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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Smart Bank

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Old 3rd March 2006, 02:36 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239
Smart Bank

I've frequented most of the massage places talked about on this forum but don't remember any recent threads about Smart Bank. I am interested in going there but need to know:

1. Is it just like the other massage places....only more expensive?
2. Is sex expected/anticipated...or is it a happy ending kind of place?
3. Their website recommends making an appointment. Is this necessary?
4. Is my "normal" THB 1,000 tip for "services rendered" enough?
5. Does anyone have a personal recommendation for any of the massage boys?
6. Is it worth the extra money to go here?

Thanks for the advice.
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Old 3rd March 2006, 07:17 AM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 393

I posted something about this place recently...I think. I like it because the boys are my type and diligent and polite and always turn out as good as or better than their site photos. My recent favorite is Lek...but hanker after Kim and Add.
1. This is a bit unique (similar to Shape and Bandung) as it has a sauna also but never seen anyone using it as such. The Bht1,500 deal is expensive but is a great 2 hour work up to sex if you are really into the boy. They do plain massage a bit cheaper but they always try and push you into extras. The 2 hour job is a fine supervised shower and then a scrub with some sand stuff and then another supervised shower and then a massage and then a supervised bath with rose petals But as he is finishing up his massage, he will work on your nether region untill you are bursting and then suddenly stop before you cum and coax you into the bath where upon he will continue with the nether region attach under water...then he dries you off and escorts you back to the bed again while he strips and showers and dims the lights and returns with just a towel at his waist. That's when the real stuff begins and in my experience, the boy will always do whatever it takes to please you...and with devotion and care.
2. It's all about relaxing, pampering, switching off and letting the boy do his stuff. Sex is guaranteed.
3. I have always found someone I really like on the premises, but some of those on the web page are not on site. Use the mobile number on the site to check. Personaly I like the unexpected so don't book...but I would recommend.
4. Am sure Bht1,000 is very welcome for 1hr and even more. I have given more for 2 hours but really liked my guy very much and he liked me...I think.
5. See above...the boys are no worse in the flesh, than their pictures and all have a healthy across-the-river attitude.
6. To me, it is worth the money...because I have never had a bad be honest, I don't realyy give a shit if the price is excessive or the place dirty or a lousy owner, as long as the boy is diligent, cute and horny.
7...7? Who said anything about 7? Well 7 is...when you first show up, you will feel like something the cat brought in and the boys will scuttle into a neutral corner, while the mamasan will produce a book and show you photos of people that no one appears to knows if they are there or even exist. Then you will be given a hard sell on all sorts of treatments that seem to be priced at anything with 000s on the end. Then when you finally pick a boy that exists, you will be asked to pay the cost in advance and then when you walk down the stairs after the treatment, instead of saying anything like "thank you" or "good night", the mamasan will ask the boy if you tipped him or not and how much.
But despair not, on the second and subsequent visits, the attitude was much better and very friendly as my boy had now become my ambassador! I am guessing that they have had some falangs there who have made a big fuss about the charges and paying in advance and not tipping...but once they know you, it's a place I like very much. Also they are open 24 hours for hotel delivery for travellers arriving too late at night for the regular massage places. But be sure and tell them which boy you want sent to your hotel.
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Old 3rd March 2006, 01:34 PM
Join Date: Nov 2002
Posts: 16

Could not find their Web Site.
Do you have an Address??
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Old 4th March 2006, 12:07 AM
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Old 4th March 2006, 04:46 PM
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 48

The one time I was going to go there I got such a huge crappy load of attitude from the mamasan and the boys too that I walked out right away. I wrote about this experience several months ago. I am always a good customer and always probably overtip. Up to them, if they want to give me negative attitude based on their own past experiences, then that means they don't want my business. I would suppose they act this way with most (unknown) farangs - I was not made to feel welcome. There are many places in BKK to go to, pity though, because Smartbank is close to my home and would be convenient.
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Old 5th March 2006, 01:14 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551
Yr post of last July

Shadowseeker's thread of last July

Overpricing at Smart Bank

thought I would try out that place on Ratchadapisak, in the Beach Residence

That is SMART BEACH ( now BEACH MASSAGE ) , NOT Smart Bank (or Smart Bang )

BEACH is a totally different massage place from the place where Yannawa praised .
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Old 5th March 2006, 02:14 AM
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 177
smartbank or beach massage?

And which one would you recommend Ninja san?
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Old 6th March 2006, 02:25 AM
Very Cheeky Guy
Join Date: Jan 2002
Posts: 551

Dear Zippo ,

I really don't know .

I haven't been to any of those places for almost 2 years already .
And I have never visited THE BEACH MASSAGE after they moved from Ramkamhean location ( now GAYSORN SAUNA )
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