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CRUISING for SEX - Pattaya Update

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sh88881 15th July 2006 12:29 AM

Pattaya Update
Just back from a 3 week trip to pattaya and thought I'd share some updates with you. Probably the worst low season i have ever seen there. The bars are slow with few farang and very few off's. The quality of the boys is way down while the number of boys in the bar seems fair. Had some ownership shifts while I was there with Kaos being bought by the owners of Euroboys and the owner of Kaos taking over the Sundance bar. Both bars retained the old names (The ole Euroboys is still open under the same ownership). Found Euroboys mainly to be ladyboy oriented and also found K-Boys to have a high number of ladyboys. Jim Jimmy James still has a good variety of boys but also found this bar to have few customers and few offs. Club gogo is nicely decorated but only had 5 dancers. Top Man also under new ownership had only 6 dancers the night we stepped in. Ozone is mostly a lady boy bar . Butts bar still the same sleazy smelly place it has always been. It was probably the only bar open during the Budda holiday. Dragon bar fun but has raised the off fee to 300 and also cut the boys salaries. Which made for some unhappy boys. Freelancers are still around but not in the numbers they once were. Police doing late night checks of street boys and those without Id's are picked up and sent to Rayong. Boystown bars seem to be doing better business than Sunee but also noticed the number of farang there was down. A-Bomb had about 30 boys dancing and had a nice mix of guys. Star bOys still open with about 12 boys and half of those ladyboys. Handy good some nights and bad others.. I confess I did not off this trip and stayed mainly with one boys thru this trip (a first for me). There just wasn't anything in the bars that interested me enough to off anyone.

billinbkk 15th July 2006 01:05 AM

I couldn't agree more!!! I went there recently for "a week" and came back to BKK after only two days. I'm sure that things will change, eventually, but the Sunee area really seems like it's seen better days. Places that used to be hopping are now virtually deserted. The beer bars sit empty and the few boys who were working at the bars were not anything I was interested in. Things weren't much better in the massage places.....few boys, poor choices.

bigboy4u 17th July 2006 08:44 AM

Secret agenda.
I think either you must have been on a new planet called Pattaya or you had your eyes closed or your trying to play down the fact that Pattaya in the low season is jumping with handsome guys also coming on every bus.

If you go to Krazy Dragon table top dancing Bar, you can not only see the meat you can feel it, then there is KAOS BAR where they have some of the teen boys with the biggest meat on show also Jimm Jimmys have some nice guys and a few nice ones in EUROBOYS but they only mainly teenboys next door looking boys in Suneeplaza see

Then many of the other bars have plenty on offer in boyztown try Dynamite Bar handsome hunks there to be Had, Boyz Boyz Boyz such a big selection there and Throb/Splash Wild West bar, Funny Boys, Toy Boys, so many nice guys your be spoilt for choice.

If you go late yes many may have been offed, but go before 1pm your be well satisfied ABOMB have many DREAM boys and SAWADEE have a good few with a show at 12 midnight, also gauguya have a good selection, so dont go round with your eyes closed get here early.

if you w nat and after hours drink and a show try JJ Pub starts 1am with good band handsome hunks in the audience you can off and in the show just ask the waiter captain who you want or MAYA Pub you c an off or drink with the waiters also here karaoke and Show starts about 2am, also there is tnt pub round the corner upstair for small pop music disco where local boys go mainly ones who work in the bars, open all night from 12am

Remember als everything is less then half price of Bangkok so your have pleanty left in your pocket to play with.

firecat 18th July 2006 05:44 AM

Just got back from 2 weeks in Pattaya.

Many days we just went to beach and no need to go to Bars. There were cuties at the beach everyday who were available for anything wanted in afternoon or evening. Yes it is important to ID because there are many underage , but no different then bars at night.

Sunee Plaza GoGo bars were dead except for Krazy Dragon . I find the boys a little rough looking there(too many tattoos and scruffy looking). The rest of the Go Go Bars have way too many underage for my liking and spent little time there. Many of the beer bars were doing good business and there were at least a few cute boys available. Memories is a favorite where Jack,Ralph and Oud always are there with many friends and excellent food and drinks.

Boystown had some better looking boys and more customers in the GoGo Bars. Wild West Boys was always crowded and had many cute boys although onthe smaller side and is very well run with the boys actually looking like they enjoy themselves.

Dynamite Bar has some nice ones as does Dream Boys.Gentlemans Club is always fun to visit if you like the small boy look who like to fool around in Bar. Although they look young, I have always found the ones I choose to have appropriate Id.s

Yes it is slow season and not as many stunners , but still many willing and cute boys and the prices compared to Bangkok are a bargain.

buzzard 1st August 2006 09:55 AM

Thanks for the good, detailed report. I used to go to Pattaya couple of times a year but haven't been now in over a year. I just don't see as much quality - or what I like - there compared to the way it used to be. I used to always find hot guys in Pattaya, but like in Bangkok these days, there seems to be slim pickings in the bars. Either they are too young in Sunee or too old in Boyztown. But out on the streets; oh my. Tasty stuff everywhere! Just not in the bars. Whatever the case, I think I'll save my money and find something on the bus, or in a mall, in Bangkok!

bigboy4u 1st August 2006 10:56 AM

Slim Pickings
.You are so right buzzard there is just a few good looking guys in Pattaya Bars and many stunners who would go with guys but not seen dead in a gay area.

I was in XZYTE Disco tonight and there was a guy there looking the double of the Pop duo I met once called MIKE & GOLF who are good fun well one of them is.

He said where do i go for meeting guys i said all over I said JJ PUB who are having there big Anniversary Party from 10pm of the 4th August and it will be heaving with hot guys I go the pharos Karaoke in Soi Chiapoone next to Seaside 2 English style cafe roasts Shepard's pis liver and bacon Apple pie or Banana and yummy thick custard all for 135 baht including a tea.

They are all over in Hollywood and on Baht Busses and every where, if they look at you and smile there yours.

Do not give up on Pattaya it has everything, fun sea beaches, now a Babylon style Sauna opening in October and all the best food venues at the right price you could want. plus many stunning guys if you know where to look.

We are like they now do at the zoo, make the animals look for the Prey not make it so easy, you get lazy and do not appreciate your food.

Happy hunting.

Up2U 2nd August 2006 09:40 PM

Well my summer holdiday in LOS is over and I can both agree and disagree with what's been posted so far. After spending 4 days in Bangkok (weekend too) and the balance in Pattaya I can say the Bangkok bars were as dead as those in Pattaya. I went to the Soi Twilight bars on Friday and Saturday nite and can say the bars there were dead also. I admit I'm no longer interested in the sex shows or I like sitting with a lot women so I didn't go to Jupiter, Dream or Future Boys. I went to every other bar though and often there were just a few customers and at times I was the only customer. Exception was Classic Boys which was full and I can see why as they had some real stunners (with a short long-haired youth with a big package). Later went to Nature, Solid, D-2?, Alex and Super A. Only Solid Boys had a few customers and the rest were empty. The boys were sleeping on the couches (this is a Saturday nite!) and the Mamasan had to wake them up. Also, my feeling was the boys in general were not up to the usual standard; not lacking in numbers they seemed a little heavier with higher-mileage.

My observation about Pattaya is a little different than other posters. I found the Sunee drinking bars (and even the Jom Tien bars) had more customers than their BT counterparts. That's to be expected of course because there's 3 times as many. A 10:00 pm BT walk-through showed no customers at the Serene, Happiness, Le Cafe Royal terrace or BBB/Ambiance terrace. Panorama had a few but closed later in my trip for renovations. People tiring of BT prices? Seems like A-Bomb, Sawatdee, Gacuya and GMC was where the action was. Sawatdee and Gacuya have many handsome boys. I was the only customer in Throb and left 20 minutes before the show started. Same story at BBB where the dancers/waiters/staff out-numbered the customers 15 to 1. Left well before the show started as women began arriving and that was getting the dancers's attention. A-Bomb was packed. Lots of older and bigger guys.

Krazy Dragon, K-Boys and Kaos in the Sunee were always busy (but not like high-season) when I was there. Everyone everywhere was saying how slow it was and tried to explain why? Europeans staying home for the World Cup; the weather (the coolest, cloudiest, rainiest July I can remember); who knows. Really makes no difference to me as I always have a good time and am looking forward December.

bkkguy 2nd August 2006 11:08 PM


Originally posted by Up2U
I didn't go to Jupiter, Dream or Future Boys.
you rule out 3 of the busiest bars in town that are still usually packed Fri/Sat and then complain the bars aren't busy :-(

it is like saying you went to Thailand but don't like tourist traps so didn't go to Bangkok, Pattaya, Phuket or Chiang Mai and don't know why people say it is a gay paradise because there was no gay scene anywhere!


billinbkk 3rd August 2006 05:14 PM

Most Thais are still blaming the tsunami on the lack of tourists....believe it or not. They fail to see how raising prices so now a glass of water costs nearly $7 affects how tourists choose to spend their money. They fail to understand that "regular" tourists are tired of the same-same all the time. They don't realize that being accosted by 25 touts on the street trying to drag you into their establishments turns lots of people off. They don't see the the uncertainty of what's going to be allowed to happen in the bars dependent on what the police are up to makes some people a bit skiddish about traveling to Thailand. It's a mixed bag, really. Those of us who live here have found lots of other outlets for young hook-ups and don't depend on the bars for much of anything.

countcharles 3rd August 2006 08:36 PM

$7 for a glass of water? Where is that?

billinbkk 4th August 2006 03:46 AM

Anyplace that charges 270 THB at the door for your first drink. I don't drink alcohol, so a glass of water costs 270 THB. For "special" occasions, there are places that make you buy TWO drink coupons at the door.

icon513 4th August 2006 04:08 AM

It's not the water you're being charged for, it's the opportunity to ogle miles and miles of naked flesh. You can't even get into a second-run movie at home for that.

bigboy4u 11th September 2006 07:24 AM

Its getting Naked in Pattaya
It seems to be getting far worse or better in Pattaya there is so much naked sex you better get there quick before its stopped Pattaya is now the number one gay sleezy fun in Thailand and at a 1/3 of the price of bangkok.

See here for all you need to know:-

easy32 12th September 2006 06:19 AM

im off on the 17 of next month and cant wait for some thai cock

sloot 12th September 2006 09:19 AM

Was in Pattaya last week
First of 2 nights was spent in Sunee area, but didn't spend long there. Kaos quite definitely had underaged kids. I'd say about 2 in 3 of those present were underaged. Besides the risk, it was a bore.

Popped into another bar - I think it was Euroboys. Also small boys that didn't interest me.

Then went to Crazy Bar. The table-tops were a disappointment. After wear and tear, they're no longer reflective, but for a small tip, the boys would gladly show you their jewels.Was fun for a while but when I ran out of small change, it was time to go.

Customers were few but I don't know what the "normal" traffic is like, so I can't really judge.

The second night, went to a number of bars in Boystown. A-bomb was superb. Big crowd and plenty of boys to choose from, considerable variety, tending to the bigger type. Boys Boys Boys also had a good crowd and lots of boys on stage, but there were too many women on the benches, so I wasn't comfortable and left.

Throb and Splash likewise too many females, and the show seems to have deteriorated. There were at least 3 acts that involved the same formula of pulling off the velcro pants.

Sawatdee had nice-looking boys, but a thin crowd. It deserved better. Funny Boys was empty. Looking at the boys, one knows why.

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