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CRUISING for SEX - Rising G star & Falling star of local gay disco

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Ninja 24th November 2005 02:12 AM

Rising G star & Falling star of local gay disco
Recently I visited 2 different LOCAL discos with my new boy friend ( found in LUMPINI :p ) on weekdays .

One of them is G STAR in Rachada Soi 8 .
It was very crowded with young university student type guys
( some dancing actually with their uniform on :eek: )
But the clientele's avarage age so low , between 20yo to 23yo .
I was probably the second oldest customer there for that night .
If I went there alone , I would have really felt isolated ( because I am a few years older than the average age :p )

My BF was really liked the place , but I thought , I should try some where I coukd feel more comfirtable nest time .

So , we went to SAKE .
WHAT HELL HAPPENED to this used to B a very popular CRUISING & HUNTING pub disco ???
There were much smaller crowds than a half year ago .
And the clientele was VERY middle age .
Say , only less than 30% of the customers for that night in their 20's .
If I go there to pick up someone , I wouldn't go there anymore .

Could anyone tell us which LOCAL gay disco is the hottest now ?
( excluding Silom discos I mean )
Ram Saree ? Rachada ? Or O-To-KO area ?

LostNoomThai 24th November 2005 02:23 AM

my dear sis, NINJA

I dont know where those hot young guys hang out, since I prefer to go after men your age( see, I am not that picky:D )

df 24th November 2005 06:05 AM

Bars at Ordorkor
Bars such as Icy and Moog at Ordorkor are better than G-Star. There are about 5 to 6 bars lining next to each other, one could do a bit bar hopping in one night. The guys at these bars are young too but more middle-class looking.

Unlike DJ Station, one would look odd if walking around too much since most of the guys go there by group and they huddle around at their own tables.

rubyhanoi 24th November 2005 06:01 PM

Lately my friend has taken me to G Star and well I don't know.. He and his buddies definitely have a better time at G Star but since I can't/don't dance, I just stand there and sway around and people watch. I have a better time watching in DJ: the young, old, good, bad, ugly ...

Ninja 24th November 2005 10:22 PM

df Quotes ,

Bars such as Icy and Moog at Ordorkor are better than G-Star.

You mean ICY ICY , Mougue , Volcano and others in OH TO KO area ?
I've heard Mougue ( manageg by CHAKRAN sauna ) was better made with a stylish bar , and many young guys .

How about discos around Ram Soi 24 ?

( I am not interested in those FASIHON victim type or money boy type frequent DJ or FREEMAN )

I like sexy and good looking guys next door . ;)

LostNoomThai 24th November 2005 10:35 PM

My dear sis,

What are we gonna do without you?

Pom chob Jae mak mak...

thank you .

LostNoomThai 24th November 2005 10:41 PM

down to earth.

I wear cheap HANES T shirts and dirty levi. good enuff for DJ station?:)

zippo 25th November 2005 01:36 AM

gay discos
I think most of the gay thais prefer to go over to Dance Fever or Hollywood in Ratchada. Just last week I was in BKK and when I met up with my friends, asked them where they want to hang out... answer is always Hollywood. I think its a mixed crowd at the discos and you get to see many katoeys there too.

Ninja 25th November 2005 02:18 AM

JAE ??? Yr BF's name ?
My devil Sis Quotes ,

I wear cheap HANES T shirts and dirty levi. good enuff for DJ station?


If you wear a pair of beach sandals as well , that would be a perfect fashion to to go to SAKE disco . :p

If you want to fit in other Thais ( Aren't U Thai , right ? ) in DJ ,
DON'T forget to set your hair PORCUPINE style and wear a pair of lower waiste line jeans , and make sure to expose upper part of your white underpants . :D

ZIPPO Qoutes ,

most of the gay thais prefer to go over to Dance Fever or Hollywood


I know many go go boys prefer those discos , but I am not sure about REAL and ordinary GAY University students .
They might prefer local GAY discos to mixed RACHADA discos , I guess .

LostNoomThai 25th November 2005 03:39 AM

Soft jazzy music....

Less crowded...

Less Kaotic...

Cha Dum Yen....:)

Thai men that smell like they just got out of the shower......

Not too smokey......

No fish......

.....ANY SUGGESTION? .. ..

df 25th November 2005 05:10 AM

My suggestion
My bed!

LostNoomThai 25th November 2005 11:52 AM

DF's bed?

thank you DF for the offer..

It sounds like a great offer but I am allergic to potatoes(they give me gas):D

But name and location of any gay coffeeshop , where I can flirt with those handsome Thai men ; would be greatly appreciated.

Ninja 25th November 2005 08:39 PM

Lost Noom Thai Quotes ,



Do they exist in BKK ?

You could be flirted by handsome money boys in COFFEE SOCIETY , COFFEE WORLD or even Mcdonald Robinson , Silom , but . . .

df 25th November 2005 10:39 PM

One more
And the Bug and Bee, 2 or 3 buildings from Coffee Society.

To Lost Noom Thai,

Don't worry, no potatoe has ever slept in my bed yet both in BKK and HK. I come from the land where rice is the key stable of our diet.:p

Gweilo 26th November 2005 02:40 AM

Dear DF,

I'm sure that no potato has ever regretted not being a part of your staple diet.

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