I also want to know about Budget hotels ( RM50 to RM60 range ) in Bukit Bintan or Imbi area , or anywhere within 10 minutes walk from any KL monorail station .
I will go during Sornkran ( Sorry, still plenty of time ![]()
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to boymasseur.... U might want to try Hotel Grand Central along Jalan Putra ( Off Jalan Raja Laut) near PWTC and The Mall shopping complex. It is a budget hotel. A stone's throw away from the famous Otot Otot gay sauna. However it is NOT located near the popular Bukit Bintang area. PM me if u wanted the hotel's phone no.
to Ninja.... There r tons of budget hotels near Bukit Bintang/ Imbi area. U might want to try Bintang Warisan Hotel or Agora Hotel. The bad news.... The other famous gay sauna is KL other than Otot Otot called is Mirage is CLOSED. Try to went there 2 weekends ago when i was in KL and was told it was closed ( not sure if permanently or not). Due to it's closure, KL no longer have a 24 hours gay sauna. Otot2 is dead by 10.30pm and close by 12am.
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Swiss Gardens (walking distance from Bukit Bintan) was recommended to me byCFS Malaysia board moderator in 2001.You may like to send private message to him.It was at the time a good value hotel easy to sneak somebody past reception.But keep in mind that Malaysia is Muslim/secular with morals police sometimes raiding straight venues.Usually Chinese and westerners aren't targeted but the wind can change (Singapore comes to mind).Gay friendly would only be encountered in a diScreet undergorund way.Otot gym and sauna is very good with all types of Malaysian guys represented-Chinese,Indian and Malay.It is a clean,well designed small sauna with relaxing rooftop area.I give it a very good rating.You can phone before for specific directions.
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Why not try http://www.daythermos.com/home.html ?
And cheap hotel is pondoklodge http://www.pondoklodge.com/
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Ya Ninja...Dreamorph is right about Mirage being closed and heard its permanent. If you should try going there later, you might end up seeing a pet shop at its place!! Ya, the owner decide to open up a pet shop...... perhaps easier to managed!!
Another thing, police raided a few massage places in Cheras, KL and it seem that many of the thai boys working at Arlena were arrested. I don't know what happened to them and it seems that the polce wanted RM1000 for each of the boys arrested. The place I went in PJ was only manned by local boys. The boys from China and Thailand have gone into hiding till things cool down. Guess this could be the work of the local boys reporting to the police.....competition!!
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