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Old 14th March 2009, 12:50 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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I wasn't necessarily thinking of any risk in the park itself. I was thinking of risk at whatever place the boy might take you to...
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Old 14th March 2009, 01:03 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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-- Y'day., (13th.), evening I went to LUMPHINI PARK: -
- loc'n.: i'sect. Rama IV. rd.:R'damri. rd.;
- co-ords.: roughly 100-32-27.E.x13-43-51.N.;
for an evening's cruising.
- I was joined by masseur TM who gave me a brief & Thai-boi massage and invited me to return to his accn. on sunday for a better massage and ... !
- Walking-around I noticed quite a few other Th.-boyz walking & looking.
- At one point I was approached by quite a pleasant looking YM. who offered me a piece of wrapped chocolate: 'Any girl who believes that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach is setting her sights too high!' - Playboy mag.. An unusual character who shewed me a booklet issued by the Scripture Union, wch. we discussed. To cut-short a longer story he wanted to give me a massage in return for just 300.Bh. to pay his rent; alas and alack all I had on me was just 40.Bh., even that small sum was accepted gratefully - 'Times is hard.'.
-- After the pk. had CLOSED at 21.hrs. I sat-down by the King's Statue and again noted the number of younger men walking and looking.

-- I looked-in at TOPS hawng nahm: five others there: a couple of younger men and the rest middle-agers, one of whom was exhibiting an uncut & impressive membrum virile - not so much long as of good girth: "Eminently smokeable.", I thought.
-- Bibi.. --
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Old 14th March 2009, 01:07 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
I wasn't necessarily thinking of any risk in the park itself. I was thinking of risk at whatever place the boy might take you to...

-- Agreed 100%., that's for sure; 'Caveat emptor.' as as been said from Clasical Times even until today.
- In these threads there have been several 'CAUTIONS.' posted to alert readers to such possible dangers.
- Best to carry no valuables and just enough money as one's prepared to lose.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 16th March 2009, 01:06 AM
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Originally Posted by sextile View Post
-- Y'day., (13th.), evening I went to LUMPINI PARK.
- I was joined by Khun Tum who gave me a brief & Thai-boi massage and invited me to return to his accn. on sunday for a better massage and ... !
... .

-- I must allow that it was with some misgivings that I accepted the a/m. invitation; so I arr'd. at the appointed place at the right time with what I considered would be sufficient money but no more, and certainly no other valuables.
- There were Tum and a friend awaiting me; intros. were made: Khun Gai, 25YO., from I-San, of avg. build and pleasant-looking but no special appeal, presently at WAT PO learning the finer points of Thai massage.
-- We walked to their shared accn. in BON KAI - about 15 mins'. walk along Tnn. Rama IV.. Seeing several blocks of newish-looking flats I was reassured as to our destination; but no - instead we entered a rabbits' warren of wooden shanties, planks over what could be running streams in the Rainy Season, up a couple of flights of rickety & wooden stairs to their room: a single & wooden space approx. 10.ft. sq. right under the roof; a couple of fans, a TV. and precious little else. The rent is 1,500.Bh. per mensem, electricity is 5.Bh./unit and water is a flat rate of 100.Bh. monthly. Also they have a tom cat named 'Tiger.'.
-- Some bedding was spread-out on the floor and the massage started: 4 hands. Khun Gai's massage was more like accupressure than a massage: certainly a pr. of strong thumbs - ouch!
- The massage lasted approx. 90 mins.; a certain amt. of conversation during wch. I learnt that Khun Gai had been an a go-go boi dancer in Soi Twilight working at X-TREME BAR with Khun Philip, then to CLASSIC BAR and finally at BOYS BKK.. There was no hanky-panky; but instead an invitation to return next sunday. I gave Khun Tum all the money that I'd brought with me, with wch. he seemed satisfied.
-- Afterwards both walked me back to Tnn. Rama IV., despite my protests that I could find my own way, wch. was kind of them.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 16th March 2009, 06:41 AM
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-- After the a/m. massage I walked through LUMPINI PK. - NTR..

-- At CLOSING TIME, (21.hrs.), I sat-down by the King's Statue and was joined soon enough: Khun Thon, (one of the boyz who hangs-around in that area), 25YO. from Surin, not too appealing; he lost little time in telling me that all boyz from that province are well-endowed; stg. wch. I've heard others allege.
- He started by massaging my legs, but as soon as his hands reached my thighs then fingers started wandering. Well - two can play at that game and would enable me to establish his claim about boyz from Surin. Let's say that there are exceptions to every rule, shall we?
- After about 20mins. of conversation and typical Th.-boi massage I decided that enough was enough, made my excuses and went-on my way.

--I looked-in at TOPS' hawng nahm - again NTR..
-- Bibi. --
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Old 18th March 2009, 12:18 AM
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-- Y'day., (St. Patrick's Day.), evening, after chatting with friends in SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA and seeing no-one of any interest therein, I walked to LUMPINI PK., thinking that I might meet Khum Tum again. However, if he were out jogging I didn't see him.
- I was joined by some middle-aged man who, after some desultory conversation, left.
- Just before I was going to get-up and to walk-about I was joined by a younger man: a chocolate boi, (just what I like - ha!), with a small and neat body and certainly no prize winner in the Eye-candy Stakes! Khun Thon, 27YO. , from Nong Khai. He mentioned that he's a T*p, and previously had a friend for 9 yrs. who drank himself to death - an addiction to Thai whisky!
- We went to one of the S'WNGSE. HTL's. short time rooms - now 350.Bh. for 3 hrs..
- We showered together, after wch. he gave me quite a fair Thai-boi massage wch. merged seamlessly into some apres massage pleasures. He's uncut and has the std. Thai-boi issue. I'd guestimate that he might be prepared to offer the Final Favor at some future date. After some further post delectationem rest another shared shower.
- Before departing he gave me his cell-'phone. number and a request to call him next week.
-- Seems that there are still opportunities for cruisers.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 18th March 2009, 08:26 AM
Join Date: Jul 1999
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Was this an encounter of the commercial variety?
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Old 18th March 2009, 08:06 PM
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Originally Posted by icon513 View Post
Was this an encounter of the commercial variety?

-- While there was some of 'Love's Labours Lost.', I ha' mi doots if it were 'All for Love.' - MORE like 'The Way of the World.'.
-- But 'All's well that ends well.' - as the Immoral Bard allegedly wrote.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 20th March 2009, 12:37 AM
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-- In these straited times - financially writing - SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA.* is cuming-back onto my RADAR.'s screen: this last week nearly every time that I've visited, either to answer a Call of Nature or else to go Walking & Looking, I've been aproached by Thai-boyz offering their 'Massage.' & other svces..
- Should one be approached in an hawng nahm and one wishes futher conversation then continue outside, as the Sec. Gds. are softly shod and keep their eyes OPEN for any cruisers that are too obvious; PLUS the janitresses are busy, too.
- * addr.: Tnn. Si Lom;
- BTS./MRT.: Sala Daeng, (S2.)/Silom.
-- ayor.. -- Bibi. --
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Old 20th March 2009, 01:18 AM
Join Date: Aug 2006
Posts: 170

Sitting at Chester's Grill having a coffee is a great form of entertainment.
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Old 24th March 2009, 07:12 AM
Join Date: Nov 2006
Posts: 459

Question for se-tile here-for my possible use much later on, as I left BKk and wont return to it till oct/nov, after the rains have finished and the cold here returns:
at around what tiem do you go-wehn you go-to the Saranrom pleasures? I read you also went in the park (with the training machines?) that closes at 21.00-and I have ben greeted there may times at all times of day-but never really by big nrs.
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Old 24th March 2009, 08:29 AM
Join Date: Mar 2007
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Originally Posted by silomGWM View Post
Sitting at Chester's Grill having a coffee is a great form of entertainment.

-- Agreed 100%., that's for sure.
- Thank heavens that SILOM COMPLEX SHOPPING PLAZA, - by BTS.Sala Daeng, (S2.) - has re-opened after its three days' closure over the week-end.
- Although on sun., (22nd.), a'noon. I went to AU BON PAIN, (Si Lom rd. nr. to DUSIT THANI HTL.), and saw several pieces of eye-candy there.
- In SCSP. CAFE DE ORO - at opposite end of 2fl. to CG. - does have its moments, too; especially as one may look-down onto the various bargain/sales' stalls that are set-up from time-to-time on the GF. below.
-- Bibi. --
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Old 24th March 2009, 08:43 AM
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Originally Posted by pong View Post
... .
1.- ... .at around what time do you go-when you go-to the Saranrom pleasures?
2.- I read you also went in the park, (with the training machines?), that closes at 21.00 - and I have been greeted there may times at all times of day-but never really by big nrs.

1.- I've followed Khun Yannawa's advice and timed my arrival at SARANROM PK. for round and about sun-set.
- CLOSING TIME is 21.oo.hrs..
- I u'stand. that many of the boyz are students seeking to boost their incomes; the gen'l. chg. seems to be 500.Bh.; they know to wch. hotels you should go for short time. However, previous correspondence - notably from Khun Icon - would suggest a certain amt. of prudence before trusting oneself entirely into their hands.

2.- That would be LUMPINI PK. wch. OPENS at 05.hrs. and CLOSES at 21.oo.hrs. - the Sec. Gds. blow their whistles approx. 15mins. beforehand.
- I'm told that early morning - when most of ChinaTown seems to emerge and to exercise therein with Tai Chi, Fan dancing, exercises with swords and so on and so forth - can be good for cruising; after sunset is my prefered time.
- I doubt if there's anywhere safe to go in the PK. because of patroling Sec. Gds.; thus it'll be either to BBB. INN on Rama IV. rd. or to the SURIWONGSE HTL. on S'wong. rd. for a short time encounter. The latter chgs. 350.Bh. for 3hrs. in their older rooms, wch. are 'Fit for purpose.'. Condoms - if one's forgotten - are available from the man who shews you to the room; but the wise Boy Scout would have brought his own, wouldn't he?

-- I'm sure that all of us look-fwd. to welcuming you back and to reading yr. further rpts.!
-- Sanookie dee! -- Bibi. --
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Old 26th March 2009, 04:59 PM
Join Date: Jul 2001
Posts: 139

I met a guy in Lumphini park last year, about 24yo, dressed in office attire; I was jogging and sweaty but apparently irresistable!
Since he and I locked eyes and my hotel wasn't nearby (and, more truthfully, I still wanted to finish jogging in case he was nervous and tentative in bed, as he seemed at the park..... he suggested a Hawng Nam, the one at the Suan Lum (north?) end, in the middle. We both entered, and since of course it was empty, we went together to the last stall and went in.... I figured the security couldn't get there immediately if we were caught, and the Janitrice/cashier at the entrance (I must say, my new friend paid my entrance too, since I hadn't brought any money--does that make ME the money boy?? )
I sucked him for a while, thinking that was what he wanted.... then he unbuttoned his shirt to reveal a toned chest and abs..... and then he ripped off my clothes, took his wedding ring off (!), and fucked me so passionately and hard till he cummm in a condom--yes he was prepared!... Wow!
Obviously, the Toilets are always AYOR, but this felt OK since the park was quite empty and the Janitrice seemed quite sleepy.
In good shape, tight hole, love to deep throat and get fucked by one or more. Come and get it, studs!
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Old 27th March 2009, 01:58 AM
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-- Y'day., (26th.), evening I passed-by the MoD. bldg. some time after 19.hrs. and wended my leisurely way to SARANROM PK., passing no-one of any interest en route.
- The PK. was oh-so-quiet; only one YM. cruised me: tall & slim, pale complexion, roundish faced and MORE Ch. looking than Th., I thought - but he wasn't interested. I saw him approach a couple of stoutish looking joggers, but they weren't interested in him, either.
- It nearing time to meet my Tee rak I left the PK. and just outside saw a YM. dressed in white top over camo. shorts enter a no-doored 'phone.-booth, so I waited at the nrby. 'bus.-stop to observe him covertly. He entere the PK. and so I followed him at a discreet distance to see whither he'd go; but he wandered-around indecisively so I sat-down on a nrby. bench and as he passed-by softly called-out: "Sawatdee krup.", wch. elicited the usual smile that money-boyz give to prospective clients. We sat together and chatted: Khun Ae., 20YO. from I-San; prominent teeth & gums, but a pleasant smile for all that; a quean, money-boi and self-admittedly not too well-endowed - to wch. I replied that as a smoker I prefered those who weren't too long.
- Anyway, after agreeing to meet next thu., we parted and went-on our ways.
-- Bibi. --
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