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Message Board > Cruising for Sex: Asia > Southeast Asia   The latest GAY messageboard up & Running Now

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Old 3rd April 2006, 07:00 AM
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 40
The latest GAY messageboard up & Running Now

Gay Thailand all new messageborad is now up and running with a all new format, here is a message from the owners who are very interested in your positive comments, they can add to or take away if possible to make it your messageboard that will compliment the posts written here.


message from the owners. of go to message board after you have taken a good look around at all there is to see, many hunky guys your love it.


"We had several issues with our Forum Board last month. We decided to start from scratch and use a new software company. Our programmers have finished integrating this into the site and we hope to launch the board over the weekend or very early next week. We appreciate your patience while the board was down and we apologize for the inconvenience this may have caused you. I have been told that many thought we had given up on a Forum for the site. This is not only not true, but very far from anything we ever considered. We have always believed that an active community needs a place to have open discussions. We still believe this and will always work toward achieving this goal. Please keep an eye out for the new board over the next few days. Test it, play with it and give us as much constructive comments and suggestions as you are comfortable with. Anytime a new component is added to an active site, there will be issues and a learning process that we will need to address. We will work overtime to keep these issues to a minimum and hope that you will assist us.

"We have added several new galleries to the Photo Gallery section of the web site. We took some photos of many bars and clubs in Pattaya so some of you that are coming here for the first time can take a look at what the outside of the building looks like. For those of you that have seen them, you will be able to reminiscence on the good times.

"Again, we thank you for helping us grow and supporting the site. -- The Team"
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