Old, fat and ugly
Well, almost... I am 60, 200 lbs, but look a bit younger for my age and have all my hair, not quite white yet....
It's very interesting to read all those stories going on in sauna but I really would like to see the writers and what they look like. They often talk about the old fat farang in a disgusting manner. I stop going to saunas because I am very concern about my age and shape. Am I right to be? To be older and a bit out of shape means that we have no chance in the saunas and we would look ridiculous or out of place to say the least. Would like to hear from the regulars. |
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Well we all grow old.....but we are generally the masters of our own destiny as far as our size is concerned....and ones mans trash is another mans treasure.....ugly to some....appealing to others.
I've seen all ages, shapes and sizes at Babylon. Don't be so self conscious! |
I;m 50, 5'11', 195lbs, which makes me 20-25 lbs over ,balding, hairy and I have a great time at the suanas.
Allmost all of it is how you carry yourself. I'm lucky that I carry my extra weight OK and don;t have the big beer belly other get when they are over weight. I'm hairy as well and for alot of a guys a hairy overweight guys appears to be more attractive. I'm going bald as well, so what do I do? Well, what I don;t do is let my hair grow long in the back, or do a comb over, or have a pony tail while sporting chrome dome. SHAVE IT ALL OFF! If you've got a nice skull, the guys will love it! When it grws back to just a little stubble, get your head down in their crotch and they will love rubbing your head while they force their cock in your month. Whatever you do, don't try to be 25 when you're 55. |
I agree 100% with PGSP
Dear Marcan,
PGSP said it all beautifully. I have all my hair but I weighed 210 lbs when I hit 40. And I am only 5'10" tall, so you can imagine how I looked when I saw a photograph of myself from that birthday. I made up my mind that I would neither go to my grave looking like a mee-ku-pong-chooi nor chase after guys while resembling a Chinese festival loaf soaked in water too long (literal meaning of the Hokkien simile). So I started hitting the gym in my spare time...and was lucky and wise enough to realize that it would have to be a lifetime commitment. I started watching what I ate, too, and began weight training with very light weights - just two teeny weenies (I have an old back injury) and slowly worked my way up to heavier stuff. It took three years before I resembled a man more than I did a mee-ku because I have trouble putting on muscle with such slow weight increments but it is worth it because I do not suffer from bad muscle pain and did not lose either interest or commitment to my make-over programme. I still have a tendency to put on fat when I stop watching what I eat or stop going to the gym when I am travelling on writing assignments, but all that hard work has been worth it. If only this many guys had been interested in me when I was their age...*sigh* As for balding men, all I can say is that if ever I found myself losing my hair, I'd do what PGSP did, too. A combover looks terrible...sort of like a dead weasel on your head. If you act as if you believe you're beautiful when bald, everyone will believe it, too. Walking around with a bald head is as much a fashion statement nowadays, anyway...look at some of the American actors who have chosen to sport the look. Nobody would think twice if you were bald, as long as you didn't act like it was a shameful thing...that's what they pick up subconsciously. Same thing about being fat or overweight or larger than average (whatever you choose to call it). I recently adopted a very short short crewcut style and all my friends (both genders and all orientations) say that it makes me look more...*ahem*...macho. I wouldn't know about that but I do know that I liked it when I first saw it and have no regrets about not flaunting flowing, wind-ruffled tresses any more. I also stopped dying my hair. The large amount of silver amidst the black suits my self-image as an older hottie better...heheh...besides, there are two patches of hair at my temples which cannot retain any kind of dye. After a few days, black coloring turns blue, dark brown becomes carroty and chestnut makes me look as if I sat too close to a menstruating camel and got hit with the resulting effluvium. Let me also confess something here...like most Chinese, I am not well-endowed by nature, but I have never allowed that fact to make myself feel ashamed or acted like I had anything to be shy of. I flaunt what I have for what it's worth...probably because what Mother Nature denied me in inches, she made up for with energy and stamina...and I'm approaching 50 with full confidence that I am going to be good enough to pose as a naughty grandaddy poster model when I do hit the big Five-Oh...hawhawhaw!!! Tao |
Having lived in Asia for a LONG time and observed saunas in most Southeast and EAst Asian major cities, I can only say that Ugly, Fat, Old (UFOs) are more than welcome by the locals. It's often believed to be racist stereotyping that Asians prefer old white daddies. But statistically, in my view, it IS true. It's not a coincidence that Asian gay bars where Caucasians gather feature predominently old and horizontally challenged clientele from Euro, US or Aus. I've seen genuinely goregeous Asians with guys who easily could be their fathers and who didn't look like gracefully ageing male movie stars.
So, when in Asia, don't be ashamed to go out to all the places you carefully avoid in your home country. All those physical features that make you self-conscious at home, are seen as advantages in Asia. And don't be concerned about being turned into sugar daddy: in HK, Singapore and Taiwan, gorgeous Asians will just love you for being fat and old, not for having money to burn. |
I didn't know that ! This is so positive message. Are you sure it has nothing to do with wealth ? Emro |
Gweilo i can confirm. I visited sauna in Singapore and was surprised that young slim boys have been hunting for me. I am in the 40ies and not so slim because i always eat to much and dont like sport. In 2 hours i have had sex with about 8 boys--one was sucking me and the rest was feeding me with their sweet cum. Because there was no ending i was leaving.
An Asian's perspective
I think an older man of any color is more often than not percieved in Asia, to be someone you could respect for his greater experience of life and its troubles, a man who subconsciously perhaps, be a father and lover to a younger man. That is why it is probably easier for an older man, not necessarily just a farang, to find younger men who would see him as sexually attractive in spite of age's ravages on his tired old bod.
Tao |
There's no accounting for taste
I've been going to the Babylon over16 years, and never cease to be amazed, at the approaches made to me, I never chase, as I can think of nothing worse, than being chased by an over weight geriactric 76 year old, but I was told by one dear Thai Lad, "Oh Papa I wish you were fatter" and thats why, I'm not the oldest or fattest client there I've said it before, even Quasimodo, could find someone to love him, but I think I'm reaching my sell by date, as it's getting increasingly difficult to walk up and down the stairs, but the love and attention these wonderful Thai men dote on us oldies, will be sorely missed, not the sex, but the affection. I think next week will probably be my last visit, but who knows? Thank you Babylon for the last 17 years of sheer delights, lets hope the Halloween Party goes with a swing, as my finale, the list of names of friends would be too long to attempt, but thanks Khun Tuk, for your wonderful Sauna, and the opportunity to discover the delights of Thailand. |
KFC's post
By anyone who professes to disdain us older men for intruding on the domain of the young, KFC's post will be disdained as well.
As for me, though, I find it gracious and quite touching. |
Never say never
Dear KFC
So long as you can get it up, I'll bet you can get up those stairs one way or another. Have fun. It keeps us young where it matters most. And you can interprete that any way you like! HAWHAWHAW!!! Tao |
my Dear Tao,
I'm afraid that's another problem, I'm being treated for cancer with Female hormones, that have totally stopped any hope of action in that direction, but my Tits are becoming an added attraction, hahahaha, trouble is I don't like them being squeezed, but thankfully, I have Thai friends, that don't just want sex, but are real friends, so while Thai Air continue to look after me with wheelchair assistance, I'll still try to make it next year. |
One good thing about CFS is that generally there is very little snide bitchiness about personal flaws like other boards.Although feel free to be so (but with wit).Enjoyed the above posts.By the way KFC are you the guy who looks a bit like Colonel Sanders and dresses up like him at Babylon parties?
Sorry to hear that
Dear KFC
A positive attitude and lots of fun is one of the best ways of fighting cancer. You have always struck me as having lots of both. I have seen many in my family and those who went on having fun were the ones who beat it. And I hope that as long as you keep coming to Thailand, you'll have fun and stay kicking...among other things...heheh! Dear B-Encounter, I agree with you a hundred percent.That's one of the reasons why this board has survived competition and now hurricanes, too. Tao |
cumeaterberlin - can you tell us which sauna you went to in Singapore? I'd love to know. Thanks
I went to rairua (no more exist) and blue heaven.
Re: Old, fat and ugly
This is my FIRST night reading in the message center although I've been a member for a while (which completely escaped me). And from my reading many of the posts here, I came to the same CONCLUSION as you re: farangs at the saunas and their looks... Thanks for beginning this thread! :) |
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