I've been trying to get on to Sawatdee Forum Pattaya and Im afraid the Cyber police have closed it down but I understood it to be an american based web page is it not possible to side track the the cyber force and go national looking for out side web pages as I understand the do in China now Google is censored.
As it will only be cencored in Thailand can any one give us here a different rout to see www.sawatdee-gay thailand forum. Thanks guys. Gay Pattaya and beyond, is now being taken over by www.gaythailand.com mssage board see you there.
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Try the US$ 29.95 a year anonymous surfing service from www.anonymizer.comhttp://www.anonymizer.com
It's very easy to install and use and requires no configuration. It can only be used with Internet Explorer though. Better be fast before these rampaging blockers add anonymizer.com to their list. ![]()
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Spike said on sawatdee gay forum which is still alive and active for those outside LOS, he will reopen the old Ezboard.
see the link previous post if someone in LOS would try and access and even send a post, it would confirm if this route will work inside LOS.
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I am having an increasingly hard time connecting to web sites from within Thailand. This includes CFS, and includes non-sex sites, such as those that have anything to do with gambling. I keep getting the "Cyber Inspector" screen.
I use a TOT ADSL line, which seems to have even more restrictions than my friend's True ADSL, though he is complaining more and more too. A warning before you pay to subscribe to any proxy services. The cyber censors are starting to parse the URLs and (possibly?) other header information. I was using a proxy successfully until recently. Now it appears they are filtering the GET variables in the URLS to that proxy. For now, I can still read if inside the proxy's URL request I substitute the IP address for web.cruisingforsex.com with, but I think it is only a matter of time before the cyber censors start adding such IP addresses to their filters. It's a cat and mouse game. If you are totally stuck, and have some kind of remote machine login, like PCAnywhere, maybe you could log in to a machine outside Thailand and tunnel the information back.
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As opposed to many smaller proxy services, anonymizer.com has not been blocked. Perhaps the cyber inquisitors need it for themselves? I'm not sure what would happen if they blocked anonymizer if you have the 29.95 subscription. Although I use it, it is not clear to me how it connects to the anonymizer servers. The more expensive US$ 99 a year service "tunnels" directly to their servers and cannot be blocked. Once you have their service you don't need to worry anymore about anonymizer being blocked in Thailand or not. Since all this cybercleaning makes me sick, I'm in the process of setting up a proxy service on my own server. I'll post the adrress here when it's ready.
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When a Thai Internet Shop won't let me access CFS I find that if I go to an e-mail advising me of a post to a trail that I have contributed to and click on the link then I get access.
The address that I get logs me in as well so you have to get your own. You may need to amend your control panel.
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