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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   Robbery - gaydar

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Old 7th April 2006, 10:36 PM
Join Date: Oct 2003
Posts: 23
Exclamation Robbery - gaydar

I received this message on Gaydar. Anybody knows anything about this?

It has been happening for over a year, gay men from Western countries are set up, kidnapped and robbed of hundreds of thousands of Baht. Men from the USA, England, German, Australia and many other countries are contacted by a gang of 3 or more.

The pattern is always the same. Mature men are contacted through several of the on-line websites and a meeting is scheduled in a public place and then you are taken to an apartment that turns out to be a hotel and a second man is there with a gun and knife. You are then held and forced to give up your PIN to access your credit card and ATM accounts.

Every abduction is very similar with the same gone and you are told not to contact the police because the kidnappers have placed illegal drugs in your home or hotel room and they will notify the Thai Police. You are terrified and don't know what to do.

This happened to me a month ago and I am still dealing with the terror that I went through but I'm also working with the US Embassy and the Thai Police. I have decided to fight these men and try to stop them from hurting and robbing others. I have found out that at least 10 other men have gone through this, as late as February and my kidnapping in March. This kidnapper has now contacted a friend of mine, it is a small world, and we have now informed the US Embassy and will contact the Thai Police
regarding this.

The kidnapper is a 26 year old man who is half Thai and Indian, 183cm tall and nice looking. He was arrested last year for the same crime but has been released and is now back at it again. He works with another man who will just show up and act as if he is a good friend. But soon the gun and knife come out and you are stripped naked and handcuffed. Threats are made
and a knife is put to your neck and you give your PIN up very easily. Once they have all the money they can get out of your accounts, you are released and sent on your way with a final warning not to contact police or you will regret it.

For those who have accounts outside of Thailand, you will most likely get your money back. BUT if you have money in any Thai bank, your money is gone. The people at Bangkok Bank told me I shouldn't have given out my PIN. The only way to get my money back is for the Thai Police to get the thieves and have them return my money.

If you know of anyone who has had the same experience, please let me know..I'd like to get his information and pass it on to the US Embassy. Names are not necessary, are just trying to get a list of times and date when these kidnapping are taking place so IF these men are caught, we have more information for the police.
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