where as the hotel entry is on the ground floor) .... u can easily get a several persons into the hotel that way....;) for a great party... should always book the room for 2 persons... same price as single ... then u can invite ur friend for a free breadfast as well... cheers Tjhor |
Although I stayed at the Montien and the Tartawan in December 2005 and January 2006, I did NOT have trouble with bringing back any guests.
The TARTAWAN has a great guest policy; upon registering, you as guest are asked to sign a form outlining the policies of having guests in your room. Your guests can also have breakfast with you without a charge. I liked the hotel's decor, its ambience, the extremely gracious employees, and definitely its location that I plan to stay here again whenever I return to Thailand/Bkk. (The rate for my stay was great, too, and I stayed during high season!) |
I would enrich your comment by adding : ““if you bring only gogo/money boys back to your room ”. It is very different if you want to invite a friend (genuine friend, no sex) or a newfound sex friend (sex not for money) or anyone else not from the commercial sex scene. We’ve had this conversation here before and Icon seemed to disagree if I remember right, but the ID check is done is such a way that it is OBVIOUSLY organised for the visit of prostitutes to the upper floors. If this is your plan, then their policy is indeed super. If this is not your plan, be ready to encounter some resistance or even see your guest feel insulted if he sees he is treated like a sex worker. I had one guy visiting me, he was a pharmacist, and the second day when I said “why don’t you come upstairs”, he answered “rather not” and when we talked about it, he said he had felt very uncomfortable with the ID check procedure. |
I've had one experience like yours at the Tarntawan, a guy who was closeted and didn't want anyone to see who he was--and I think it's degrading besides! But interestingly enough, of all the guys I've brought there (and it's been a LOT! :) ) he was the only one uncomfortable with the procedure. I have only brought non-money boys there, out of about 25 guys, by the way. In fact, I am always apologetic about the procedure, but usually the guy likes the amount of security and says it's a good way to protect customers. I disagree, but that has been my experience! Finally, the security guards at the Tarntawan are extremely polite, even to the Money Boys, from what I've seen. BTW, I really like how friendly the Tarntawan staff is to Thai customers, since other hotels don't always treat Thais as well as tourists. As to Axiom's post, it's the FIRST time I've heard the Montien allowing Thai visitors to rooms. Do you think they just missed you, or have they changed their joiner's policy? |
Hi yes, midwestbttmboy32, they are very nice to visitors. Basically, this hotel is welcoming and the staff is nice.
About your experiences, I would add that maybe your guests did not want to offend you by saying anything negative about the place you were staying (this would be very un-Thai to criticise your host’s choice). The problem I encountered with this guy was on his second visit, where I think too much was being too much for him. Other guys who did go through the procedure of ID checks, made it clear it made them uncomfortable. I find their procedure embarrasing for non-commercial guys, but they can not have two procedure: one for prostitues and one for other visitors. Therfore, this is a matter for each of us to decide. |
To many, they DON'T mind being asked--as long as the asking is polite and professional. And that's what it always is at the Tarntawan. As you say, though, it is up to you. I for one would not let their door policy stop me from staying there. Especially considering, when at big hotels like Hyatt or Sheraton, with no specific policy but with plenty of 30-year-old security guys in the lobby with walkie-talkies and blue suits and an earpiece, you always look around to see if anyone's watching you bring in your new friend, and you're hoping nobody asks anything, right?? You could suddenly be stopped in the lobby, since none of them have told you that you CAN bring someone--it's just that nobody said you can't. At the Tarntawan, the policy is explicit--you CAN bring in unregistered guests, as long as they register. So you don't have to wonder at all, can relax, and bring back whoever you want. |
midwestbttmboy32, quite agree with you on the whole, except on the last point: their policy (holding ID’s back, not merely registering) puts me off but I fully understand it does not bother you.
This complements Axiom’s original comment that their policy was “great”. I am as uncomfortable as you are with other hotel’s policy and the “risk” of having a problem. Quite stressing. I feel this problem does not exist at the Sofitel (nor at the Conrad) as long as your gust and yourself behave properly. A few years back, the Banyan Tree had what I would call the best policy, which was indeed great : - ask for guest’s ID when arriving late, but not retain it (good for everyone’s security) - if same guest again and again, then they would take his details on a form and no ask for ID any more (kind of registering him). I do not know what their policy is today, coz I have not been there for quite some time. BTW, does someone know their current policy? The Tarntawan could do something similar : - put a sign “only registered guests passed this point - if a non-registered guest would want to go up stairs, ask for his ID, take note of the details and give the ID back. - But they have decided to do as they do now, which I must really say again fits perfectly the constant flow of prostitutes in this place. |
Registration of your guest/overnight friend
This is done for your protection. Thai and their government have no stigmatism about taking an overnight guest in the hotel but just in case a crime is involved, the police can trace the criminals and it would be much easier for all of us who works in Law Enforcement (previously). That said..Any takers? I got a horny dick as well..LOL :D
Re: Registration of your guest/overnight friend
Their deluxe room was great, by the way. Loved the marble finish. |
The procedrue at Tartawan is not to check the ID, it is to retain it till departure of the visitor, so your experoence does not compare with that at Tarntawan.
It is the only hotel I know doing this and it is a potentiel source of embarassment for non commercial boys, especially if there is some romance in mind and not only sex. |
Sorry, I think it was over 4 years ago and I cannot remember exactly whether the security guard asked me to just show my ID card or he checked and then retained it. If their policy has always been to retain the joiner's ID card, he would probably retain mine. I cannot rememebr. In any case, it didn't and doesn't bother me at all. I seemed to remember that I was very welcomed to go up with my farang companion.
In your case, if your friend thought that he was having a romance with you he shouldn't have cared about this ID thing really. On the contrary, he would have given his ID card to the security guard as quickly as possible so that you both could have gone up to your room and been in each other's arms, kissing. I respect he probably had his own reason - - hope he did not carry too much formage on his shoulders !. :D Anyway, if you bring someone to this hotel to find that he does not have an ID card with him your night and romance may be spoiled, and inevitably frustrating. |
Dear Icon,
I've been holding my tongue for too long, but looks like we're to be troubled with Carnarvon and his problems with security checks again, do you think there's any chance he might go to Jeddah again, I'm only glad he never frequents the Hotels I stay at, where, security checks are a very welcome precaution. |
"Do you think they just missed you...?" Possibly--! The guy from Dreamboys and I used a side entrance which was near the restaurant that is on the first floor. A guy who was standing near the entrace way saw us but did not say anything to him or to me. I had to go to the desk to procure my key; my guy waited for me by the elevator...
W :) |
With due respect, keep holding it and wait until you have something valuable to say. Please share with us your experiences with various hiotels for example... Hugs and kisses, your highness. I hope thou shall follow my advice. |
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