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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   No more naked Tuesday@ 39 UNDERGROUND

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Old 25th January 2006, 02:37 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Unhappy No more naked Tuesday@ 39 UNDERGROUND

I am sure those people who visited 39 yesterday were really disappointed to know they didn't have ALL DAY , ALL PLACES naked concept yesterday there , while they still had bills saying they Do have naked day on Tuesdays .
They provided us usual loin cloths ( same as for weekends )

Customers were very honest to react to this .
The number of customers for yesterday was around 1/3 of usual Tuesday . The most regulars didn't turn up .

Is this related to ITV report on TAWAN BAR ?

Any way , I saw many Chinese faces ( probably Singapore , HKG , Taiwan or Chinese tourists ) in 39 .
I am sorry they cannot experience the REAL NAKED SAUNA during Chinese new year .

When my friend who went to SAUNA MANAIA LAST Sunday told me they had SKIN NIGHT ( naked hours )
So , you'd better check before if your favorite naked sauna willl be REALLY nakned for this week .
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Old 1st February 2006, 03:00 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Smile NAKED DAY has come back !

YES ! It was a naked day yesterday !
Many of tourists coming from the countries where now celebrateing lunar NY enjoyed this concept yesterday .
( Many Manyy Chinese faces everywhere )

Many very young guys came in around 6 to 7PM ,
but after that many over weight Asian customers came in .
And again very late ( after 10:30PM ) , many slim twinks came in groups .

I saw around 6 farang customers ( the average age of them is around 60yo )
They usually stayed on the loookout . ( 3 SISTERS didn't come yesterday . Maybe they are celebrating Chinese NY in Blue Mts )
It was too dark to tell the most other people there are also farang cruisers at first . But soon after they realized the SITUATION , some of them left quickly .

I saw the oldest gentleman among yesterday's customers doing
( I was not there to WATCH ) fuck show with a Chinese looking guy on the lookout .
This farang Grand Pa sat down a Chinese guys's sausage BAREBACK .
I was sort of FROZEN , so I couldn't move .

One farang customer NEVER MISSes Tuseday .
He wears glasses ( only one , as far as I know ) and has beer belly .
He is the pain in ass .
He pushes his big bare body and flubby tammy into crowds of young naked guys intentionally .
Really annoying . Why ? He should take a shower more
often .

I overheard conversation of one farang customer with a Thai guy .
This farang kept on saying to this Thai guy " STICKY RICE " .
But Thai guy dosen't understand the meaning of the GAY term
( or just pretended )
He answered " We eat STICKY RICE in Isarn . We call it KAO NIAO "

Please don't misunderstand us . PLEASE !
They are just much older than Thai customers .
If we find a BELAMI porn star like drop dead gorgeous ,
how can we refuse him ?

Maybe we should call young farang gay guys " TOO MUSHED POTATOES " .
They rarely come to local gay saunas .
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Old 1st February 2006, 07:36 PM
Join Date: Oct 2000
Posts: 219

Love your 3 sisters/Blue mountains quip Ninja.Very funny.I wonder if you know there is a Chinatown sauna now in Sydney for Asians and fans.Good reports especially lunch time.Travellers for Mardi-Gras should seek it out.
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Old 1st February 2006, 11:27 PM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

Yes, that place in Sydney is called "King Steam", aka 357 (for 357 King Street), I believe. Very, very worthwhile to check out for rice queens. I was there a few months ago and it was fucking awesome.
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Old 2nd February 2006, 02:31 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Question ???

Dear Icon san ,

Mr. B.E. probably talking about CITY STEAM near Sydney Town Hall ( I have never been there though )
KING'S STEAM was moved to OXFORD street ( next to a KEBAB shop ) more than a decade ago from King's street .
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Old 2nd February 2006, 03:08 AM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 19

the place is call City Sauna... 357 Sussex between Liverpool and Goulburn streets.... in the Chinatown... have fun .. Tjhor
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Old 2nd February 2006, 03:59 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
Posts: 1,935

You all are right, my bad. Whatever it's called, it's definitely in my top ten of best saunas in the world.
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Old 8th February 2006, 07:17 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
More than 10 farang customers last nite ,

but no Belami as usual .

I met one of my close friends there by accident .
He seemed enjoyed MASS SEX much more than I did .
He had 4 some in one of those private cabins which connects to a next room , and divided by a cage door .
He said 2 other guys who having sex in the next room started peeping and wanking . And they show each others'sex acts .
Later those 2 horny guys joined the hot sex orgy .
My friend pointed to one of the guys who he had sex with .
He is a quite young slim twink .

Sorry , I won't be able to report for next Tuesday ,
because it's St Valentine's Day .

Someone report for us , please !
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