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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   hair removal

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Old 18th March 2006, 12:53 AM
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 10
hair removal

one cruiser mentioned buying some cheap liquid hair removal stuff and rubbing on his balls for hair removal. i was quite shocked because i thought it would sting a lot. what brands are good for that? how much are they and where do you buy?

are there any other methods besides laser that can be used to reduce hair growth or regrowth?
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Old 18th March 2006, 03:47 AM
Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 239

What they're talking about is a product called Opilca. It is available virtually everywhere in LOS. You can buy it at every chemists, Boots, Watsons, Big C, Carrefour, Tesco Lotus....everywhere. It comes in a tube that looks like a toothpaste tube which is in a box that looks like a toothpaste box. It costs 155 THB for the box. Use it to your heart's content anywhere you wish. The stuff really works and doesn't sting like western products....such as Nair.

Opilca isn't going to do anything to reduce regrowth, but it takes quite a while for the hair to regrow. I've always found the best method of getting rid of unwanted crotch hair is the good 'ol razor...and a steady hand.

By the way, several of the massage places offer a shaving service, although I think it's quite expensive.

Happy Hair Removal....
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