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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Overpricing at Smart Bank

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Old 1st July 2005, 05:02 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 48
Overpricing at Smart Bank

thought I would try out that place on Ratchadapisak, in the Beach Residence.

Got up to the fifth floor, nobody at the front desk, had to wander into the back and find someone.....everybody shouting "farang, farang" and running away.....I spoke Thai to them to let them know no big deal, I can deal in Thai, but they were not listening.

Finally after about 10 minutes this guy comes in and gives me a big photo album with about 30 boys in it. But there were boys in front of me behind the glass, about 5 of them. I asked if all the boys in the album were there, he said no, only the ones in that room. I asked why he gave me the book then, to which he had no answer.

He told me to choose a boy, but I asked how much....he said "oh we have a special promotion, 800 baht". I was a bit incredulous.....800 baht? I asked, and he seemed rather nonplussed about it. I mean, the boys were nothing special, the place was a bit seedy looking......I told him that most places charge between 350-500 for the massage, he replied "I don't know about that" I said well, it's too much, and left.....he got all queeny on me and acted like I was cheating him or something.

So just so you know, I do not reccomend that place at all. Maybe I am a cheapskate, but if they are going to try and cheat me, then I won't use their service. It's not an issue of money for me, it's about running an honest business.

Anybody ever used this place before? Why would they want to charge so high a price?
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Old 1st July 2005, 08:18 PM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Unhappy Name confusing ?

The spa in THE BEACH Residence called " SMART BEACH "
not Smart Bank .

The one Rachada - Tha Pra ( near The Mall Thonburi ) used to call
The Smart Bank .
They changed the name to " Smart Bang " .
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Old 3rd July 2005, 06:55 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 48
Re: Name confusing ?

Originally posted by Ninja
The spa in THE BEACH Residence called " SMART BEACH "
not Smart Bank .

The one Rachada - Tha Pra ( near The Mall Thonburi ) used to call
The Smart Bank .
They changed the name to " Smart Bang " .
Thanks Ninja.....definitely seems like a place set to rip people off....I would avoid it when so many other stratightforward places.....
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Old 3rd July 2005, 07:07 PM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

The one in Ratchada also charges significantly more than other massage places. Doesn't mean it's a "rip-off", necessarily, but it's not the place to go if you're looking for the cheapest place.
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